November 10th Brides

Anyone else out there getting married on November 10th? It's crunch time, ladies!


  • I'm not the 10th, but I am in November (the 21st). I peaked at your profile, and I have the EXACT same story as you - right down to the weights. Started dating at around 140, and topped the charts at almost 170... and enough was enough.

    I'm hoping to be at 150 (or less) by the 21st. I'm at 157 right now, so it's totally do-able. But with the colder weather coming, days getting shorter etc I'm having a hell of a time dragging my *kitten* out of bed in the morning to exercise before work.

    You're right, It is crunch time - now if I could only convince myself that tomorrow at 6am.

    Best of luck on the 10th!
  • I'm teetering around 155 right now, and I'd love to be below 150 for my big day (mostly for the mental boost). With the cold weather coming and the days getting shorter, it's certainly harder for me to stay motivated and resist temptation in the form of pumpkin everything (bread, donuts, beer, pasta)!
  • OH MY... pumpkin... YES! I made the mistake of making pumpkin pie from scratch for my fiancee. (well I ended up making 4 with the amount of pumpkin i had, gave one pie to my parents, one away to a buddy and still have one in my freezer) BAD Idea. Now I have extra pumpkin puree sitting in my freezer screaming at me!

    So, if you're looking to be below 150... you have a bit of a head start on me... but care for a friendly challenge? Lets see who gets there first? (sorry, I'm a bit competitive, and could use someone else's success to keep me on track! HAHA)
  • Bring it on!

    As for other things, how's your planning going? Can you believe that we STILL haven't gotten all of our responses in? We've sent out 2 reminders and people are still slacking- GAH!
    We only got engaged at the end of February, so we're doing everything on the fly. I go for my first dress fitting on Tuesday, I had her remove the train, and I'm hoping that my beautiful dress isn't hacked to bits!
  • I kind of cheated with this wedding. We're going to Punta Cana and doing a beach wedding. So all I really did was e-mail the resort, they sent out a checklist I had to fill out (what food packages etc), sent it back in and that's that. We're technically getting married in town here by the justice of the peace before we go, Otherwise we have to get all documents translated, sent to the Dominican, reviewed back to me, retranslated and back to them. UGH! Plus, it was an extra 500.00 if you wanted a judge or priest down there.

    So ya, I cheated, the resort is planning most - and any guests that wanted to come had to book by the end of the Summer - so our list is complete. We've only got 22 people coming with us, so it's fairly easy. I didn't want to pressure anyone into spending the money to join us, so we're not having a wedding party. Just me and my fiancee standing up on the beach, 20 minute quick ceremony, then we EAT! haha.

    I ordered a dress in, and the shop called a month later to tell me it was discontinued so I had to find another one. I did, but because they waited so long to tell me now it's rushed... so it's not in yet. They told me mid October, so it should be any day now! I'm freaking out about it a bit - but it's a super simple dress, with a corset back, so I shouldn't have too many alterations to do, if any.

    February! Ya, that's quick. We got engaged last November - so we've had a full year to figure it out.

    Are you having a big wedding? Full party reception etc?
  • 22 people sounds like an absolute dream! Unfortunately, my wedding has ballooned up to about 160 people- my fiance has a huge family and heaven forbid we pass on any second cousins!
    We're doing an evening ceremony and dessert extravaganza- my fiance is a really picky eater, and dessert only was seriously half the price of a cocktail reception, so that's what we decided on. I know it's controversial in the wedding world (his family was very upset about it), but in the end, it's our day and we're paying for it. If people don't like our food, they can leave!
    I just went for my last dress fitting yesterday, and it's looking amazing. I had the train removed, which was a bit nerve-wracking since my dress has a bottom tulle layer and lots of lace that all had to be moved, but my seamstress is amazing!
    I can't believe that in 3 weeks, it will all be over! In some respects, it feels like I've been planning this wedding forever, and then sometimes it feels like we just got engaged.

    How's the weight loss going? I've hit a plateau, bouncing between 155 and 154 on the scale despite eating super well and exercising daily :(
  • Dessert Extravaganza???!!! THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL! Great idea!

    I'm glad to hear your dress is everything you wanted! I would have been worried too about removing a full train. I just got the call yesterday that my dress is in Finally! I go on Tuesday to try it on and bring it home. Fingers crossed.

    As for weight loss... courtesy of the 2 weeks I stopped paying attention I gained back 2 lbs (which put me back up at 159...frick!) So I got on the scale yesterday and saw 158 and was ok with it. I got back on this morning (I know not to get on daily....why I did, I don't know) I saw 156.5! So I'll go with that one instead! HAHA. likely all water flux...but it looks better then 158, so I'll just pretend for now :)

    I've been pretty good this week, exercised daily - and hope to keep it up, so we'll see next week. I'd like to get as low as possible before the wedding, a) to look as good as possible, b) to feel as good as possible. and c) because I'm going to an all inclusive resort for a week, and getting married 1/2 way through, I hope to lose as much as possible, so when I come back, as much as I'll have likely gained 5 lbs or more I'll still be under 160! HAHAHAHA.

    I can't believe how fast time has gone. The last year has flown by! (I am like you though, that it seems long at times) I've actually noticed the older I get the faster time seems to fly by! Remember back to when you were a young kid, and you knew you were doing something fun on the coming weekend - the week seemed to take FOREVER! When someone told you you had to wait a few hours it seemed long. What happened to time passing like that?!