How is everyone doing?

drewg4463 Posts: 29 Member
Challenge number one, how is everyone doing with the tracking ? I love this system its working very well for me. What is good day for us to weight in? Is everyone ok, is there something I can do to help make this alittle more exciting? I really havent got much response from people, so just wondering where we are at?


  • dbryant769
    Going okay. I just need to watch my after dinner snacking, and I really need to watch how much cheese I eat, way to easy to go overboard. I am up for any mini challenges someone would like to throw out. This is my first group on MFP and I am very excited about losing weight and starting a long term change in my life style.

    Also, if anyone has suggestions for low carb healthy snacks for the between meals I am all ears. I have done very well on avoiding the random cake, cupcakes, and cookies that are everywhere at the office, but some days are easier than others, and I think some low carb, low calorie healthy snacks would be helpful. I do keep some celery and cheese sticks handy, but would like to cut back on the cheese, any suggestions?
  • drewg4463
    drewg4463 Posts: 29 Member
    Some nutz are really great, green olives, plain sliced turkey, low carb snacks are really hard to find, if you keep to high protein thats supposed to be good. I have been pretty much keeping my carbs to until 5% of my total caloric intake, and drinking water like crazy! There are some good recipes online for low carb snacks, but alot of them refer to protein oriented snacks.
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    Awesome! Lost 10 lbs so far! 40 more to go! Tracking is so easy on MFP! I am hoping that this April challenge will be a great motivator!
  • gwiesert113
    gwiesert113 Posts: 3 Member
    Doing great so far!! It is nice to have a group of individuals striving for the same goal. Any day is great for weigh in. Thanks for starting a group for us to follow!!
  • drewg4463
    drewg4463 Posts: 29 Member
    Down 15 in 17 days! Yes never give up!
  • vickianne17
    vickianne17 Posts: 16 Member
    I am motivated! For some reason I seem to be at a stall....don't quite know how to break out of it. I keep my carbs under 25 a day, drink lots of diet sodas or anything like but, I am not discouraged. I think a good weigh in day is Friday!
  • vickianne17
    vickianne17 Posts: 16 Member
    I eat almonds and beef jerky when I really want something good! Otherwise I snack on celery sticks and other low carb veggies. I also try to avoid too much cheese. Sometimes I have sugar free jello with whipped cream! That is really fun!
  • drewg4463
    drewg4463 Posts: 29 Member
    So far down 19 in 40 days, feeling good, and I hope you are too. Keep on working!!