NEW TO THE GROUP? Please check in here!

AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
Hi and welcome to The Ladies Who Lunch!

PLEASE check in here -- leave a little something-something about yourself so that we can get to know you. We are a very friendly group!!!

About us in general: We are a group of adult women (mostly over 40), who love to cook, eat, and entertain, while getting (or staying) healthy.

We share menu ideas, exercise options, eating out tips, and a host of clues to navigating our ever-changing bodies (yikes!) and health surprises.

We hope you'll join us and participate regularly. Be sure to ask us questions! SOMEBODY will have an answer for you.

And please post anytime you're pondering the Universe or wondering what to have for dinner...

Don't forget the wine! Here's to the ladies who lunch!



  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    I'll start!

    A my name is Alice and I live in Atlanta (and that's a coincidence... I don't sell Apples.)

    I'm 54 and I've lost a little over 50 pounds since this time last year. I've got about 20ish to go, and I'm pretty sure these last few are going to take as long as the first 50!

    I tend to over-study new interests, so if I share more than you want to know, just tell me -- TMI!!! ;c)

    I am a big believer in having fun in all things, and weight loss-nutrition-health is no exception. We have very specific things in common -- as women "of an age" -- so let's really share fully and have a wonderful time on our journey together.

    Cheers, smiles & peace,
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    Hello! My name is Amy and I turned 50 this year. I have a 'wacky-wavy-inflatable-waving-man' to prove it.

    I have lost and gained weight all my adult life and now know that this can't continue. I want to be healthy from now on. No dieting, but healthy balanced living. I've been on MFP for about 2 years and have lost a little less than 50 pounds and pretty much maintained. Would love to lose 20 more but kind of in a holding pattern right now. My big accomplishment lately is being able to 'run' 4 miles! Ran in a few 5K's this summer and am working on improving distance and speed.

    My husband and I are enjoying an empty nest (6 kids - 3 his 3 mine) and looking forward to a slew of grandchildren that I don't have to babysit!
  • curliegirl
    Hi all! My name is Kim & I live in Columbia Missouri. I turned 40 this year. I'm 5'3" and want to loose about 20 lbs. I've lost & regained about 15 in the last couple of years. Not an excuse but about a year and a half ago I had hip surgery. Prior to surgery I was at 145 but with the pain I had I couldn't walk or do much of anything. Its been a long road and I am working through some issues in physical therapy still. So exercise can be tricky but I am trying!

    Anywho--I have 4 beautiful children & home school 3 of them while the 4th is already flown the coop to college.

    Short term goals for me--move my body 4x a week, get the soda out of my house(serious weakness for Pepsi), get more VEGETABLES in my menu.

    Blessings . . . .
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Karin and I live in Cleveland, Ohio. I'm 47. I play the piano for ballet and modern dance. Happily married, no kids. We love ballroom dancing, playing chamber music, and talking about politics/religion/culture/science/the nature of reality at the dinner table.

    If I didn't have to worry about nutrition or calories, my diet would be about 50% candy and 25% peanut butter. I had days (make that *years*) when that *was* my diet. Sadly, since I'm not 15 any more, it came back to bite me on the butt. And stomach. And back, of all places. Seeing my back rolls in a photo--that did it for me.

    I've been on MFP since 8/29/12, a little less than 2 months, and I've already reached the halfway mark to my goal weight (my goal has been to lose 25 pounds to get back to size 10 where I was 3 years ago, a good weight for me).

    I love working out. Have been doing it consistently for 7+ years. I've upped the intensity and usually get in at least 90 minutes total per day. Feels great, and allows me to eat more while still losing. Move a lot, eat a lot--that's my strategy.

    My goals: Up the protein. Keep the sweets down to 2 per day. Drink (water) like a fish. Huge mixed salad for lunch every day. So far I have done all of these and it's working!
  • sandra152
    Hi my name is Sandra I am from the UK I am marred with 2 grown up children and 4 Grandaughters , that is the real reason for being on MFP Iwant to be fit and healthy so i can be around when they are growing up ,my mum had a stroke as did my grandma so I am taking care of myselfe before it;s to late . I have been on MFP for about 2 months now but been cutting down since June when i turned 61 I then weighed 11 st and my clothes where geting tight and you could see all my bulges so it was time for action so I joined the gym and now go twice a week I do 40 mins In the gym then finish off with 45mins doing Aquafit the days i dont go to the gym I try to do some exercises at home eg: sit ups and exercise bike I starting to see the diference in my shape and have lost 15 1b so far I would like to lose another 13 1b then try maintain my weight. My only fear is I don;t want to put it back on again because I have been here before 10 years ago I got down to 9 st 3 Ib when my Daughter got marred then it gradualy piled back on again that's why this time it's not so much a diet but a way of life .So I will stay on here for lots of help in the future .
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Lori, I turned 47 this past summer.
    I have a 22 year old son, I'm married, and I now live in Tulsa. I've lived in the greater Kansas City area my entire life until about 2 years ago. We love it here, although my son is still in KC. I work for a wonderful company called QuikTrip in the treasury department. Depending on where you live if you will know what QT is or not. :ohwell:
    I wasn't happy with my body this past fall/winter, so after seeing some pictures @ Christmas I decided it was time to make a change before I got any older. I stumbled across MFP doing a search for a calorie counter app for my phone and intially just used it to log my calories to figure out how much I really ate in a day and what (protein, fats, carbs). Then I started reading the forums and making friends. This is my new facebook, since I only get on there about once a month. My husband says he's an MFP widow. :laugh:
  • unlocke
    unlocke Posts: 149
    My name is Connie. I'm 43 years old and I live in North Georgia. I have 7 children (3 are adopted) ranging in age from 26 to 10. We have 5 grandchildren, 2 sons-in-law and 2 daughters-in-law. I also work full time outside of the home, but Jesus and my family are my first loves.
    3 1/2 years ago, my husband and I went on a full-scale health plan and I dropped 56 pounds in 5 months. It was hard work but worth every minute of it. Since that time, I have had 3 knee surgeries (he has had 2 shoulder surgeries) and have allowed that to not only slow me down, but I have put back on about 15 lbs.
    I work in an office, sitting for about 8 hours a day. My husband does most of the cooking and cleaning since he gets home a couple of hours before I do. (He's a keeper!! :love: )
    I seem to be good at starting a weight loss plan and being all excited about it for a little while, but I get discouraged and distracted way too easily, so I desperately need a good swift kick to keep me going. :bigsmile:
  • Dianemustang
    Hi, I'm Diane and turned 55 in July - I am 5'4"....always never tall enough. I live in my dream log home on 142 acres in rural Southern Colorado. I work part time for a not for profit and I also work for I may vent at times. In 2007, I lost 50 lbs. but still weighed 183 - have kept it off but need to be a healthy BMI - (145) here I am with a loss of 10 lbs. and 30 to go....I am enjoying MFP and the friends I have made....and the motivation!
    I am the mother of two amazing daughters (my greatest achievement) and the Grammy to 2 wonderful grandchildren - (2.5 McKenna and 8 month Camden) - they are my motivation to be around a good long time for them. I have been married to my best friend for 33 years...he is also my biggest supporter. So there you have it.....I only walk on a tread mill as I have only dirt roads out here and that is not safe with my bad ankles.
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    My name is Mary, 47 yrs old, happily married with 3 grown children (the baby is 19) and 3 grandchildren.
    I have gained and lost my entire adult life the most I have lost was 50 pound with weight watchers so here I am again trying to lose 100, I was trying to lose 100 back then but only made it to 50. I have a few goals along the way, my husband and I are taking a cruise in March for our 29th anniversary so I am hoping to lose as much as I can before then and our oldest daughter is getting married next fall so I am hoping to have reached my goal before the wedding.

