I am a newly-diagnosed celiac. I've been GF since September 29, when I had my biopsy.

I was hoping that once my gut started healing, that weight would start coming off since my body doesn't think its starving anymore by not absorbing any nutrients.

It hasn't. I've gained weight, like I'm not big enough the way it is...

So I'm wondering what your weight did once you went GF? Did you gain? Lose? What's your story?


  • pickledginger
    I lost the bloat -- and about 8 inches at the waist! -- in the first couple of weeks, along with maybe 5 pounds.

    Since then, though, the weight.has jept climbing no matter what. They are checking my thyroid now.

    Have you been evaluated for nutritional deficiencies? Those are really common with celiac, from what I have read. Thyroid problems and glucose problems, too. :-( It is all connected.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I gained. Too much experimenting with gluten free baking! My dad put on about 30 lb in a month, but he was skeletal before going gf and needed it.
  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93
    I have lost some weight but not as much as I figured I would. We have been diagonosed almost the same amount of time. Although my clothes are big not due to some bloating going down. I agree with Pickledginger, you should see about nutritional deficiencies, I was checked last week. I was anemic and low vitamin D. (I would strongly suggest looking in to it if you have been feeling depressed or felt like you have had anxiety.)
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I gained. Too much experimenting with gluten free baking! My dad put on about 30 lb in a month, but he was skeletal before going gf and needed it.

    yes gluten free baking can seriously damage the waist line. I've just found a brilliant cookbook and in the last week made both banana bread and carrot cake. Luckily I've calculated the calories on here and being very careful not to each too much.
  • dovek11
    dovek11 Posts: 94 Member
    In my case, I did not gain, but was already big enough. I used MFP to realize I was not eating 1200 cal. More like 800 on average. I was starving by not eating enough on top of starving by not absorbing what I ate.
    Note: I did NOT move on to any gluten free substitutes, but instead I cut all grains out of my diet.
    I carefully monitored my calories to force myself to get 1200 to 1500, and was just patient. I lost most of the belly bloat in the first month. At 3 months I lost a few pounds. But by month six, they really started coming off. (at another Celiac forum 6 months seems to be the key time for loss to kick in)

    Make sure you get healthy fats too. Coconut oil and avocados !!!!! Don't be afraid of healthy fats.

    Be patient with your body. Its sick. You likely have gut inflammation and malnutrition. Focus on eating as healthy as you can, to get the nutrients you need. When your body begins to heal, you will see the results you want. A starving sick body cannot work right.
    Good luck to you.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    one thing you have to know is that your intestines don't heal right away.. It could take years to be healed depending on the amount of damage that you have.... I lost weight before I was diagnosed.. I don't have the same symptoms as everyone else so I can't help you.. My symptoms other than the weight loss were diarrhea, and pain in my left side....
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    I went gluten free on July 17th. I've lost 20lbs since July. I wanted to be as safe as possible after going through hell with Celiac Disease (thought I was going to die at one point, misdiagnosed multiple times, put on a bunch of meds including multiple anti depressants, thryroid hormone and blood pressure meds.. I'm on zero meds now, but that's a whole other story).

    I ate (and still eat) lots of eggs, fish, chicken, fruits, veggies, gluten free pastas and breads. I stayed within a calorie range and the weight started coming off. I lost the weight without even working out (I do workout now though). Because I know I wasn't absorbing nutrients for a long period of time, I eat the most nutritious foods I can. I've been gluten free for about 3 months now and I'm doing better then ever. I started out slow, eating around 1200-1300 calories. Now, 3 months later, I'm up to 2000 calories (because I'm exercising now) and the 20lbs is still off.

    As an example, the past three days you'll see I ate bananas, sweet potatoes, kiwis, kale, tilapia, almond butter, almond milk, oatmeal, avocado etc. Eating nutritious healthy foods is what worked and still works for me. Feel free to take a look through my diary.

    Good luck, it's hard but you'll get there. Just have patience and stay strict.
  • fitnhealthykaren
    I gained, and I was already overweight to begin with. I think I was so pissed about what I couldn't have, that I ate a lot of what I could, especially potatoes and popcorn, my comfort foods. Once I got my head straight, and backed off those comfort foods and started counting my calories, I started losing. I've lost 28 since Feb and I'm continuing, very slowly, but surely.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    When eliminating grains make sure it's not hidden in your seasonings & condiments, usually the last place that one will look. ie cornstarch or rice flour
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I am a newly-diagnosed celiac. I've been GF since September 29, when I had my biopsy.

    I was hoping that once my gut started healing, that weight would start coming off since my body doesn't think its starving anymore by not absorbing any nutrients.

