Are you racing Cyclocross?



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I'm far to old, fat and unfit to ride 'cross anymore. Did my time back in pre-history (you know, Black Acrylic Knit Tights, Woolen Jerseys, Alan/Vitus Bonded Aluminium frames that fell apart when the glue gave way - 1 hour and a lap followed by a quick dash to the nearest bushes to vomit copiously.

    Theres only 1 reason why I'd ride a cyclocross event, and probably only one event I want to ride...

    I am slightly more tempted by some of the "unsurfaced" sportif's that are coming onto the calendar though - I'm gradually getting the bits together for a bike that'll pass scrutineering for L'Eroica -
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    The 3 peaks looks bloody mental!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    The 3 peaks looks bloody mental!

    Probably why it appeals so much to me... plus, it's the only way you can get to ride some of those routes on a bike - they're on footpaths over private land, and off-limits to MTB's normally - they just "waive the rules" for race day.

    I've done the 3 peaks walk back in my murky past - finished in just under 5 1/2 hours, but that involved quite a good lump of running uphill (daren't run downhill - my knees weren't up to it even then) and these days I just daren't run at all, so that's pretty much why 'cross is out of the frame for me :-(
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    I <3 CX!!! A couple of years ago I said I would never do it...and then last year I got talked into it. Now it's my favorite bike-related activity. I've done 3 races this the last race I won the women's Kisscross C race by >23 seconds!

    In Feb. I turn 40, but I don't think I will race master's next year, since there is no women's master's race, so we all get lumped together. I like that I was the oldest woman in the C field that I won.

    We haven't had much mud...yet. It rained a lot this week, so tomorrow's race should be pretty messy, I hope (our soil is really sandy, so we don't get the same sorts of mud potential that some areas get). Not sure how likely it is that I will repeat with another win. A friend of mine hasn't raced all season, but is racing tomorrow. She is REALLY strong. Hopefully I can land in the top 3.
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    Alrighty, I raced Saturday 20th at 0840 it rained on and off most of Friday so the course was damp to wet, and included paved go-kart track, grass/hills, gravel double track, open fields,two barrier sections, mud and about 40 yards of sand.

    I raced beginner as in a field of 23 and was not DFL, started the race sick for the last couple days and racing didn't make it any better but I had registered in advance ..oh well.

    I had been playing with big tires on my Surly (29x1.9 or about 700x50) a very snug fit, and wanted to run them as they are so squishy but there is not enough mud clearance, good thing I switched to regular x32 cross tires.

    There is what the course looked like, best viewed in satellite

    *edit, I hate trying to post pics to this site
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member

  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    OMG, that looks rough! The course I rode today was not really technically challenging, but there were long stretches that were super lumpy--I feel like I've been jack-hammered. I should have let at least 5psi out of my tires pre-race.

    I also find that I wish I had either a smaller small ring, up front, or a bigger big ring in the back. People on mountain bikes spin up hills that kick my *kitten*. Today had a few of those hills. Wore me the heck out.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Today was my third cross of the year. I'm slowly but surely figuring some things out. This particular course is the longest in the series at just under 2.5 miles long. Normally we just do four laps on shorter routes but on this one we did three. Nothing real difficult about it, just long. Two barrier sets, a couple woods sections and a few small incline sections with off cambers on them.

    Got staged the back at 83rd. As always, you want to be somewhat near the front. Started fine. Found a few sections to blow by a few riders at a time. Barriers must be my thing. I can make up time running them while others are just getting back on the bike. Unless riders are purposely slowing down to save energy. Avoided a few crashes, made up some spots there.

    Did manage to swipe a small tree but stayed on the bike so no crashes this time. Although I did smack my shin WALKING over a barrier in pre-ride. LOL. All in all, it was a good ride. It was a homecoming sort of speak for me. This race was my first last year and got 90th out of 93 finishers. This time I got 67 of 93. Slowly but surely moving up.

    On the right.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Great effort & good result!

    Well done!
  • randycatron
    randycatron Posts: 5 Member
    Hi in Iowa and racing CX every weekend I can until the end of our season in mid-December. Having more fun this year...last year I was racing at about 175 pounds....this year around 160 pounds. So, watching nutrition and getting closer to opitmal race weight has paid dividends. Did my first Cat. 3 CX race...I was probably the oldest in the Cat. 3 pack at race age 53, but I wasn't last, so that was good.

    A tip.... a couple years ago I fractured my right collar bone in a crit crash...they put in a plate which is still on the bone. For CX racing I now wear a padded Under-Armor type sport t-shirt that is typically worn by American football players under their should pads. So, I just put the padded t-shirt on, and put my jersey over the top. The padding is sufficient to minimize the discomfort when I shoulder my bike, but not so bulky that anyone would probably notice I am wearing it. Another advantage is that it has pads on both rib cages...which will be helpful should I slide out on a corner (which I've done more than once). I bought this at Scheel's Sporting Goods Store...they had several styles, and I chose one that was both moderately priced and moderately padded.