    I love to cook and sew, I have never enjoyed exercise but am really working on changing that.
  • Dianemustang
    while I am at it - here is a recipe to help my sweet tooth.

    take a Duncan Hines moist deluxe cake mix (I use Swiss chocolate) - add 1/2 cup water and 1- 15 oz can Libby's 100% pumpkin pie filling. Mix thoroughly - place in greased 13 x 9 inch pan and bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes - this is a crap shoot as I bake at 9100 feet above sea'll be a guessing game.
    1/12th if the 9 x 13 is 192 calories....sprinkle with a small bit of powdered sugar or take a Tbls. of honey and drizzle over - TRUST Me, you will never know it contains pumpkin - you can use white or yellow cake mix but the color turns out a bit unappealing.
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    You can also do a cake mix plus one can of diet coke. Don't ask me how it works, but it does. Doesn't taste like normal, but isn't bad, and surely has less calories, though I don't know how many, nor could I restrict myself to 1/12 of the cake... :P

    I'm 44, separated for about a year. My kids are 7 and 9, I can't even think about grandbabies yet. I'm 5'6" and was a normalish weight through my mid twenties, ~140-150. After that started packing it on slowly, maybe 5 pounds a year till I was 35 and started having kids, was 180 for a long time before the pregnancies. gained and lost 37 pounds both times... then inexplicably started gaining weight after my youngest was about one. Was up to about 221 when I started MFP in July 2012. Lost ten pounds the first couple months... then holding... now trying to get more serious again and reduce further. Was 209 today. My pear shape hides a lot of it, fortunately.

    No history of dieting or up and down for me, just a slow steady upward trend, except for before I got married taking phen/fen, went from 180 to 140... then back up a couple years later... tried seattle sutton food went back down to 145 again... back up after stopping the food to 180. Used to be able to stay at 180 with little effort, now I'm counting and logging carefully to even approach that number. le sigh.

    I also have never been athletic nor enjoyed exercise of any kind. I don't mind walking, but its not like I want to spend time doing it, at all. I know this is a mindset I really should change, have been unable/unwilling to commit to doing so though.

    First goal... (seriously the first weight loss goal I've made in my life...)... to get under 200 by 2013.

    hmm I'd really also like to stop shopping in Lane Bryant and Avenue.

    Second.... to get back to 180, which was a weight which I considered fairly 'normal' for me, and maintainable, even if not ideal.

    Beyond that... well we'll see. If I could accomplish that much I'd be very pleased.

    Edit: Wait... the weight gain after my kids was not inexplicable... it coincided with a change in my sleeping habits that is now well ingrained. While I'd slept 8-9 hours a night all my life... past 6-7 years I only get 5-6 ish, perhaps an hour or two extra on the weekends. THAT is what is doing me in, I'm pretty sure. It is not the kids keeping me up, but games and things online. I found late at night when everyone else was sleeping, was the only time I could get a little 'me' time in, and started choosing it over sleep, and now I'm hooked. This is something I've been working on steadily, it is really difficult to chase myself to bed on time though. Sounds ridiculous, I know.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been on MFP for several months and have really enjoyed the challenge groups but I was glad to find one like this that will give support in other ways. I'm 43 and married with an 18 year old son (senior this year) and a 14 year old daughter (freshmen) so we are very busy with their sports and activities. I work as a Certified Medical Assistant in Public Health and in May of this year started working with a dietician through work with a group of co-workers. We all really enjoyed it and I started losing quite a bit of weight. I knew if I wanted a lifestyle change I needed something like MFP. It's been truly wonderful to have support and share with people who are in the same situation as me. I don't really have a total goal set because I am the type who would be constantly striving to beat a "number". LOL.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member

    My name is Megan, I'm 49, a native San Franciscan now living in the SF 'burbs. Married mother of two girls, aged 12 and 13. I'm a writer (unpublished) and stay-at-home whatayacallit, I clean my own house, love to cook, adore a nice glass of wine (or three), and am crazy about my two big dogs. I have a great big mouth and tend to put my foot in it on a regular basis, but am quick to acknowledge when I've been an idiot and am not afraid to apologize.

    I gained a total of about 30 pounds when I had my kids, and never was quite able to get rid of it all -- or keep any portion of it off for very long. As I approached 49 (this would be last February), I realized that I was going to be one of those dowdy old fat ladies if I didn't do something serious RIGHT NOW. So I made a commitment to exercising every day. About a month later I joined MFP. Nine months later, the 30 pounds are almost gone and I'm feeling pretty good. Of course my neck still bears an alarming resemblance to a *kitten* and my butt sags in a way that I'd never have imagined, but I look pretty good in clothes and that's about all I can ask for as I barrel toward 50. Aging is not for the faint of heart.