    It hasn't. I've gained weight, like I'm not big enough the way it is...

    So I'm wondering what your weight did once you went GF? Did you gain? Lose? What's your story?

    My weight fell off. Of course I didn't substitute the Gluten foods with Gluten Free versions though. I just quit breads, cakes, crackers, chips, cookies, rolls, biscuits, buns, doughnuts, and anything else made from grains. Also, I started taking a daily vitamin and a probiotic. Lastly, I started watching my calories because my body was being over-fed.
  • AmyMoenae
    AmyMoenae Posts: 21 Member
    My husband and I both lost 15 lbs when we started Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint Diet. But not just grains are omitted, no sugar either. It was a stretch for me, but I had never felt better. Learning to eat this way is hard, but I am finding the discipline needed. Eating what I want is just now starting to become less a priority and feeling great is... I still have my "What was I thinking?!" days. Taking care of yourself is a process, a journey. It has to be a priority. Still learning this. Don't give up! Hoping you see the results you are after!

  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Well, on a GF diet we tend to eat more starches (rice, potato, etc). Since I LOVE to experiment with my baking, its been hard for me lately. Being home more means I have more time to bake... and that's not so awesome for my tummy, lol. So, I've put on a bit that needs to come back off now. Try to stick to whole foods, rather than processed, or even homemade treats. Good luck!
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    I gain 50 with in the 1st 6m. that was without all the processed foods.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    If you have to wonder if a food is gluten free then you shouldn't be eating it.. In a easy since of the world. gF is not the answer to your weight. Over eating and not moving is the answer. Making banana bread.. Did you or have you seen the calories in that? It's the same as people wanting and searching for hypothyroid. A simple pill or digestive issue is not going to fix you. Keep logging your calories and stay under and work out the weight will come.
    I also tell people that you don't need a cook book.. Once you buy a cookbook the weight will creep up. Eat meats veggies fruits etc.. Experiment with simple seasonings and oils and learn your own home marinades.
    Of course I'm simplifying. I made pumpkin bars yesterday. You have to have treats. But I also know that those bars cost me.
    While you need to remove gluten from your diet washing your hair with gluten free shampoo or eating gluten bread is not causing you to be overweight.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    For me I was 110 pound before I found out I celiac. I could eat what ever I wanted before and not gain. I know I had to learn how to eat It just took me over year to do it and 90 pound in total.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I gained a little bit, but you have to keep in mind, most gluten free foods are higher in calories than the gluten filled foods. You MUST pay attention to the caloric intake on the packages. Where whole wheat bread that is full of gluten might be 100 calories for 2 slices, GF bread is about 200. Pay attetion, and you will start dropping wt. Also remember, it takes a while to heal the intestine. Be patient, it will come.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    no change here. i think many people who lose the weight when they go GF is simply because they cut out those calories but dont replace with anything.

    i dont eat a lot of store made GF stuff because 95% of it is gross texture-wise and just not worth eating it
  • Huggenkiss27
    I have gained a few pounds since going gluten free. My job and life seem to revolve around food and I was too bitter/mad that I couldn't eat what everyone else was so I was finding all the replacements that I could just so I wasn't feeling left out. Also within a couple months of going gluten free I started feeling really sluggish and found out I was hypothyroid(hashimotos) which can also hinder weightloss. I have switched to mostly unprocessed food and I'm slowly losing again.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    When eliminating grains make sure it's not hidden in your seasonings & condiments, usually the last place that one will look. ie cornstarch or rice flour


    Also, I had to go egg and dairy free for a year, it helped me lose weight and healed my gut. Apparently, it's pretty common for people with celiac to have a TEMPORARY reaction to eggs and dairy.
  • hdlb111
    hdlb111 Posts: 20 Member
    I was diagonosed 3 months ago and I've lost around 25lbs since then. I spent the first month feeling sorry for myself and trying to bake things that would taste like the did before (yeah right) before just stopping. I didn't enjoy the things I baked, and its kind of pointless to try to make myself like them just so I could have them still.

    I think I lost most of my weight just because I was so sick when I got diagnosed. I was put on a vegan diet because my body wasn't able to handle meat, eggs or dairy at tha point. Thankfully it only took 2 months to be able to eat meat again, and I am just starting to tolerate eggs again. No dairy, thats still a huge no no.

    I don't eat any grains though, (corn and rice both affect me too) I'm starting the Whole30 today, trying to cut out sugar and eat as naturally as possible.

    It took awhile, but I decided its better for me to embrace the things I can eat and not be sad about the things I cant.