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  • YouCanCountOnBunnies
    Hi, thanks for inviting me. My name is Laura, I'm 57, and I live in Winchester in England. I went on a 4-day boot camp in June, and it gave me so much motivation that I kept going with the healthy eating and exercise, and I have lost 40 pounds in total. I'm counting calories, and also trying to eat mostly low GI foods, that works really well for me because it keeps my energy up and I don't get hungry. My husband and I eat out a lot, I can usually find something on most menus that fits in with my plan, but if not, I just eat a smaller portion. I am loving having so much more energy, and now that I'm a couple of sizes smaller, buying clothes is a much more fun experience than it used to be. Looking forward to sharing tips etc here :)
  • mdelappe
    mdelappe Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks so much for the invite. This looks like a great group to be in!
    I am Myla and I live in Bellingham, WA (Fairhaven District). I will be turning 50 next month. I have a lot of things going on in my life, but the most important one right now is making myself eat healthy and exercise so I can get rid of this weight I have gained. Looking forward to sharing recipes and getting recipes!!
  • spiderjasper
    Hello Everyone! I just joined the group. I am 45 years old, I work full time, I have a 4 year old son (yes, I waited until I was over 40 to have kids), and a husband. I'm pretty busy but have been fit and active most of my life. When I decided to have a child so late in life I also decided it was my responsibility to be healthy and active as long as I can for him. Diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders, and strokes run in my family. I beleive it is mostly related to obesity and I really don't want to end up in the condition my Mom was in before she passed away at age 82. I want to do better for my son. Thank you all for your support!
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the invite. I'm Judy, 55, married 34 yrs, 5 kids 24-32, 1 awesome granddaughter and the most spoiled Pomeranian ever. I've been heavy all my life. Keep gaining and losing. I have 130 lbs to lose. It's difficult when you hate to exercise, have never liked any vegetables, get stomach problems from too many fruits and salads and are seriously addicted to chocolate! I'm giving it my best effort and enjoy hearing everyone's stories. The support here is awesome!
    I'm from Boston and presently dealing with Hurricane Sandy. My reaction to storms is to bake,bake,bake! I have so far avoided that. Wish me luck.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Okay, you hooked me. What an interesting group!
    Like my profile says, I'm a 57-year-old grandmother who loves to sew, quilt, knit and swim. Been a vegetarian some 20+ years; but was a fat, lazy vegetarian who wasn't eating right, and who doesn't care to exercise. Relocated from California to retire out here in the wide-open plains southwest of Denver, Colorado. Married to a wonderful man who eats whatever I cook. We're empty nesters now, with 2 kids/2 grandkids near us, and 2 kids/3 grandkids in other states.
    Like many of you, I've gained and lost the same 50-60 pounds at least 3 times in the last 30 years. By the end of 2011, I had just retired from long hours at a stressful job, sitting in an office staring at a computer. I had learned to live with aching joints, had a bad bout of pneumonia, a knee surgery, developed high blood pressure, battling a stubborn rash on my face and chronic dark circles under my eyes, had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, felt terrible, and was sure it was downhill from now until the end of my days. Depressing. I had hit my all-time fat weight of 184 lbs (at 5'5") --a size 16!!-- and was miserable, a bad example of a Lifetime Weight Watcher member.
    I started my final weight-loss journey in Feb 2012 with Weight Watchers, because this was the only successful diet that fit my lifestyle. I lost 25 lbs on WW from February to mid-June. Felt a lot better! Yet my BP was still high. In mid-June, my sister told me about MFP and I joined. My doctor suggested dropping my sodium intake to under 1000mg a day, and MFP was the perfect tool for tracking my sodium. (Ladies, you'd be astounded to know how much sodium the average person consumes and how sodium is in everything!!) I decided to go gluten-free to see if that would clear up some of my issues, and maybe improve my disposition, too. I didn't really notice any difference in my face, but I did drop a couple of pounds.
    In mid-July, I read "Eat To Live" by Dr Joel Fuhrman and knew I had found the lifestyle eating plan with which I could live the rest of my life. ETL was easily adaptable to eating healthily as a low-sodium vegetarian. I'm learning how to cook healthy, flavorfull meals, and trying to work exercise into my daily life again. Eating the ETL plan, I was able to ditch the BP medicine in July and have lost an additional 18 lbs and counting!! I now average a very normal 112/68 BP reading!
    In August my facial rash cleared up and has not come back. My joints feel better. My raccoon eyes are fading. I think my disposition has improved, too!! I can fit back into my size 10 clothes again. In another month, maybe, I will be able to comfortably fit my expensive size 8 Pendleton suit again (after 8 years!!). Then I will be out shopping for new stuff! I may never be a size 6 again, but I can easily be happy as a size 8, believe me!
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    Thanks for the invite!!

