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  • murphette2
    murphette2 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi ladies, My name is Shelly. I am 43. Have one kid (21) who doesn't need me much anymore. I work full time in a dental clinic and live for the weekends to spend time outdoors with my husband . We live in WA state and had an amazing late summer and fall here. Got to go hiking, biking, kayaking, and 4 wheeling, but now the rain is here. Boo! Planning to get through the winter with Zumba class, a Snowshoe Breast Cancer Walk, and walking my dog (even though he walks terrible). I have gained about 20 pounds in the last year and a half and want to be in better shape for all the activities I like to do, my cloths don't fit, and for a trip to Hawaii in March. I love to drink wine, cook and look on Pinterest a lot for new ideas. I still eat everything I always have, just less of it!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi there, my name is Lila and I'm pleased to get the invitation to join - I notice a few other acquaintances and friends here. A bit about me, i'm a 61 year old professional working woman, single, and have two grown daughters, both in pursuit of their doctorates and quite far away from home. I live in a very small rural town, which I love and have 2 large-ish dogs and a cat, my fur family. I'm not as active as I should be, walking dogs and yard work is pretty much my activity level, but I just bought a treadmill and intend to use it for the winter season (as the dog rambles get quite a bit shorter in the cold weather and snow).

    I've been creeping up in weight since 1 hit 50, never was terribly svelte anyway, but peaked at 166. I had surgery last summer and it spiked my desire to get back into shape rather than continuing the upward weight climb. Since June I have lost 25 pounds and have at least another 10 to go to get to my goal weight. When I get to 130, I'll decide if that is comfortable. I love cooking and new recipes, the challenge is to manage the portion control.

    Looking forward to the ladies here and the mutual support.
  • @ Kitsada - wow - you sound like me at one point - under 200 by 2013 is very do-able - friend me if you wish some support from a "Grammy".
    Best of luck!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Good morning :).

    I'm Olga mostly known as DUDA, a name given to me by my favorite little niece because she couldn't say my name when she was learning to talk:). I just adore my Victoria!!

    I'm 58 yrs old and took an early retirement to take care and spend my time with my best friend, my hubby of 29 yrs :) he has health issues. I have 2 sons and 1 daughter.

    I've been here 450 days as of today! I've lost 42 lbs and have kept it off and would like to lose 10 more. I've been maintaining for a quite sometime, so if i lose that would be great, but if not its fine because there are many more ways to define weight loss that a scale! I love to workout on a regular basis.

  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    Hi! I'm Theresa, from North Georgia. Have been on MFP for almost a year and have lost 44 lbs so far. Really wanted to get below 200 before my 50th birthday in January... not happening, I'm 236 as of this morning (I'm 5'7 1/2 - yes def adding the 1/2!). Continuing on :-).

    I am single, two grown boys, one in college and one on his own. I have a giant poodle named Murphy that I write about often as he is a hoot!! Also have two cats, drive me crazy :-).

    Am becoming more active as the time goes. Love exercise when I get started, just never seem to get started :-(. Had a serious ankle injury 6 years ago that has hindered my walking but is finally getting better! I walked yesterday, even up in the mountains, and have no issues today other than soreness - yay!!! Would love some more friends, especially over 40 as things are a changing with the body, but so far for the good!!!! Except the eyes, dark circles, crepiness creeping in (I know that's not really a word but for those of you going thru this will know exactly what i mean!). Feel free to add me as a friend :-).
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I'm Kate--thanks for the invite! I'm 47, single, one son in college on the other side of the country. Miss him terribly, but learning to adjust--he's a freshman, so Thanksgiving will be his first trip home, altho I did go see him a couple of weeks ago. I'm a lawyer in private practice with my best friend. Recovering alcoholic (sober 10 years), but I've replaced that addiction with coffee, pinterest, and exercise.

    This is not my first weight loss journey. I currently weigh what I weighed in 7th grade, but since that time I have been up and down too many times to remember. My most current journey began on Christmas 2010 when I finally got the courage to get on the scale and was horrified to see that I weighed 150, just 6 pounds less than I weighed 2 days before my son was born! I'm 5'3" and have a small frame, so that was way too much. Didn't get serious at first, tho, just quit drinking Cokes (switched to diet and Coke Zero, tho, couldn't make myself give them up completely) and that caused me to lose a few pounds. In June 2011, we got a Corgi puppy, and I started walking him. By the end of 2011, I had lost 16 lbs. Slow but steady. My business partner was also trying to lose weight at the same time and kept complaining as he got closer to goal that it was almost impossible to lose the last little bit, so to shut him up, I gave him a BodyMedia Fit link for Christmas. It was just the jumpstart he needed to get to goal (which he did in April), so he did me a favor and gave me one for my birthday in February. Since then, I have not only lost the weight I wanted to lose, but I have continued to lose even without trying--I have become so addicted to exercise and eating healthy that I can't stop losing. Which is why I weigh what I weighed when I was 12. I'm in much better shape now, tho.

