Crossfit Total



  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Strict OHP. So tempting to push haha.

    We have a Bridger CrossFit Total which I think I like better:
    Front Squat
    Push Press

    The argument there is that they're more functional lifts. Both are nice benchmarks for judging progress.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Yeah, but going to a push press instead of a strict press now means you aren't judging arms any more...
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Oh totally, I understand why its a strict press, doesn't mean I have to like it! :P haha
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Oh totally, I understand why its a strict press, doesn't mean I have to like it! :P haha

    Word! hahaha
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    Damn! We did this as a Saturday WOD last week and I totally missed it!! Grrrr Stupid getting home really really really like from a Journey concert!!
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Did a CFT today...once again at 655. Backsquat (increase of 15) 255, Press (same) 125, Deadlift (down 15) 275
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    i'm not a crossfitter, but i did this the other day to see how much my numbers had gone down since i had changed up my workout goals and started doing more endurance stuff :grumble:

    Squat 315 - wimped out on trying more
    Deadlift 405
    OHP 175 - failed at 185 :angry:

    total - 895
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Damn! Great numbers!
  • Skywalker_Dub
    Crossfit Total = 960


    I am almost done with a 10 week strengh training program and will test again in a couple of weeks.
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    Haven't done it yet but my weights only go up to 320lbs. I know my DL is more than that. I have done a 1 RM of it( up to 320) I just started CF 2 mos. ago( 2 weeks with no weights)
  • PlegerK
    About a month old stats:

    Squat: 175
    Press: 95
    Deadlift: 265
    Total: 535
  • mollieprice331
    mollieprice331 Posts: 40 Member
    Deadlift: 175
    Press: 70
    Squat: 120

    Total: 365
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I need to check my totals again, but here are my highest numbers

    Back Squat - 255 (Sept 2012)
    Press - 135 (June 2012)
    Dead Lift - 295 (Feb 2012)

    Total = 685

    I'm 5'11 and weigh stays in the 182-187 range.

    Edit: Are you supposed to do all of these in the same day? I've never actually done "totals" but these are my one rep max's as I have recorded over the year... Those dates are really about the last time I even tried lifting to find a max on that movement.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Edit: Are you supposed to do all of these in the same day?

    Yes, as if you were taking an exam at your school. :)

    EDIT: Within an hour. It is not like I do the deadlift at 8am, then press at noon, then bench press at 6pm. That will stretch your CF total's score.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    I need to do this again, the numbers all from July, our womens bars are all 33# (15kg) in case your wondering why things don't end in 5's or 0's :)

    Back Squat- 153 (did back squat doubles at 153 in Sep so I hope this is higher)
    Press- 83
    Deadlift- 203 (also did deadlift doubles at 203 in Sep)
    Total- 439
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Edit: Are you supposed to do all of these in the same day?

    Yes, as if you were taking an exam at your school. :)

    EDIT: Within an hour. It is not like I do the deadlift at 8am, then press at noon, then bench press at 6pm. That will stretch your CF total's score.

    Got it, thanks bro! I am betting my individual numbers would be up, but within an hour of each other I am probably right where my current numbers show...
  • ricestephanie11
    ricestephanie11 Posts: 25 Member
    Back squat 135
    Press 60
    Deadlift 195
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    okay i'm not as badass as most of you, but:

    BACKSQUAT: 137
    PRESS: 66
    DEADLIFT: 205

    TOTAL: 408
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    CrossFit Total: 680- Backsquat 255, Press 120, Deadlift 305.
  • ryanband
    ryanband Posts: 9 Member
    Squat 375
    Press 185
    Deadlift 450

    Total 1,010