Tell-me-about-it TUESDAY!

AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
"If you can dream it, you can do it." -- Walt Disney

Can you picture yourself healthy and active? Do you have a plan to get there?

Hope is not a strategy! Tell us your plan. ;c)



  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Today is my upper body wo day. Did 30 min wo using 11lb dumbells . Love all my workouts and am thankful i can do them.
    Might be edging my front yard today. So far my sub total for wo this month in miles is 112 1/2 :).
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    My plan for me I have a lot to loose so this is going to be a long journey a life time journey. I didn't put this much weight on over night so its not going to come off overnight. So far I have been working on portion control eating the correct size servicing example is a serving of rice is 2/3 cup than I measure out that amout and eat that.

    Eating healthier choices more fruit, veggies, lean meat still have a family not just me I am using normal foods that I buy at supermarket and costco. But learning how to cook them healthier.

    At first just counting calories, than start paying attention to the macros like salt, carbs, fat content etc. I have also been lately trying to eat less process foods and have start to see if I can adjust my carb level and eat less..

    Right now because of my size my workout consist of walking and water exercises .

    As I loose weight I will change that too.

    That is what I have been doing I am open to feed back also I do listen seek advice as I am changing a life time of bad eating habits at the end of the day I am learning what works best for me.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    My DM spent her last 15 years sitting on the sofa watching television. She lost all the strength in her legs and core, and it really affected her ability to perform even the simplest tasks. She was using a walker long before her time. I've always wanted to be more active and have a toned, strong body and don't want to end up like my DM did. The stumbling block for me is that I really dislike physical activity in any form (this was true even as a young child).

    My plan is to:

    Use my treadmill and stationary bike at least 5 times a week.
    Add some core work in the form of tai chi or pilates
    Do hand weights to strengthen and tone my upper body

    I would prefer to do my workouts in the morning. Otherwise, I find that my motivation is non-existent by the afternoon. One mistake I always make when trying to accomplish my exercise goals is giving it my 'all' for a few days and then quickly lose my focus. Any suggestions on how I can make my plan a successful one this time around would be very appreciated!

    No major changes to my food diary at this time since I've been planning and tracking my meals since early 2008 and I think I have it under control (most days).

  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I'm there, but just have to figure out how to stay there--I've been in great shape before but let it all go more than once. I do better changing things up.

    Just started training to walk a half marathon in February. Currently planning to concentrate on building muscle after that. The last 5 months I have spent going to lots of classes at my gym, but while I train, I'm going to cut back some, altho I'm going to really miss all my spin classes! Gonna keep going to Body Pump and they are adding a kettle bell class on one of my early gym days, so going to try that out as well. Still hit the weight room some since I need to hold onto as much muscle as I can as I'm rapidly approaching 50 and already in the throes of menopause.

    As far as eating, I'm going to continue to try to eat "clean" most of the time, try to cut out a little of the sugar I have added in during my heavy workout months, and keep trying to figure out how to maintain. I haven't figured that part out yet, but I am determined!
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    I always seem to start with a plan - get about 20-30lbs off and then it stops, and I lose focus and it all creeps back on again. So this time my plan is to not lose focus when I hit a plateau - I just have to keep going, and remember how much better I feel and how important it is to be healthy.

    I plan to pay close attention to what I put in my mouth, and for me portion control is an issue, so I have dusted off my kitchen scales, measuring cups and will weigh and measure my food.

    A minimum of 30 minutes of cardio 5X a week. Mostly that is walking at noon, unless the weather is bad then I get on the treadmill at night, turn on Dexter on Netflix and walk for the length of the show. I also just purchased a kettle bell and am looking for some good workouts for that as well.
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    Today the high should be I'm hiking this morning before work. I try and hike about 3 days a week. Last Sunday I went biking about 18 legs were burning but woke up the next day pain free! It felt awesome. I love to hike or bike, listening to music on a beautiful day!

    Last night just worked my abs and jumped rope. I have a hrm, so am able to keep track of my calories.

    It feels great to keep active. My belly fat is shrinking and it definitely has become a life style change.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm a day late but I plan to go to the gym & do week 2 of C25k treadmill & use the weight machines for lower body.
  • RunswithFred
    RunswithFred Posts: 14 Member
    I am planning to contnue to watch my calories and get in 60 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week (shooting for 6 days - one day of rest). Once I hit 170 pounds (my half-way mark), my plan is to add weight training with hand weight and restart pilates. I used to do pilates several times a week and loved it. It is tough for about the first week, but then I really enjoyed it. Since you really need to focus on your breathing doing it, I found that it quieted my mind, and energized me. I am looking forward to stronger muscles and focus.
  • OhThatBlonde
    OhThatBlonde Posts: 98 Member
    Hope is neither a strategy nor a method … one of my hubz regular sayings. I do picture myself healthy again – I’ve been fortunate to have excellent health most of my life... until now!

    After a year of strange sickness, I was diagnosed in Sept 2012 as a Type 1 Diabetic. Who’d-a-Thunk – my pancreas was in slow decline which manifested itself in this strange list of symptoms playing out in and on my body for the last year. Sometime, late summer, it just up and quit on me! This definitely wasn’t in my plan and has forced me to drastically change every aspect of my life. It can happen to anyone – I had a summer cold with strep throat that was treated.

    So that’s what I’m working through right now. I’ve been a clean-eater for about 2+ decades. Thanks to this diagnosis I’m having to adjust my life and “try” a lot of things out when it comes to my diet and exercise. It’s VERY different and stressful!! I’ve had to add carbs back into my diet to compensate for insulin I take - my doc (endocrinologist) and I are working through this, trying to figure out what I need and when. The BIGGEST Impact has been to my work-outs; which I stopped about 4 months ago per doctor’s orders so we could get the diagnosis and now treatment right. I miss working out YET I’m SCARED TO DEATH to again b/c I’m afraid of the blood glucose lows working out brings.

    Long way to get to my plan, sorry (but thanks for letting me get that off my chest!!). So I’ve gone from maintenance to:
    My 90-day plan: 1) Learn this new diagnosis; 2) Adjust to the insulin; 3) Figure out the nutrition/diet that’s right for me and the insulin; and 4) Figure out how to work out again without experiencing low blood glucose.

    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    I am going to be 60 on Friday, and I have heart disease and Fypromyalgia, so, to find something that works for me is very hard. Walking is great for me as long as I am feeling well, and the more weight I lose, the better I feel.Fibro makes a lots of things hard, but, the best thing for me is to keep moving, even when I am standing doing something like ironing, I constantly have my legs moving or I stand alot to watch tv, and i am moving, sounds nuts, but I have lost a good bit of weight. I also have cut back on carbs. and no eating after dinner, unless it's 100 cal. popcorn or a ricecake. That's where I am at, hope it helps someone. RED♥
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    No more 'dieting'! That is not a plan. I can't go back to eating whatever I want for 3 years then losing weight again and again. Healthy choices, stay more active, watch the scales.
  • karenb44
    karenb44 Posts: 3 Member
    My plan is to control my portions and to try to eat as healthfully as possible. I want to develop an eating and exercise plan that I can stick with long term. I am sick of yo-yo dieting and the effect it has on my self esteem.