    I love eating healthy and cooking for myself. I also love to do research, so I am on the forums a lot, sometimes sharing more than people want to hear. Looking for friends here who don't insist on eating under 1200 calories of all fast food (no idea how I ended up with half my friends in that boat!) and who enjoy exercise. I'm starting a training regimen this week to walk a half-marathon in February, the week of my 48th birthday.
  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! I'm Kelly. I'm 45, married with 2 kids (12 and 15) and live in Knoxville. I've recently lost 40 pounds and am thrilled to finally fit into a size 6 for the first time IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!! I love new recipes and workout tips---I go to a group bootcamp style class with a trainer 3x a week and run the other days. Would love to hear any advice you have about fitness, food, and life after 40!
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks for the invite. I'm Sue and live just outside Brighton on the South Coast of the UK. I'm 52 - I really can't get used to that ... me - 52? Never! lol! I have two grown-up sons who live nearby and a lovely husband (we've been married almost 33 years).

    I have struggled to be in control of my weight for many years. I lost a lot about 2 or 3 years ago and then it gradually all came back on (plus some!) so now it is about weightloss but it's more about a change of lifestyle. I love my food so I am not giving up anything - I may not indulge often or regularly but I say "never say never"!

    The way my life is (both because of my job and social commitments) means eating out fairly often so I'll be really interested to see hints and tips on that one! But I do try and eat healthily as far as possible.

    Looking forward to meeting you all :O)
  • sylrog
    sylrog Posts: 14
    Hello Everyone! I'm looking forward to the group! I'm Sylvia and live in Alabama. I've gained and lost weight most of my adult life. For the past couple of years, I've noticed that losing weight is harder than ever. I've been on MFP for about 2.5 months and have been seeing a slow but steady weight decrease. Sometime it seems slow, but it is steady.
    I enjoy cooking, walking, and reading. I work part time as a graduate student and hoping to get my Ph.D before I'm 50!
  • vmcshannon
    vmcshannon Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I'm Viola, I'm 52 and I live in Nebraska. I'm originally from Germany. I've struggled with my weight all my life. I used to love to read cookbooks and try new recipes just for fun. But food has taken over my life. Now I just try to just eat required meals and don't always do very well.
    I'm married and have a 31 year old daughter.
    I work in a lab and take care of my mom.
    I haven't been exercising much the last several months because of life, work exhaustion. But I want to. I even bought running shoes!
    We all know what the road to hell is paved with!
    My highest weight was 282 in 2010.
    By August 2011 I lost 10.
    Last January I started the 17 day diet and lost 30 by April. But I've gained 10 back and it's been mentally exhausting to just get below 250 again.
    I have been a sober alcoholic for 30 years. Wish I could apply this to food!!
    My big goal in life was just to get below 200 by the time I was 50. Well I missed that by a mile.
    I still want to get below 200. But I just don't know how I'm going to get there.
    Thanks for inviting me to this group.
    Wouldn't it be neat if the ap would let you visit groups?
    I have a hard time using the full website.
    But I'll try to do this more.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the invite to this group. I write on another thread with a few people I've gotten to know on MFP and it's nice to meet more people in my stage of life. My name is Jenny and I'm 51 years old. I am a speech/language pathologist in the public schools working with toddlers and their parents to facilitate their development. I'm married (for the second time) and have 3 sons ages 24, 23 and 17. The oldest is a commercial fisherman in Alaska, the middle will graduate from college on the 5 year plan in May and the youngest will graduate high school and go to college next fall. None of them are married and no grandchildren in the near future. I have a cat, love to knit, read, hike, go to movies and get together with friends.

    I joined MFP in January of 2011, lost 17 pounds and have gained a few back. It's always been an up and down battle for me. I did not have a weight problem until I went to college and ate dorm food, partied, etc. Then I had 3 children and never lost the baby weight. When they were young I tended more to my family than to myself and didn't exercise or eat healthy. My struggles now are that I am inconsistent in eating healthy and exercising. I don't like the word diet but prefer to look at this as a life journey of learning to make better choices of what I eat and stay active doing many activities. I also want to enjoy my life and not feel total deprivation from foods I like.

    I do have arthritis so some days are a challenge to exercise due to how I feel. I try to persevere through it knowing that moving is better than not. Currently my exercises include biking, walking, and aqua jog class. In the winter I will walk to my Leslie Sansone videos. I'm planning to add lap swimming and possibly yoga but not sure yet.

    I look forward to sharing recipes, activities and other healthy ideas! Oh yeah, I grew up in Indiana and Michigan but live in a suburb of Minneapolis now. I've been here over 25 years.
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm 44. I have two kids ages 25 and 9.

    One of my short -term goals is to move out of the "obsese" category.....just a few more pounds and I;m out of there.

    I hope to slowly change a lot of things in my life due to the positive changes that will and are occuring as a result of shedding the weight.

    Looking forward to chatting with you ladies.

    Hailing from Maryland

  • Malteaster
    Malteaster Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for the invite. I'm Anne and I live in Derbyshire in the UK. I have two children, a son who is 21 and has just moved back home after university, and a daughter who is 19 and away at uni. I am 53 years old.