    My name is Traci, I am 42 and live in NE Georgia with my husband and 4 out of 5 children still left at home:) Our oldest is the only one out so far and is currently in Police training in Miami. The 4 left at home are 21 (currently in college), 15, 11, and 8. I have run a business from our home for about 7 years and currently work part-time at the local coffee shop to get out of the house a bit and save my sanity!
    I started MFP the end of March and currently have lost 25.5lbs and counting! Currently feel great but would like to lose another 6-8 lbs to hit where I would like to be. Never had a problem with my weight until the dreaded middle age snuck up on me and now seems like a constant thing to keep under control. Always hated exercising, but have forced myself to walk/jog or do the elliptical 4-5 times a week:) Trying my best to lead a healthy lifestyle while enjoying life!
  • OhThatBlonde
    OhThatBlonde Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I was thrilled when I got the invitation to join the group. My name is Corrie; I’m 49. I grew up in Massachusetts and married the military. I’ve been living in Virginia Beach with my Hubz and three big dogs for the past eight years.

    I’ve been on MFP for a year and truly enjoy the camaraderie! A co-worker invited me to join so we could track info and keep each other accountable during a little office wager… this was after we both took notice of our “back fat”!! Since then I’ve come to really love the ability to track my nutritional intake. I’m not a dieter; in fact I’ve always been a lanky-flat-butted gal … with big boobs! I was very active until about a decade ago when my balance of work, life, and play got a little outa kilter. With that, weight slowly crept onto my body – go figure! The older I get the harder it is to keep it off and/or keep it toned. In the past I didn’t have to work hard to keep fit; now I can no longer rely on an awesome metabolism. For years I’ve eaten a mostly clean diet, very low in carbs, paleo tendencies – but right now with my new diagnosis it’s kinda screwed up. I’m 5’8” and for the past 20 years have weighed between 135-168. When I joined MFP I weighed almost 170 with blood glucose levels on the rise. This year has been a challenge for me medically; my pancreas decided to take an extended leave of absence, which leaves me with a diagnosis (as of Sept 2012): Type 1 Diabetic. It sucks! This was NOT in my plan!! But at least I know why I had been sick for a year AND I’m modifying my life to start moving forward in this new direction. I’m always up for a challenge.

    My degree is a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy but I haven’t practiced in a number of years; instead I work for the government … in Cyber. There are so many things I love to do - I love anything water related. I love to sail, surf, fish, and kayak. I also ride a Harley and golf. I love to work out and recently have come to enjoy zumba; but with my new diagnosis I’ve put working out and zumba on-hold until I can figure out how to do it safely.

    I look forward to sharing recipes, activities, and other healthy ideas with everyone as we go through this journey! My food diary is open to my friends – if you’d like, send me a request - with a note please.
  • jennm72
    jennm72 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I'm Jenn from Omaha, NE. I will soon be 40. My husband and I are about to celebrate 15 years together and we have a 13 year old daughter. I have an MBA and currently work as a program manager. I am working on a Masters in Counseling as well, but not sure how far I will continue that degree.

