Challenge Week 1 (Oct 29-Nov4)

Its our first week together, so lets keep it simple so we can start building the good habits while scoring some easy wins.

So for our kick off week lets check in with the stats weight at the beginning of the challenge/ current weight/goal weight at the end of the challenge. Also, to help with the accountability portion of things, starting Monday log on to MFP daily and update your status, comment on a friend's status, participate in a forum...anything to get engaged in the MFP world. I know you are busy and probably sleep deprived, but it just takes a couple minutes. If you are already a MFP faithful this should be an easy one.


  • ZanaZana2012
    ZanaZana2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like good challenges to get us started! I also like the Monday start.. I am much better with change when it starts on a Monday. :)
  • kellimiller1
    kellimiller1 Posts: 7 Member
    so how are we doing this exactly???
  • YippieSkippy
    kellimiller1, my bad...I was putting this together while sleep deprived. The challenge will run from Monday until the end of the year, participants pick whatever weightloss goal they want. Each monday we will weigh in and report our progress and trouble shoot with other folks who may need a helping hand. Throughout the challenge we will pick something to focus on during the week, this could be a feature from MFP such as tracking food or just a health/fitness principle in general. Participants are welcome to post as much or as little as they want/need to, although it really only works if everyone agrees to at least check in for weigh ins...but the more frequently people post/participate/share the more successful people tend to be. I hope that makes sense. :-)
  • prncesschic
    prncesschic Posts: 419 Member
    Good luck to everyone today:) we can do this ladies!!
  • YippieSkippy
    Alright! Today is the day! Lets get the ball rolling!

    My stats are (start weight/current weight/goal @end of challenge weight) 195.6/195.6/180.6.

    Im excited to do this with you ladies! This should be fun :-)
  • emsays
    emsays Posts: 9 Member
    Here's my weigh-in. Boo to 3-lb weight gain after just 1 week of not exercising or tracking due to return to work last week! :( Oh well.

    210.0/210.0/198.0 (but I'll gladly take lower! lol)

    Have a fit and healthy Monday, everyone!
  • prncesschic
    prncesschic Posts: 419 Member
    Starting weight 210 (after being preg of course) current weight 187.5 and goal is 172.5 and the end of the year:)
  • kellimiller1
    kellimiller1 Posts: 7 Member
    Start weight: (right before giving birth) 265 (horrible- just horrible- I THANK God that Im tall and can sort of hide it)
    current wt: 221
    goal wt: 165 ( want to be at 195 by end of year- that was my starting prego weight and 165 was wt i was summer-2011)

    and how do you get that litlte weight goal tracker thingy??? I remember seeing it when I first started, but I cant seem to find it now
  • mrs_mcclure
    Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm posting my weight on the interwebs!
  • prncesschic
    prncesschic Posts: 419 Member
    It's in the settings
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Im sorry I didnt log weight yesterday, we are dealing with the storm here. This challenge ends at the end of december, or is that wrong?
    My stats: 171.8/171.8/150

    My goal is150 if the challnge ends by January. My dream goal is 120 :)

    Also, will we be weighing in every Monday here?
  • ZanaZana2012
    ZanaZana2012 Posts: 12 Member
    I am a day late too!

    Using a starting weight of yesterday: 162.0/162.0/155.0

    That is my goal weight for the end of the year (really sooner, but with the goal to keep it off through the holidays and my return to work at the end of November).

    I have a goal to lose another 5 - 7 pounds in 2013, which will take me too my 'skinny' weight and what I weighed when I met my husband 10 years ago.

    Good luck ladies! Thanks to the site and seeing all the other ladies on here, I have lost 6 pounds in the last 4 weeks. It does work!
  • tljennin1
    Haha so I didn't realize I was suppose to be posting all this here, but I did do it on my status. So my start weight was 205, my current weight as of Monday was 173.2, and my goal weight for the end of this challenge is 157. I would like to get down eventually to my pre kid post high school weight of 120.
  • ZanaZana2012
    ZanaZana2012 Posts: 12 Member
    I wish there was a way to get to these groups from the iphone app. I use that 95% of the time, so tend to not come here. I am trying to keep up with the challenge, and am glad to see some many particpiating via status updates!

    Let me know if I am missing something and there is a way to get to the groups via apps!
  • YippieSkippy
    Wow this week has been a zoo! I thought for sure I would be able to post more during the week but it flew by so quick! Im going to get next weeks thread started. I hope everyone is hanging in there!