
I want everyone on here to be close and supportive of each other. So...

*drum roll please*

Share your name and three random facts!

I'll start.

Name: Sam
Random Facts: I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I want to be a novelist AND I am obsessed with Mexican food.



  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    name: Lisa
    Facts: i love cake decorating, charmed, and MFP is my facebook!!!!!
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member

    Love green, although never wear it
    I have 3 kids
  • name: Lisa
    Facts: i love cake decorating, charmed, and MFP is my facebook!!!!!

    Holy crap, we're the same person!!!!
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member

    SAHM to 3kids ages 10, 4 and 4
    Obsessed with music
    I flat out refuse to grow up
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member

    1. I want to be on survivor - even sent in a tape
    2. Favorite tearjerker movie: Always
    3. I like making lists and numbering them :drinker:
  • Hi all!
    I'm Rachael.
    3 Random facts: 1) I secretly LOVE to sweat buckets while I work out. 2) My guilty pleasure is watching reality tv. 3) I could eat pizza every night of the week for dinner.
    Looking forward to "meeting" everyone else...
  • jaysmom23
    jaysmom23 Posts: 26 Member
    Name: Lisa

    Facts: married and one son (love them!!!)
    Love SATURDAYS!!
    striving to have side business one day
  • MrsJJUt
    MrsJJUt Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I'm Jen

    1. Mother of two (7 and 4)

    2. I have the urge to peel off those little stick-figure family stickers, on the backs of cars, whenever I walk past them....not sure why I hate them so....

    3. My favorite color is Orange
  • arw644
    arw644 Posts: 6
    Hi everyone! I'm Amanda.

    Three random things about me: I secretly enjoy watching TLC, I couldn't get enough Mexican food if I tried, and I just joined my fitness pal today! :)
  • beautifulneah
    beautifulneah Posts: 32 Member
    My name is Toneah

    Random facts:
    1. Me & my other half have 8 kids combined (mines 8,10,11&17) (his 6,9,11&13)
    2. I love little debbie strawberry rolls & hate they are 240 calories for 1
    3. I love going swimming but cant swim, lol
  • Hi I'm Solveig,

    1. I think Family Guy is the best tv show EVER made
    2. I love mushrooms in almost anything
    3. I have never been thin in my life...

    until now!! (or soon...)
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    *drum roll please*

    Share your name and three random facts!

    Name: Betch

    3 Random Facts:
    1. I'm a former model turned fast-food-a-holic
    2. Currently single, which by the way sucks *kitten*.
    3. I don't look like any of the pictures I've posted.
  • marliinos
    marliinos Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! My name is marlène

    I love board games
    French is my first language (this explain my bad english ^^)
    I love Grey's anatomy

  • Hephzibah

    Three things
    1 - darn... um... I joined MFP a few weeks ago, but didn't stick with it, hoping that joining a group might keep me coming back.
    2 - I love all the Danish/Swedish/Norwegian programmes that are out at the moment - I want that jumper!
    3 - I like my elliptical trainer, but it doesn't like me.
  • Megan

    1. Im a kids movie fan
    2. gymnastics ruined my body
    3. i eat bread, waaaaay to much bread and trying to kick it like i did smoking
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Hi all,

    Name: Tiare but friends and family call me T. Only teachers, coworkers, and my father call me by my name

    3 facts:
    1. I've lived NC to CA and NC to ME, but grew up in NC and lived here most of my life
    2. I ran a personal ad in the local newspaper and met my hubby that way
    3. I can turn almost anything pervy -i try to control myself. :bigsmile:
  • Kay - I'm Meg McRory (known by everybody as Baby Girl McRory, because I'm part of a HUMONGOUS family of mainly girls)

    I've been writing all my life.
    I once dangled from a zipwire over a river with no harness (it was 130m high and 130m long).
    I am addicted to homemade fruit smoothies.

    :D random facts, but I think it's cool.
  • Lee716
    Lee716 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Leonie.

    1. I do not eat any vegetables at all.
    2. I love reality shows!
    3. I love the tendercrisp sandwiches from BK, plain with cheese. :happy:
  • Nerdphiliac
    Nerdphiliac Posts: 136 Member
    Salutations friends, I'm Shivana! ;)

    1. I love cupcake decorating... I'll make cupcakes for my friends once a fortnight.
    2. Science is amazing!
    3. I'm a vegetarian. :)
  • Kay - I'm Meg McRory (known by everybody as Baby Girl McRory, because I'm part of a HUMONGOUS family of mainly girls)

    I've been writing all my life.
    I once dangled from a zipwire over a river with no harness (it was 130m high and 130m long).
    I am addicted to homemade fruit smoothies.

    :D random facts, but I think it's cool.

    I've been writing all my life too!