
yaafee Posts: 274 Member
Looking for help...

I've been on this road for 105 days. At the beginning, I was VERY aware of my macros, almost obsessive. I still record EVERYTHING and work out before work at least 4 days per week, but lately I'm having trouble keeping myself "in check". I will justify choices that aren't the best or take a day to "sleep in" just because I really don't want to get out of bed.

I lost the first 20 pounds in the first 9 weeks, I have been fluctuating within about three pounds for the last month or so. My goal weight is another 12 pounds away, and more than the weight or pants size, I want to have a flab-free tummy. I know this is a long road, because its a forever fix and not a temporary diet, but I need help getting back to the grind.

Any advice, help, and/or inspiration welcome!


  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I did just that & stabilised around 9lbs above target after a great start. I was a bit bored & was feeling good in my clothes again so was missing that motivation. After about a year I was ready to go again & refocused I got down to target for summer. I tend to relax a bit during the hols & am back to it to lose the regained lbs for Christmas. I am in UK but have joined this group as the timings & weight is similar target for me. Sorry no real technical advice, I just felt that for me the motivation had to come from ME. When I really wanted it, I did it! I have changed my eating & exercise habits but relax about a few alcohol/carbs lbs creeping on from time to time knowing I can refocus & I will never allow myself to go over a certain point. It works for me:) hth
  • yaafee,
    I hope this helps; this is what is helping me right now.
    *Imagine yourself at your goal, and how proud you are of "sticking to it".
    *Think about how great your swimsuit fits, and how you don't require Spanx anymore.
    *Remember the time past when shopping for Spanx was a necessary part of wardrobe shopping.

    Also, try something completely new, exercise-wise. Our bodies get used to certain kinds of exercise, and then it's less effective because we are more efficient at it. Try Pilates for that flab-free belly. Hilariously, at 32lbs to go till I reach my goal, my stomach isn't as much of a problem, because of all those core exercises.

    You are so close! Congrats on making it this far--keep on, keeping on!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I have not put too much energy to lose the last 5 pounds but due to the holidays around the corner, I will most likely gain 2-3 pounds. I need to stay strong and be bikini ready by Thanksgiving! Let's do it!
  • I also could use that little push..or some might call it motivation...I've showed I can lose the keep it off is the hardest.I still have at least another thirty pounds.Stress in our life's adds to eating for me anyway. I've just started to use this web page for the myfitnesspal. I've been using my phone program since July 2012. looking for friends to encourage and to encourage me. I know from my past that sharing the up's and down's with someone who is going through the same thing you are is always that helping hand we crave..There is no quick loss out there...Only time
  • fordluvnangel79
    fordluvnangel79 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm shooting for 5 lbs in 5 weeks, so although it might be the week after Thanksgiving, I'm still giving it a go!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    What gabriellaange said. Change it up. Maybe you are just not too excited about what you're doing atm.
    Plus it's "winter" now. It's so much harder to get up in the am for anything this time of year.

    It's a common experience to lose a bunch then not care so much and then you stop losing and it's frustrating.
    Core exercises are indeed a great help for the tummy. Mine was so much better when I was doing core work and yoga...

    Also, sometimes even though we want to get to our goal as fast as possible, taking a break isn't truly bad because the body does get used to everything.

    So you've slacked for a week or so. Make a schedule on paper and weigh the pros and cons (getting up early vs sleeping in) remind yourself of your success and how you got there and keep going.

    My biggest self motivator has always been telling myself "just keep trying"
    Especially helpful when I look in the mirror and get sad. If I keep trying, it will get better =D
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    I say join a challenge (which you obviously just did ;)). I too was soo good for the first several months, getting within 5 pounds or so of my goal weight. Then I moved, changed jobs, got married, and lost motivation to keep up the good work. Two months and 8 pounds back on!!! So now, I'm joining challenges to help push myself back towards my goal weight! Here's to us all helping each other stay accountable!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    When do we post our weigh-in?
  • yaafee
    yaafee Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks for all of the reinforcement and kindness. This is exactly what I need. This and to stop justifying sweets. Please help my coworkers and students realize that I don't really want to be bombarded with baked goods from now until January. Or rather, help ME make good decisions to avoid them.
  • yaafee
    yaafee Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks for all of the reinforcement and kindness. This is exactly what I need. This and to stop justifying sweets. Please help my coworkers and students realize that I don't really want to be bombarded with baked goods from now until January. Or rather, help ME make good decisions to avoid them.
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Protein snacks help me resist sweet stuff. I need to eat before I get too hungry & reach for the instant glucose rush! Boring but it works for me!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Protein snacks help me resist sweet stuff. I need to eat before I get too hungry & reach for the instant glucose rush! Boring but it works for me!

    100% agree. Planning and prepping the day before helps me stay focus. Fighting for the last 5 lbs for a year now and back and forth. My consistency is now paying off...Moving ahead and making progress. Some set-backs due to knee injury, arthirities and no exercise. However, 90% is DIET...keep this into perspective!