Today's meet & walk

BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
Had a great time today walking at Lake Fayetteville with Kittzle, your moderator Big D & his super fun super wife. Hope to do a couple more befor the weather drives us indoors. Anyone can suggest a location as we are always looking for a fun & relaxing way to burn a few calories!


  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    I really enjoyed just hanging with you on the beNch and chatting. It was a great day and thanks so much for helping me to stay the course. I have not walked that far at once in 11 years. Couldn't do it without you, Suz, and Jenn. Muy bien!
  • kittzle
    kittzle Posts: 190 Member
    Was so glad to share in your amazing day!! Very proud of your accomplishments!!
    But next time, let's make sure we have at least one vehicle on both sides of the lake :)
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Options paying for all that today! Was a fun day though. ;)