    Glad to be a part of the group. I am at work so I should go actually work :)
  • dot1212
    dot1212 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi My name is Dot and I am the oldest I think!!! 70 years young. I have 3 grown daughters and one is mentally handicapped. The other two are happily married and I have 4 grandsons and one granddaughter.
    I have been on MFP since about Feb and the weight loss has been extremely slow partially due to eating out all summer with company. I love new recipes and am always checking them out for one to try.
    I look forward to new ideas and interaction with all of you.
    BTW I live in Murrells Inlet SC which is a little seacoast town.
  • Ladysummers
    Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Alice,thank you so much to the invite to the group and a big hello to everybody,
    I'm Kim I live in a small remote village in Wales in the uk.
    After suffering a long term illness I put on over 5 stones in weight,this affected my health and self esteem.
    Not having any friends or family nearby ,I decided to look in the Internet for a group of like minded people for friendship and support.
    I came across many groups but they just weren't for me.
    Just as I was about to give up I came across MFP,that was 5 months ago,I have never looked back.
    I have met some amazing people on here all very special on there own way with a story to tell.
    Through there kindness through,there daily messages and comments they have got me where I am today.
    I joined here weighing 15 stone 7 lbs and in a size 24,5 months on I am 12stone 4 lbs and a very loose size 16.
    For many years I never exercised but now you can't stop me.
    Now I spend my time on here helping others,my way of saying thankyou.
    If any of you would like to be my friend please feel free to add me.
    Look forward to being a very active member of this group.Kim:)x
  • kiamacathy
    Hello everyone
    I'm Cathy, from a beautiful seaside town near Sydney, Australia. Like many of you, I've finally realised that enough is enough and I have to get my weight and health in order if I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life. I tried MFP earlier in the year, and found it very empowering, but a few issues in my life made me resort to the old way of doing things.

    I hope you guys will help me to stay motivated! I cook professionally, and look forward to sharing some recipes.

    Big short term motivation is the looming Christmas holidays, which happen in summer over here. I'd love to feel comfortable in the pictures this year!

  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member

    I'm Kristiina. Originally from Finland, but I live in Michigan with my hubby, two kids and a doggie.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm Dina. I was born in Washington D.C. raised and live in the suburbs of Md. most of my life. I am 42 yrs. young.
    I have 5 (young adult) children 3 boys & 2 girls, eldest boy's are 24 yr old identical twins, younger son & youngest daughter are in the Army, 4 are married w/children except younger 21yr old son. I have 4 grandbabies (2 are identical twin girls) & 3 more on the way.

    I'm planning a destination wedding in 9/2013 (1st wedding 2nd marriage for both of us) I love jazz (namely contemporary) amongst other music. I like learning new things especially pertaining to my health. I'm new to Low Carb & Gluten Free eating. I love to travel especially going to the beach. I can cook a little bit but want to learn more about Low Carb & Gluten Free cooking as I look forward to getting myself & my fiance off blood pressure meds.

    I've been on myFitnesspal for about 3 months now and have lost 13.5 lbs so far I'm down to 194.5 last weigh-in. My journey started when I last seen a Dr. about back pain & found out I was 207 lbs. Not wanting to take meds I opted for physical therapy which helped but I wasn't satisfied. I've never been this heavy even when pregnant. I also have high blood pressure and had been told to lose weight at 200 lbs. My fiance also has high blood pressure. Being impressed with my success, he decided to join the gym at his job only to be sent to see his Dr. right away due to his levels being extremely high. He was re-prescribed meds & this diagnoses initiated the Low Carb diet (in which we,ve tried before with success but went back to old habits) While looking for Low Carb recipes (so we don't get bored) I stumbled across an interesting blog called Maria's Nutrtious & Delicious which peaked my interest in becoming gluten free.

    Thanks for the invite. I look forward to the upcoming post for this group!

    Dina :wink:
  • sarahthecamper
    sarahthecamper Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for the invite!

    I'm Sarah from the Minneapolis area. I cook, love my vino, entertain regularly, play tennis and kinda sorta run. I have four teenagers who are sick of me touting the goodness of protein and the evils of sugar. I can stay away from the sweets, but the tepanade? Good cheese? The wine? Not so easy.

    I just reset my calorie goal based on The Road Map (explained by a guy named Dan on MFP) from 1200 to 1680. I'm very interested in seeing how this works out.

    Keep moving, ladies! Nice to meet you!
  • goodlife1206
    goodlife1206 Posts: 42 Member
    I am so happy to join this group of fun, motivated ladies!

    As I read about many of you, I was struck that you seem much like my good friends. The hard, stressful times of life can only be helped by a shared laugh.

