NSVs (Post your non-scale victories here!)

Because I might just want to brag a tiny bit (even though I have many, many miles left to go) I'm going to get an NSV topic going :).

So my NSVs from this past week are as follows:

Bought size 18 pants because my size 20 pants were looking sloppy (I was in about a tight 24 when I joined MFP in May 2012)
Discovered that the black slacks that I wore around 8 years ago (size 16) now fit again! (I'm wearing them now ^_^)
Found a bunch of "new" clothes out of my "to be donated" bags because I got the random urge to see if the stuff would fit again.
Bought a super cute new fall coat (for $30!!) because my fall coat that I bought last year was far too big (too big!) to wear.
Got out of the 230s!
Signed up for my second 5k this year (a goal that I set for myself to complete by the end of this year.)

Okay that is all for now, proceed with your normally scheduled programming. :p


  • I fitted comfortably into jeans that I usually have to squash myself into. It felt like HEAVEN.
  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member
    For the heck of it, I tried on a pair of pants earlier today that I had worn to a wedding back in June. They were on the tight side back then. They fit perfectly now.
  • Chuckle_n_Dwindle
    This was yesterday:

    Soooo, I was able to fit in pants that are one size smaller than what I am used to wearing...but before you send me virtual high fives and thumbs ups for this not-so-much-NSV, I will let you know that I wasn't able to sit down most of the day, and/or bend my knees...I think I cut the circulation to my thighs during lunch. Lesson of the day...just because you can button them up, doesn't mean you can wear them!!! I was looking like gumby all damn day. ;S
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    This was yesterday:

    Soooo, I was able to fit in pants that are one size smaller than what I am used to wearing...but before you send me virtual high fives and thumbs ups for this not-so-much-NSV, I will let you know that I wasn't able to sit down most of the day, and/or bend my knees...I think I cut the circulation to my thighs during lunch. Lesson of the day...just because you can button them up, doesn't mean you can wear them!!! I was looking like gumby all damn day. ;S

    Hey, getting them buttoned up is still a victory! But yeah, sounds like you have a bit more to go before you can wear them all day. Keep it up girl!
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    The dress i bought during spring break (September there) that was snug and needed those sexy grannies undies and was still snug, I spent yesterday adjusting all day cos it kept slipping up on the granny undies...... so instead of being moulded to the body, it was able to achieve constant movement. Now to get to the stage that the hips are less and it moves even more freely to the point of out of my wardrobe
  • funfactoryfacepainting
    I have moved a couple notches back on my belt, and without my belt most of my pants are slipping down. Oh and there is no more spillage out of my bra:bigsmile:
  • heatherduck13
    heatherduck13 Posts: 7 Member
    One of my NSVs when I joined (a long time ago) was to be healthier in general... make sure I get in daily activity and drink plenty of water. I don't have a problem drinking sodas or other drinks... I drink a cup of coffee in the morning and then water the rest of the day... but I typically only get in about 3-5 cups of water a day... so my goal was to bump it up to at least 6-8 if not more.

    AND! This week (and last week), I've hit my 6-8 glass of water goal each day.

    Also, I have a mini-bootcamp at lunch today, so I am looking forward to getting a little exercise today! :)

    And on a totally and 100% unrelated note... I have been a horrible nail-biter since I was 4 or 5... and I haven't bitten my nails since October 13th (that's the longest I've ever gone, so far). :)