Gluten detox symptoms?

lobbyart Posts: 24 Member
Did anyone else experience "detox" symptoms when first going off gluten? I'm having stomach aches/cramps and joint pain like crazy. And my energy is super erratic.

Anyway, mostly wanted to hear about other experiences. I'm trying this to see if I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, so I'd appreciate any other input, too. Thanks!


  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Google "Carb Flu" or "overcoming addiction" and you'll see what you're more than likely going through.

    Since you probably haven't replaced ALL the carbs you were eating with Gluten free options (or you did like me and just quit carbs besides fruits and veggies all together) then your body is going to have to adjust to not having as much carbs. It's a drag, but it's vital to get healthy so stick through it.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I slept like crazy the first few weeks that I was off of gluten. No energy at all, just wanted to sleep. The first time I had gluten again (to start with, our household went gluten free for my son, I didn't realize I had a problem) it was the same thing. I could hardly drag myself out of bed.
  • christicake
    christicake Posts: 17 Member
    I have. I think part of it is also the fact that some of the carbs I was eating were made from refined flower and had sugar in them. So, it was also coming off sugar for me. I have an autoimmune disease and I noticed joint pain for the first few days, but it went away. I also have IBS and let me just say! I love being off gluten, I feel so much better internally.

    Really, withdrawing from anything is hard. >_<
  • matchpoint312
    matchpoint312 Posts: 22 Member
    I had no idea about the symptoms but that explains why I felt so crappy after a few weeks off of gluten. It's been about 6 weeks and I feel much better and the belly bulge is almost gone!

    Good luck!!