    I too have lost and gained a mountain over the years. I am tired of the back and forth and need to find my way to a smaller, healthier me. Last year I lost a little over 50#, and about half of that found it's way back. I was eating low carb, and that worked well, but was not sustainable at the level I was living at. I still watch all my grains and "white" foods, but eat more than I used to.

    I really do like to exercise and walk 2-3 miles 3-4 times a week and do circuit training class twice a week.

    I am 57 and married with two adult children and 3 grandchildren. Love the empty nest and ability to take off when I want and not cook(if I don't want.) I live in the Black Hills of South Dakota near Mt. Rushmore. We are really into outdoor activities here and it is so beautiful and inspiring to be outside.

  • Aehisme
    Aehisme Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everyone :bigsmile:

    I love the idea of being a lady who can lunch unfortunately a full time job prevents me from being one:sad:

    My name is Annette and i'm from the UK (just outside London)- I love to prepare healty home cooked food but am also partial to the odd take out!

    I'm happy to meet and be friends with people who inspire me and who live life to the full.:flowerforyou:
  • bebe729
    bebe729 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies! I am new to the group as of about 5 minutes ago. I am a good bit over 40....56, to be exact. I am glad to be at this place in life although I am determined to keep my days of the highest quality possible. So I am watching my food intake carefully (for the most part) and exercising vigorously. I am thankful that I am able to exercise vigorously because about 9 years ago, I wasn't sure that I would ever be able walk without extreme pain again. To make a long story short, my doctor told me to start walking, and keep building up. So, I did. I eventually got out of pain (although I have occasional bouts) and will continue to walk, even job, as long as I possibly can....and I'm hoping that is for at least 3 more decades.

    I have three delightful grandchildren, one newborn, one 2 year old boy, and one 4 year old girl. I love these children and love playing with these children. They are probably the biggest motivation that I have to stay fit. However, I have a multitude of reasons, all of which could stand on their own.

    I lost about 50 pounds about 10 years ago because I had begun exercising. Then in the last year or so, I decided to take off the remaining 25 pounds that I needed to lose. It was somewhere in the process that I discovered MFP. I have been here for about 4 months now and have LOVED the friendships that I have formed here. What a great web site!!!

    I have no doubt that I will enjoy the journey with all of you as well. After all, we are all in this together...which makes it a little easier!

  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    Hello! I'm Judy from the very soggy Washington, DC area! I'm 49 years old, the mother of two married daughters and two adorable grandsons (each daughter has one!) I've been married 30 years to my best friend and have a private practice doing Couples and Individual therapy. I've eaten healthy my entire adult life - but if you eat too much healthy food you gain weight too! My husband is a runner and has always encouraged me to by physically active. My passion for the past few years has been Kettlebells. I hired a personal trainer a year ago and we've become good friends. We are looking forward to retiring to central Mexico in 2016 where we are building a home. There are many American and Canadian ex-pats living in the area and we already have many friends in Mexico.
  • tjones34
    tjones34 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the invite. My name is Teresa and I’m 51, married, 3 kids (2 married 1 graduating high school in the spring). I joined MFP in July of this year and have lost 17 lbs since then. I have about 50 lbs yet to lose. I’ve never posted on here before so this is all new to me. I look forward to being part of this group.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Hello Ladies Who Lunch!!

    My name is Delana. I am 44 yrs old. I am in the Chicago land suburbs IL.)

    I have two grown sons age 20 (Junior in College) and 18 (Freshmen at a Junior College)

    I've been married for 24 yrs. We have a great dog 3yr old her name is Marley.

    I am 5'9" at 180 lbs. I would love to get anywhere from 140 - 150. Two years ago I made a firm committment to MFP and got all the way down to 155. Hubby and I went on vacation last year since then until now I've managed to pack on 20lbs. So now I am struggling to get back on track. I loveeeeeee to exercise and I run. I ran the Chicago Half Marathon last year my first marathon EVER!! It was a great experience and since then I've been hooked on running. Its the drinking wine that I struggle with and hence causing a problem with getting the 20 extra pounds off. But I am recommitting myself and I CAN DO IT!!!!

    I look forward to getting to know each of you ladies!!!! :flowerforyou: