


  • dayroselynn28
    dayroselynn28 Posts: 7 Member

    I just joined fitnesspal yesterday and was looking for some friends for support to add and found this group. So heres my story I was pregnant in 2001 which was a bad pregnancy and caused placental abrubtion at 8 months and sadly my son did not make it and I died in the hospital but luckily they revived me after all that I was not the same and kept getting sicker and sicker for years so finally in 2006 the doctors found out I have SLE and it caused me great joint pain and fatigue which had me sitting and sitting and not to mention the meds that made me gain weight but now Ive been on my meds for a while and I finally feel that I can move some again and actually moving helps my joints == I ve only lost 31lbs in the last year so I was looking for something else to help guide me and thats when my doctor told me about myfitness pal so here it goes. Good Luck to Me :)
  • EPhinn
    EPhinn Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome to all the new members. I don't have a ton of time to sit and welcome each one of you individually, but I look forward to getting to know you all. I hope MFP and the group help you get through whatever hurdles you are currently having with your health. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Hi Everyone! My name is Zudith, I'm 27 and I was diagnosed at 15. I happy to see that there's a support group on MFP. Sometimes I find it very hard to go to the gym because of my lupus. It's been stable the last couple of years because of plaquinil but I still get the regular symptoms....tiredness, joint pain, etc.
    It's nice to see a group of people who are taking care of themselves, despite the problem we have.
  • Ressie1
    Ressie1 Posts: 52 Member
    Ohhh how excited i am to see this group.. My name is Ciressa I am 34 soon to be 35 in November. I was diagnosed with Lupus SLE in Feb 2008. I have had my share of Lupus related issues but feeling pretty good lately. I have been working out and eating better in order to continue feeling this way. Plus I believe getting some weight off cant hurt! I just recently finished a second round of Cytoxan to treat Lupus Nephritis. The steroids however are still hanging around like we are best friends. I'm ready to break up that relationship but I know it cant be done overnight. :) Again i am very happy to see this group and even more excited to join it. :bigsmile:
  • Hi Everyone,
    I am finding solace in these posts today. It is nice to see a group of people who have similar struggles as myself taking care of themselves and their health regardless of a diagnosis. I am currently waiting for an official diagnosis from my Rheumatologist. I have had stiffness in my joints since I was 8 years old. I was diagnosed with nonspecific osteoarthritis, had a positive ANA, and was diagnosed with a gene marker for autoimmune disease in my early 20's. Up until now the only symptoms I have had are knee pain and problems with my knees swelling. Since then, I have been slowly adding symptoms one by one to the autoimmune disease diagnostic check box, but until recently none of the symptom's coincided with each other. I recently and currently am having what I am calling an episode. Many of my symptoms have flared at once and are presenting worse than they have ever been. I can add an enlarged thyroid to this list after seeing my doctor yesterday. I believe that a diagnosis is coming but I'm not sure exactly what autoimmune disease(s) it will be, we are waiting for the lab results. I am trying to not self diagnose or to jump the gun here. I am here at the lupus group because I most relate to the symptoms you are describing as a group and it feels good to have support and to see others trials and triumphs that are similar to mine. It has been an emotional month for me because the realization that this has advanced quickly and dramatically is scary. Whatever diagnosis comes I know that I will continue trying my best and taking care of my health. I am looking for friends who are also trying their best and who occasionally fall into the pity pot but then pull themselves out. Thank you everyone who has/ will shared your story here it has been a great comfort to me.
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm Misty, I am 35 years old, was diagnosed with SLE, nephritis, Raynaud's Syndrome, and RA in 2005, but the doctors said that I've had it much longer than they originally thought. I'm had a few flares over the years, but right now (thank goodness) I'm holding steady with just taking Plaquenil twice a day. The only other issue I have is the constant brain fog and fatigue. I've found that just walking helps when I cannot make it to the gym... but when my body says it's time to sleep, I sleep...
    I was curious though, have any of you found that when drinking milk products, or sugar laden products that you feel worse???
