Over 6 Feet tall because we're the actual tall girls ;)

Hi there! I'm Heather, just turned 22 and am 6'3" and have a very muscular, athletic build from playing volleyball. I've ran into some surgeries from sports injuries and since then haven't been close to the weight and %bf that I should be, in my opinion. I have my bachelors in exercise science and feel that I know what I'm doing when it comes to eating healthy and exercising, but it never hurts to have more MFP friends to keep up that motivation. Please add me as a friend.. I have my diary open for friends to see =] I'm hoping to still lose around 20 more lbs!


  • lashaunalou
    lashaunalou Posts: 15 Member
    I'm over 6ft in my heels! I'm taller than nearly ALL my friends
    I wouldn't mind some advice, I am doing les mills body pump which I love an aerobic style dance class, spin and a short exercise DVD a week but i would love to burn more fat so the physique i had under the fat can be seen clearly..... What more can i do?
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm 5'11'' barefoot...in heals...about your height. :wink: I also have about 20 lbs to lose...was 15 about 3 months ago. :ohwell: So I play tennis alot and looking to lose the 20lbs so I can be a bit faster on the court and have more energy, too. Right now I have Serena legs...would like them to be more Ivanovic like. Congrats on the wedding and your budding career!!! :bigsmile: