
Was anyone nervous that they wouldn't be approved?


  • RunningGranny
    I'm waiting to hear and I'm a nervous WRECK!!!
  • kjhendrickson90
    I was quite nervous! My doctors instantly approved me as this surgery was more-so to treat a separate health issue, but we were nervous about insurance!!! As I was just over the cusp of the BMI requirement for my surgery with no comorbities, we (myself and doctors) were nervous they'd turn me down. I believe that if you fit your insurance's requirement then you do not need to be worried. Your doctor's are the best at answering this question as they deal with it everyday with so many patients.
  • healthieryou
    Glad that you ladies were approved? I have two more supervised diet visits.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I'm nervous. My insurance currently does not cover the sleeve. In fact they state it is an unproven procedure. My surgeon however feels it is the best option for me do to my low iron struggles I've had for most of my adult life. She is going to fight the va to get it covered. as of right now I have a surgery date but that may change depending on the insurance (1-2-13)
  • kjhendrickson90
    @truddy6647 that sounds incredibly stressful! Sounds like you have a great doctor who is fighting for you. Any progress? Worst case scenario, people with low iron had to get the bypass before the sleeve was invented! so its at least possible. but as someone who has struggle with anemia (iron shots anyone?), i know how daunting that can seem. Good luck!

    @healtieryou hope you're supervised diet visits go well. beginning of the change!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Oh yes! And I was 386 when I started this, but still so afraid the insurance company would say no or the shrink would say no after my phsyc eval. :laugh:
  • momskg
    momskg Posts: 10 Member
    I had a challenging time losing weight prior to my surgery. I finally lost it and I was approved! Glad I went ahead with the surgery. Just having a hard time getting motivated to go to the gym.
  • barbi1281
    I was TERRIFIED! I was low BMI (37.9 when I was sleeved but less than that when I met with my surgeon). My insurance denied me twice but I fought the denials hard (think calling the insurance company several times a day, driving everyone nuts, and even threatening to sue) because I genuinely felt (and still do feel) like this was life or death for me. In the end, after a peer to peer, I was approved and I was sleeved 7 weeks ago.