Why did you want to become a Dietician?

hbarker216 Posts: 24 Member
I just recently decided that I want to go into Dietetics! The reason i want to is because I have a hard time of eating balanced healthy meals. I want to overcome this hurdle, and as I am learning and making changes to my diet I want to help others. My end goal is that once I am successful at being licensed as a Dietician to educate people who may be in the position I am in today. To inspire people to take control of their eating habits.

When did you decide to become a Dietician? And Why?


  • lilibetnix
    lilibetnix Posts: 7 Member
    I decided to go into dietetics because after high school, I put on some weight. I was always skinny. My whole family was, so I freaked out and couldn't figure out why I would be gaining weight. Well, to my surprise (not really), I figured out it was how I ate and my lack of exercise. I also have PCOS, which made me more likely to gain weight. I did a massive overhaul on my diet/exercise regime, and I lost a lot of the weight that I had gained. I am now a Junior in the dietetics program, and the more I learn about it, the more I love the idea of doing weight loss intervention and diabetes education.
  • sunnyinaz78
    Just recently I've gone back to school for Dental Hygiene, but in my journey to be more healthy and personally losing 30 lb. so far in a year! YaY! I seriously am considering changing my career major as a dietitian, and am doing lots of research and reading. I feel very passionate about this subject and hope to continue on my journey in education, health and happiness. I am excited to be apart of this group, hopefully I'll learn so much more!
  • hbarker216
    hbarker216 Posts: 24 Member
    Same HERE! I have PCOS, and I fear the worst...diabetes in the future, not being able to have children. I have came to realize my weight and health in general is very important because of my condition.
  • wng8247
    wng8247 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been a registered dietitian for 3 years and absolutely love it! Everyday I am thankful for my degree and ability to help others with health goals. I specialize in gerontology, but have recently taken a personal interest in sports nutrition. I love the group support MFP offers and look forward to meeting more individuals who share the same passions and goals. I would also love to answer any questions for those of you looking into a nutrition degree. Good luck and thanks for creating the group.
  • erggre
    erggre Posts: 4
    Hi! I just joined the site today. I can't believe it - I typed in 'Future Dietitians' on a whim into the groups search and bam! Here you guys are!

    I've had an interest in food the past few years, after I realized what a major role food plays in well-being, particularly mental well-being. Also of interest to me is the culture surrounding food. For instance, why eating well is so much more expensive than eating poorly; why whole foods from the earth are harder to come by and more expensive than man-made ****e. I think most people are completely unaware of the power and possibility of food - real food. And what exciting possibilities!

    My dream is to open a 'Community Center' one day that focuses on nutrition within the goal of overall well-being. I have a special interest in the nutrition of teens and young adults.

    So, hi again everyone!
  • DanaVP
    DanaVP Posts: 15
    The original post is a few months old, but here goes... I am currently taking prerequisite courses and will be applying to grad school at the end of the year. My goal is to earn a Master's Degree in Science and become a Registered Dietitian. My interest is in overall health. I believe what you put into your body has the greatest influence on your overall health, so nutrition was a natural subject to study. I'd like to connect with other students or dietitians.
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    I became a Dietitian 11 years ago. I am a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Dietitian in the State of PA. I earned my B.S. in Nutrition Management from R.I.T. (Rochester Institute of Technology) and completed my Dietetic internship at the SUNY, University at Buffalo, there I also completed 12 Graduate Credits in Advanced Nutrition. If any one has any questions about Dietetics as a career or needs advice please feel free to contact me.
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    I decided to become a Dietitian primarily because I wanted to helps others improve their health and lose weight. I was overweight as a 17-18 year old and lost a total of 38 lb. in all. I was thin to average until my Junior year of high school. I overateto fill a void in my life. Then after 6 months of feeling sorry for myself and hating the way I looked, I was determined at the age of 17 to lose the weight! I came across the book Thin Within, which really helped me practice mindful eating based on a hunger scale. I then added Joyce Vedral's Strength Training Workouts 4x per week along with some cardio. After losing the first 15 lb, I made a promise to God that I would help others who needed to lose weight and improve their health. So, I switched from an Accounting Major to Nutrition in my Sophomore year of college. It was the best and most challenging decision I ever made!

    Previously I worked for almost 10 years with one of the largest Food Service Contract Management Companies in the World, which taught me alot. And here I am today, fulfilling my dreams, working as a self-employed dietitian in Geriatrics and Private Nutrition Counseling. I am an innovative thinker with an entrepreneurial spirit!
  • lahkeishamarrie
    I want to become an RD because I have seen first hand what the average American diet can do to your body and your health. I believe that we can reverse, or even better, PREVENT many degenerative diseases simply by eating nutritious, clean foods. I am saddened by the fact that most people think you have to follow the latest diet trend, or take some pill, or even go under the knife, in order to achieve a healthy fit body! I'm even more saddened by the number of people who have abused their bodies by their eating habits for so long that they are now suffering as a result (as I am), but without the knowledge that they can repair and sometimes reverse the damage by improving eating and fitness habits. I want to learn all that I can about using food and herbs to heal the body, and share that knowledge with EVERYONE!! :-) I want my life and my weight loss journey to serve as an example! And yes, I'm a bit of an idealist, I know. Sue me! But if I can help improve the life of even one person, it will all be worth it!