    All in all, this journey has been one of the most beneficial of my adult life. My husband an I are re-bonding in a lovely way, walking the dogs together every night, going to the gym together on the weekends and hiking when the weather permits -- I hadn't anticipated that perk. Great timing as our girls get ready to start high school -- they'll be gone before we know it!

    I'm immensely grateful to the friends I've made here, and look forward to making many more!
  • ichimichi
    ichimichi Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Michi. I'm 42 and I live in Vallejo, CA. I have struggled with my weight most of my life, but never realized/admitted it until a couple of years ago. The pounds only crept up so I always had some reason why I was going through "a phase." I have fibromyalgia - have had so for about 25 years - which makes exercising and eating right harder for me than I would like it to be. Recently I lost 10 pounds kind of on accident. After injuring my neck and being on bed rest for some weeks, I lost weight due only to the reduced # of caloric intake. I decided that since I received the fortuitous jumpstart, I would give the dedicated effort another try. Here I am.

    I'd like to lose about 50 pounds. I'm only 5' so every little bit of extra weight is hard to cover. I LOVE to cook and as I have no children to clean out the kitchen every day, I have got to get used to adjusting what I cook and the portions I keep in the house.

    So far, the friends I've connected to here on MFP have been great. Wise, supportive, funny, and dedicated people. My favorite thing thus far is to be presented with "mini challenges." My latest challenge is to lose 6-8 pounds by Thanksgiving. Maybe babysteps is the way for me. Feel free to contact me if I can support any of you.
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Hi my name is LaNita-I am 55 years young-married, live in small town in mountains of Colorado-5 children (3 boys-2girls)-all on their own-34 oldest soon to be 22 youngest. 7 grandchildren (4 girls-3 boys). Work full time as housekeeping director for property management/vacation rental company. We have 3 dogs-1 cat.
    I have struggled with my weight my whole life (except when I was on "diet pills" I mean legal speed. :wink:
    I started this path in Feb of 2010-I went with a friend and decided to step on the scale AAAAHHHHHHHH 308-really???????? How in the world did that happen? I decided to make a few changes-2 months later I joined Curves, when I joined Curves my weight was 288, so in 2 months I dropped 20 lbs. but really only changes I made were giving up soda and exercising 3 times a week. In Jan of 2011 Curves added Curves Circuit w/Zumba and I found my passion_I always loved to dance but never associated dancing with fitness_(I know crazy huh). I have since learned to eat healthier, taste what I am eating, know what I am eating and give myself the time to lose the weight (I didn't put it on overnight-more like 50+ years and so will not expect to lose it overnight. )
    I was keeping a hand written food journal but a friend suggested this site and I love it-lots of support and knowing that everyone on here are going through the same issues that I am., have many of the same thoughts and problems.
    So far I have lost 92 lbs-down to 216 lbs-several years ago I would have never believed it could happen to me. My goal weight is between 135-145 so looking at loosing another 70+ lbs. It really is nice not having to buy 2x-3x clothes-one of my greatest pleasures (so far anyway) My next one will be to post some before and after/maintain pictures. :smile:
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 44... My kids are 7 and 9, I can't even think about grandbabies yet.
    Oh, thank goodness! I was starting to look around and wonder what I did wrong! I'm 46 in 2 months and my kids are 8 and 13, so grandkids are well into the future! Just kidding, ladies, but sometimes it feels a bit weird to realize that I'm older than others in my social peer group! One of my co-workers just had what she plans to be her last child. She's 29. I wasn't even pregnant with my first at that age!
    Edit: Wait... the weight gain after my kids was not inexplicable... it coincided with a change in my sleeping habits that is now well ingrained. While I'd slept 8-9 hours a night all my life... past 6-7 years I only get 5-6 ish, perhaps an hour or two extra on the weekends. THAT is what is doing me in, I'm pretty sure. It is not the kids keeping me up, but games and things online. I found late at night when everyone else was sleeping, was the only time I could get a little 'me' time in, and started choosing it over sleep, and now I'm hooked. This is something I've been working on steadily, it is really difficult to chase myself to bed on time though. Sounds ridiculous, I know.
    This does NOT sound ridiculous! It sounds exactly like me! I have to try to catch myself at it and remind myself that if I make a habit of 4-6 hours of sleep a night, I stall my weight loss and kill my energy level. I am very covetous of my "me" time... I need a little time alone and some time to read or watch a TV show or look things up online or I get a bit crabby. You have my sympathy!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Hi my name is Laura, but on here I go by Tigress since there are so many Laura's. I live near Augusta, Ga, I'm 56 and retired. I like to cook, do cross stitch and make wire sculpture jewelry. This is my busy season with Art shows, and I don't want to gain weight. I am a diabetic and want to eat healthy to keep blood sugar low. I have 3 stepchildren and 12 cats, 3 indoor and 9 outdoor. I feed a feral colony that lives on my covered porch, so I am the neighborhood cat lady.