    Good luck with your CX races this season!
  • steviedrew1967
    I was in the same race as Midschool22 this weekend. It was a blast and the race had a great feature called "heckle hill" where all the racers from the other categories gathered to "encourage" the 4b racers (last race of the day). Next up is "CamptonCross" on Sunday. There are 100 racers in both the men's 4a and 4b races.

    Cross is huge here in Chicago, we even have a billboard!
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Options was race #4 for me. Arrived and did a pre ride of the course. This was the most challenging of all four I have done. Long slow risers and many off camber 180 turns. Throw in some short steep rises in those off cambers and you have some fun brewing. Got staged 70th. Going down the main straight I see quite a few riders passing me. Must be in the wrong gear at the starts. Got to the first sweeping turn and a bottleneck developed. I swung wide and hammered for a short burst and passed 10-20 riders. That felt good. Group bottleneck again at the base of a climb due to a crash. Immediately I jump off the bike and ran. Gained on 3-5 more. Cool. Between there and the before the finish of the first lap, a few reeled me back in and I'm back 5-9 riders I passed earlier.

    Then came the three off camber 180 steep sections. I took it too slow to begin with. I got through two and then seen a crash ahead of me. Again, I jumped off and ran. Gained 3-5 spots. I'm thinking "great, keep running". Problem was the section went downhill and I lost all rhythm and fell in to the course tape. No problem, it happens. Get up and start riding. Realize my chain is off the rings. Stop and put it back on. Took 30 seconds to do so. Unfortunately, 15-25 riders got by me at this time.

    Now, I'm thinking I'm about in 90th position. Great. So I get on myself and take half a lap at pity speed. Got heckled "this is a race not group ride!". Got angry and chipped away. Did manage to run into the course tape one more time for good measure. This time the course stake got wedged between my crank arm and frame. Took another 20 seconds to get out. Not I'm feeling bummed. Rode the rest of the course and finally finished. Waited at the line to see how many riders cross after me. I counted 7. So I'm thinking high 80's or low 90's. Got home and checked the results. 67th. I was ecstatic. Funny thing is, I got 67th last week too. Moral of the story...Don't EVER give up, EVER. You never know what may happen.

    I just love cross. :love:


    Thanks to Jeff Golden for the two bottom pics.

  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    Here is a VERY nice video from the race I raced in Canby, OR a week ago...I am in the video about the one minute mark...

  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Here is a VERY nice video from the race I raced in Canby, OR a week ago...I am in the video about the one minute mark...

    As soon as I seen it was done by Burk Webb, I knew it was going to be good. He has a few of these out and they all rule!!
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Found a few more pics of me from the last race.


  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Found a rider video from that race. I am in the black & white kit in front of the camera for most of the lap.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Found a rider video from that race. I am in the black & white kit in front of the camera for most of the lap.

    Thought I recognised the tattoos :laugh:
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Race report. Pre rode the course and found the have five small climbs. YES! Since dropping my weight, I feel I climb faster and can definitely run faster than before. Was staged 68th of 89. Started ok. Got caught on the wrong side of a bottleneck and lots of riders went by me. Reminded myself, stay with it. Don't give up. Slowly started picking them off. Most of that came on the climbs and whenever running with the bike was needed. There was one hill that you had to right turn into it and dismount to clear a barrier and run / carry your bike up. I got a "nice job" comment from the hecklers for running past a rider who was ten feet ahead of me on the hill. Thought I would place 67th again for the third week in a row. Was stoked to learn I got 53 of 89. My stretch goal for this season was to crack 50 once. Getting closer. Moral of the story, don't EVER give up. You never know what may happen.

    I LOVE this crazy sport. :heart:



  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    SO I flaked out last weekend (11/3) but rolled out of bed in the dark and cold on Sunday 11/11 for a cross race.

    Cool in the morning, damp and you could see your breath but still a fun time, arrived late with the family (sure takes longer to get everyone ready and out the door), no warm up and right to the start line. Good thing I looked at the course online and it was very similar to last year.

    2 sets of section, off camber, muddy and really requiring a shoulder and one run up stair section.

    Race was held at the county fair grounds, no elevations change, mostly grass/gravel, some blacktop and hay as it went in and out of the barns.

    My GPS info (forgot to press start at the start but missing the first lap)

    course map via google....

    All in all a really good time

    A couple pics from a 6yo (most of the other ones were her self portraits, ground or random things)

    red jersey with the winter beard