Endomondo now hooked up with MFP! Instructions below

Macrocarpa Posts: 121 Member
You can now link Endomondo with MFP, which is great news - all your Endomondo workouts get imported into MFP automatically once you've completed your workout!

» Log into your account on Endomondo

» Go to https://www.endomondo.com/settings/connect (or Settings > Connect)

» Click on 'click here to link your account' next to the MyFitnessPal logo

» Accept the conditions (Endomondo will be able to read / post to your timeline)

BINGO! No more faffing around manually adding workouts!

Now note that you can MANUALLY enter workouts in Endomondo as well as in MyFitnessPal - for instance, I swim a few times a week and track those workouts. To do this (from my phone) I open the app, go into 'History', then hit the 'manual entry' button (top-right, looks like a little notepad with a pencil) then add the workout. Endomondo does an estimate of your calories burnt - and to be honest, I trust their calculations more than MFP's - and will add it to your timeline.

Super easy. Good luck!


  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    this worked out nice for my run last night. synced right up to MFP.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    It is quite nice isn't it.
  • philbowell
    philbowell Posts: 1 Member
    I connected my Nike Plus to my Endomondo account to track my runs, but they don't seem t be syncing to MFP. The walk I tried on Endomondo has synced across though, any ideas why the run wouldn't? It's showing up fine in Endomondo so would've thought it should show up.