Babies Getting Older

Hey Moms! So now that our babies are getting older, are you getting back into a workout routine? I started back to work in May and since then have dropped almost 28 pounds with quite a way to go to my ultimate goal. I am only 4 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, which is my first goal. Please share your stores.. I would love to hear them!


  • robinkreu
    robinkreu Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am definitely getting into more of a routine, i joined Stroller Strides so i'm accountable for working out each morning - still 13lbs away from pre-preg weight but so encouraging to finally see the scale moving the right direction! I found that without a set class/schedule i had to attend, something would always "come up" and interrupt my workouts! But when I know i'm going to meet the group (and i've paid the dues) I don't let anything get in the way of me getting to class!!
  • Hi! I gained over 45lbs during my pregnancy and started working out with P90X2 in May (and counting cals). I am 4-6 lbs from my goal weight (not sure what my pregnancy weight was but i was skinny and weak). Im hovering around my current weight for the past month or so, so im looking into changing up my diet. anyone else hitting a plateau? any advice?

    my goal now is to gain some muscle as pregnancy left me with a weak back and loose tummy. i also need additional strength just to carry my baby around!

    Good luck to all you ladies!