I think my head might explode

PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
4th day gluten free...research research reserch...reading alllll food labels in my house....making phone calls to companys....my head is overloaded! I love wegmans brand items...they clearly put a G in a circle if its gluten free! :) score one for wegmans brands! Makes my life easier.

I cant comprehend label ingredients yet...can anyone simplify what words I should look for???? I know anything that says wheat, rye, barley...but what else is a definite no no?

Any other help to help make this simpler for me? Thanks so much! :)


  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    malt vinegar, malt extract as both can come from barley.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    •Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
    •Flour or cereal products
    •Vegetable protein
    •Malt and malt flavorings
    •Starches (unless specified as corn starch, which does not contain gluten)
    •Various flavorings, which can be derived from cereals containing gluten
    •Vegetable gum
    •Emulsifiers, stabilizers derived from cereals containing gluten

    Next, especially when eating at a restaurant, avoid the following:
    •Breaded foods
    •Creamed foods
    •Meatloaf and gravies

    The following are good choices for a gluten-free diet:
    •Broiled or roasted meats (beef, poultry, fish)
    •Plain vegetables
    •Plain salads
    •Potatoes (white, sweet, yams)
    •Breads and baked goods made from alternative flours (rice, soy, tapioca, arrowroot, potato)
    •Breakfast cereals containing only rice, corn, grits or hominy (Such as puffed rice). Some people with celiac disease may tolerate oats as well.

    From about.com

    Right now, its best to stay away from grains and such. Just stick to WHOLE foods. Fruits, veggies, protein... The best way to teach yourself is to stay away from GF 'replacement' foods.
    If you have a Trader Joe's they're really good too. They clearly mark with the GF too.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Most people on a gluten free diet end up going Paleo because of the restrictions are very similar.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I agree with Mooglysmom. Her list is pretty extensive about what to avoid. Basically, cook for yourself in the healthy section of the store. You really won't need to buy too many pre-made things unless it's for convenience. Generally, items that are gluten free will say gluten free. The only item I'd say you want to test carefully is Quinoa. Some people can easily eat it but others have a reaction to it like me. Also, some people have issues with dairy. You'll want to watch how your body reacts and see if you have issues. If not, you're lucky like me.