Adding foods to food diary

spfdfran Posts: 2 Member
Has anyone had a problem with adding a new food? I attempted to add 1/2 of an item but when I tried to save it the message I got was the food was already in the database. But what was in the database was only the food with a whole servind...not just one-half. Is there a way to get around this? I want to be as correct as possible with what I list each day.


  • MissusPorter
    MissusPorter Posts: 10 Member

    I think I may know what you're talking about. If the food you are looking for is already in the database, just plug in half the serving size. In the serving area, change the serving from 1 serving to 0.5 which means half the serving. So for 1 whole banana the serving would be 1. But if you only ate half the banana plug in 0.5 which will give you half the amount of calories in your food diary. I hope this helps.
  • spfdfran
    spfdfran Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, Noonight. I appreciate your reply. I finally figured out that when there are several identical listings of the same foods I could edit one of them & add it to my food diary. I love this website & app for my phone. It is really helping me to keep on track & get fit & slim down.