  • Hi, just joining up tonight. My daughter and I are going to work on this together. She's used this website prior to a pregnancy, and now we're getting back to it.
    I was diagnosed with lupus and Sjogren's in 2007. With health issues including kidney disease and heart failure now, I really need to do whatever it takes to get this extra weight off, and I have a LOT of weight to get off. Things are serious enough without me carrying all this around with me. I really need support as I have struggled with my weight throughout my entire life. I am 54 years old and really enjoy my family; children, grandchildren, etc. I really don't want to leave them anytime soon, so I would like to get healthier so I can enjoy them longer and vice versa.
    I've recently gotten a new rheumatologist whom I am very happy with. He has told me that he believes lupus was misdiagnosed in me and that Sjogren's is my issue. There's no question the Sjogren's has always caused me severe issues, but since lupus and Sjogren's share so many of the same symptoms and complications, my first rheumatologist told me I had them both. In looking for support on this website for folks with Sjogren's, I found that there was no one. I hope that you all will not mind if I come into this group and I feel our needs and health issues are very similar. My medication requirements never changed when they took away the diagnosis of lupus, and so I feel that we could have enough things in common that I can benefit from being here. Is this okay??
    Looking forward to a successful year in 2013!
  • stylist_alysa
    stylist_alysa Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the boards. My name is Alysa, I'm 29 years old. I was diagnosed with Lupus when I was 9 years old. I'm here due to my love of prednisone. Prednisone and I have been together for 19 of my 20 years of lupus, and I've had enough of it's side effects! I live in Utah with my husband and 2 step sons. These poor boys in my life just don't know how to handle all of the fun that comes with lupus, so I'm glad I've found this group.
  • knicolebrown1920
    knicolebrown1920 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I'm Nicole. I am 29 years of age, the mother of one and the eldest of 4. I received the diagnoses of SLE in Fall 2011. I also struggle with Sjogren's Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Raynaud's Disease. Currently I am taking B12, Plaquenil and methotrexate to control my flares. I have been watching my diet and working out at planet fitness for the last 5 & 1/2 months. I started out at 235lbs. currently I weigh 218.6 lbs. My family say they can tell I have lost weight however, I can not see the change. Now that I have hit the 220 range I have found it difficult to loose much of anything....Im hoping this will change before I turn 30 in April.
  • krislyn84
    krislyn84 Posts: 337 Member
    Hello all! So glad to have found this group. I am a 28 year old single mom of three amazing kiddos. I was diagnosed with Lupus last year, after way to many years wondering what on earth was wrong with me. I let it get me down for a while, stopped working out and gained about 30 pounds (gotta love Prednisone!) but I am determined to not let a diagnosis control me anymore. Getting back on track and really hoping to find some accountability from women who understand!
  • MidnightMinstrel
    MidnightMinstrel Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, so pleased to be able to share in this journey with others that suffer with Lupus too. I am 39 years old and was diagnosed 9 years ago. I have been particularly poorly over the last few years and am on a fair amount of medication including mycophenolate, hydroxychloroquine and the dreaded prednisolone (have been on prednisolone for 4 years now and its likely I will have to stay on long term). The problem, as you will understand, is the weight gain but I am determined that I am going to lose weight, I need to as it is making the health problems so much worse. I have a long way to go, and really need support and encouragement from those that understand how difficult it is to lose weight when you have health issues, if I can help anyone in return I will happily. Thanks for listening and please feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hi everyone - glad there are others here who know what a ***** prednisone is! I'm a 32 year-old mother of one, diagnosed at 19 with SLE and Reynaud's and at 24 with lupus nephritis. I've been on prednisone since my first diagnosis and have tried/rejected almost every conventional lupus medication out there. I started Benlysta last year as a last-ditch effort to control my symptoms and it's made me into a new woman! I'm hoping this is the year I can finally get off the bloat-coaster, but I also want to get in great shape so that if I ever start to get really sick again my body will be ready for it. I want to stay healthy and happy for my husband and son. :-)

    ...and also to fit back into my skinny jeans. I'm a little vain.