    I have been losing and gaining the same 20lbs for the last 15 years, and it is getting harder to lose it. I had got it under control until my mum got ill and passed away almost 3 years ago. Her appetite was poor so we prepared her calorie dense food, and ate it to keep her company. I gained 25lbs and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast.

    I have spent most of this year researching diets, and I am trying to avoid processed foods as much as possible, and to cut down on white carbs. I need something that is easy to fit into everyday life.
  • mercinursi
    mercinursi Posts: 17 Member
    Hello all! My name is Debbie, I am 53 and live in Bonaire, Ga. I have had weight issues all of my life and am now wanting to lose for me. I am the mother to 5 kids, with ages ranging from 20 to 5. We always have all the wrong food in my house, although I do try to control it. My husband probably has type 2 diabetes, but refuses to go to the doctor, so that is one more thing I try to control at home. DId I mention I am a Public Health Nurse?

    That said, I am excited about joining this group and having someone to encourage and share ideas with.

  • vilmafraguada
    vilmafraguada Posts: 26 Member
    Hi My name is Vilma and I live in MN...I'm 57,married with three grown kids. I love to cook, dance and anything fun and exciting!
    Love to travel as well. My big food challenges are pasta (LOVE) and bread (double LOVE) so I've become best friends with spaghetti squash :). I'm very disciplined about exercising ( interval training/treadmill/turbo sculpt/kettleball & Traci Anderson Metamorphosis). I'm very short (5') so losing weight is a challenge...I have lost 10 lbs since I started and have at least 10 more to go but I'm determined and believe MFP does work.
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Hi, I'm Anita 53 yrs old. Lives in Iowa Mother of two daughters, both are out on there own. No grandchildren yet! Married to my wonderful husband for 32 yrs. and one dog (Titian) which his name fits him. I work for a husband and wife team that are Optometrist. I am a certified tech and have worked for them for 12 yrs. In my 30's my hormones started changing and so did my weight. Same as most I would gain and then loose. I have been a lifetime member of WW for 20+ years. I know it works but need something more motivating. I started with MFP in July I havent lost alot since then but I have figured out ways to losse that are working for me now. This is a awesome site. Thanks for the invite.

    Anita :flowerforyou:
  • Hi everyone - thanks for the invite!
    I'm 59.75 years old and live in the San Diego area with my husband and 19 year old daughter who's the youngest of 4. I'm a quilter, enjoy cooking and taking fitness classes at the university where I work. Needless to say I'm the oldest student! I live in the San Diego area now and lived in Minnesota till I was 18. I've lost 36 pounds and would like 14 more before I turn 60 in January -haha not happening but forging ahead regardless. I'm focusing on healthy eating and look forward to sharing and learning with you all. I've made the cake mix/pumpkin recipe many times (spice cake mix) it's delicious.
    Bye for now...
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    Hello all! Thanks for the invite. I don't post a lot on forums but will try to participate.

    I'm Sharon, 55 and live in Orlando, FL. Originally from Indiana and took a plunge and moved here in 2000. I love being here! I'm married (6 years in November) have 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren. Oldest daughter in Chicago, son in Indiana and youngest here in Fl with me.

    I don't know how it was messed up by I signed up to MFP in April of this year, started tracking food just fro curiosity and was hooked. I'm down 52 lbs and hope to lose another 8 by Thanksgiving. That will put me half way to what I believe to be my goal.

    I've been big my entire life. I'm sick of it. I don't like how I feel and look. I won't ever be a model but I'd like to go places and not always be the biggest person in the room.

    I love to crochet, sew, cook and have become somewhat addicted to exercise.

    Ask any questions you like. I love this site and what it has brought to me!

  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Hi! I'm Kim. I'm 52 and the mother of two grown daughters; one living with me and hubby. I'm a stay at home wife and love getting new cooking ideas. I'd like to lose about 20 lbs in a healthy way. I'm so excited to be joining this group!
  • thecazstewart
    thecazstewart Posts: 131 Member
    Hi there

    My name is Caz, I'm 54 and I live on the south coast of England just 2 minutes walk from the beach.

    I've been calorie counting and exercising since 2007 and have dropped 5 dress sizes in that time. However, the final 10 pounds remain stubborn to go, so I'm doing everything possible to "surprise" my body into giving up those last pounds. I'm fasting once a week (I did twice a week for 9 weeks but my weekly calories were getting way too low) and just this week my lovely husband and I (he's an ultra runner) have decided to give up carbs for our evening meal so it's either fish or steak with a plate of vegetables). It's going well.

    ! I'm eating an average of 1100-1200 per day based across the week. This is great because each non-fast day I'm eating what I actually fancy as long as I'm within my limit. I rarely go over. I have a sweet tooth and I must admit, this is my nemesis.

    I work full time and I enjoy power walking, running and attending a weekly Bootcamp where the average age is 28!

    Menopause has slowed things down too. I'm also a group member to the final push before the end of the year, which gives us weekly exercise targets to reach, which are hard to fit into a full time work routine!! But I'm trying!