Friday the 19th of October

Unfortunately, I have not been able to weigh in today due to bloatedness, so I'll be back with the numbers ASAP. :) But I'd love to hear you guys' results! :D


  • silversurfah
    silversurfah Posts: 71 Member
    Just joined the group ! Weighed in at 205 this morning (maybe 204 I have trouble seeing the lines on the scale but I will log it as 205). Down 43 in 4 months but really have to put it in high gear now. I am looking to drop another 50 pounds and I know it will not be all that easy. Currently resisting eating pizza in our cafe ... Must not eat pizza... Must not eat pizza...
  • Down 43 in 4 months

    That's AMAZING! :O Beyond amazing! I'm proud of you - congrats! :)
  • deandt
    deandt Posts: 20
    Just weighed in and lost 12lb from last Friday :)
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    Just weighed in and lost 12lb from last Friday :)

    ^^^ umm holy crap congrats!!!

    I'm not down much, but at least I'm at 132 :)
  • silversurfah
    silversurfah Posts: 71 Member
    Just weighed in and lost 12lb from last Friday :)

    Wow that's alot in 1 week !
  • akb130
    akb130 Posts: 18 Member
    Last Friday: 141.5
    Today: 138.5

    Not too bad considering I am getting that close to my goal. I was happy with losing .5lbs a week! Had to shock to system I think. Switched up my workout routine, so I'm thinking that might be the difference.

    Good job everyone!
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    Last weeks weight 136.3
    This week 135.8

    loss 0.6lbs :-)
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    There are some nice losses there, well done everyone.
    Last week weight 135
    this week wight 134.2

    its that same couple of pound that isnt budging so need to get myself sorted.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • I was able to weigh myself today. :) I've lost 1.1 lb - not a lot, but I haven't been able to exercise much this week either - come Monday, I'll get my butt in gear and get moving! :)
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    That is a good loss and certainly not to be sniffed at, well done!
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    Weekly Goals:

    Oct 20-21: Down 0.2 more lb (total lost 5) - I lost 5.6 total from where I started so I made this goal. This give me 2 weeks to lose another 0.4 lb. So I hope to do that and then some. Not changing anything this week.I may revise goals but that all depends on when I revisit this Nov 3-4.

    Nov 3-4; Down 1 more lb (total lost 6)

    Nov 17-18: Down 1 more lb - (total lost 7)

    Thanksgiving - would like to be down a total of 8 but we'll see!