Are you on Track?

drewg4463 Posts: 29 Member
Things are going well I hope, its going to be an interesting week, I live in Connecticut and the storm of the century is upon us, and lucky me I have to drive to work in the middle of it. It will be worse when I get home later this evening. I thrilled with this MFP system the tracking is so simple and it really works so well for me, and I hope it is for you. 17 lbs in 23 days I feel great but isnt funny but still feeling fat! Wouldnt it be great to just wake up healthy and much lighter LOL. Oh well down 3 and I want to between 5- 7 lbs by Thanksgiving. Best of luck to everyone. Stay intouch!!


  • MrsTre
    MrsTre Posts: 34 Member
    I'm impressed with your numbers - 17 in 23 days! Well I'm way behind that - down 5 in 14 days. But I'm on track for the Thanksgiving goal for sure!
  • ichimichi
    ichimichi Posts: 12 Member
    I signed up a week late to the mini-challenge but I'm still hopeful in reaching my goal by Thanksgiving. I calculated my "weak" phases for the rest of the year and unfortunately it will likely come right about that week, so I'm hoping to to be able to work through it or at least not let it frustrate me to the point of quitting. One day at a time, I know... but I get so fearful that after every weak phase, I just won't pick it back up. Time will tell. I'm down 2 pounds since last Wednesday. 4 more to go to complete mini-challenge #1. Considering the hurricane and other disasters that follow (thinking of you Drew4463), my weight obsession pales in comparison as far as bad "situations" go, but it's the focus that's in front of me right now. Everyone stay safe, and NEVER give up. ~~ Michi
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    doing well! lost 1/2lb this week. i expected more, but i'll take it! i'm really hoping that i can live up to this challenge. 37lbs to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. it sounds overwhelming when i look at all the weight i need to lose! however, i know i can do this. this time is different than 2008. i am more determined than i have ever been since my daughter was born. we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • gwiesert113
    gwiesert113 Posts: 3 Member
    Going great here. Definitely on track to be at goal weight for Thanksgiving challenge. I am continuing on towards our April goal!!