    I tried zumba, and don't like the changing of steps so often, I like walking and swimming best. Tigress
  • moityrr
    moityrr Posts: 21 Member
    Hi. My name is Moira and I am 48, live in Ontario Canada (east of Toronto in a smallish town that you have never heard of lol). I started running a couple of years ago...hated it at first but we now have a love/hate relationship. I injured my knee, the doctor says arthritis and a little tearing, so I am trying to recoup. I found with running, I had my friends and we went 3 times a week and joined a bootcamp but now with the injury I am not so motivated :(
    I am hoping to get healthier, fitter (if that's a word) and thinner :)
    I have definitely gotten more active in the last two years and have done things I never would have done (or been able to do) a few years ago. Hiked 20km in the summer and up Mount Royal in Montreal Quebec which was awesome and went tubing in a gorge with my son and sister. So when I think I am not improving I remind myself of this.
    I like this site and everyone I have friended has been so awesome and supportive.

    Oh I have 4 kids: 3 boys (21,16,14) and a girl (17). Single parent 24/7, so I need to be here for a long time!
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning, ladies! My name is Deborah, Alberta born and raised, with siblings in Canada and the US. Here's a quick bit of info about me:

    My age: 58 :noway:

    Grown children: 2 :happy::heart:

    Grandsons: 2 :love::love:

    Husband: 1 :wink: :love:

    Dogs: 2 :heart:

    Birds: 1 :heart:

    If you came to my home, you would see that I have almost EVERY book ever written about weight loss and dieting (they take up two complete book shelves), as well as EVERY diet plan. :ohwell: I have joined too many online diet sites to even remember, a few of which are WW, Sparkpeople, My Net Diary, Lose It, Start your Diet, My Fit Tracker, eDiets, South Beach Diet, The Zone, etc. I have physically belonged to WW and Jenny Craig as well. :blushing:

    NONE of them have helped me to any great degree. Over the years, I have come to realize that this is a journey of a lifetime and I'm done saying things like "maybe this time". :noway: The $$ spent is crazy, but worse of all ~ what this whole diet industry is doing to us emotionally is absolutely devastating. There were times I thought I would LOSE my mind, everything about food and dieting kept whizzing around in my head until I thought I'd go nuts! :grumble: :sad:

    I have never enjoyed physical activity and need to find some motivation for same! :wink:

    Glad to be here!

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hello, My name is Eileen. I live near San Diego. I'm married and have 5 kids (2 step-daughters and 3 adopted) who are all out of the house. (I'm 64) We also have 6 grandchildren.

    I'm a teacher and still love it. I teach at our church's school.

    Much of my life revolves around church activities. We enjoy worship, but also many social activities.

    I'm a baseball fan that grew up in Michigan so I'm into the World Series this year. My favorite team is the Padres though.

    I don't really cook, but I'm interested in nutrition and got my husband to join me on MFP. Now both of us read labels and watch sodium, etc. It's certainly better that way.

    The most exciting thing in my life right now is my son's return from Afghanistan. He should be home next week!

    Off to zumba...the only exercize I have ever found that I really like!