Introduce Yourself

Hey Everyone!
Wow!! I had no idea how many people would be interested in this group!! I'm excited to see what we all accomplish together and look forward to getting to know everyone.

Please Introduce yourself HERE - Who you are, where you're from, your goals, etc.

Let's get CONNECTED!


  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi! I'm Karen, age 58, and determined to get back into good physical condition before I'm too old and infirm to do it. I'm so sad I let myself go like this!

    I'm from Alabama originally, now living in NW Washington state.

    My goals are to lose another 48 pounds (give/take 3 or 4) and look good in a two-piece bathing suit. I'm tired of my matronly black swim dress (cute as it was).
  • dukeninja
    dukeninja Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I'm Kunal, currently living in Oxford, UK. I've always been slightly overweight, and a few years ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnoea, meaning that I have to sleep with my CPAP machine otherwise I don't get restful sleep.

    I'm not sure what an ideal weight is for me, but I have been going to the gym on and off for years and would like to strip most of the fat off to show the manly man's body sleeping underneath.

    I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I don't lust after the elusive washboard abs though...
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    Hello I'm Kat...I live in York in the UK and have just started MFP aiming to lose a whopping 150+lbs. Ive enjoyed getting back into doing regular exercise and reducing my food intake. I really want to succeed and change my eating and exercise habits for good but I also feel daunted by how far I have to go. If I make steady progress each week I think I will keep going but if I don't reach my weekly goals I know I will find it hard to keep motivated.

    I'm looking forward to this challenge.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Hello, I'm Jules and I live in Manchester, UK. I've been a yo-yo dieter all my life and turn to food when emotionally stressed!!! I was at my lightest/fittest this time last year - sadly putting most of it back on since becoming a carer for my Mom! I am looking forward to this challenge - I know it will motivate me to shed the weight again - become fitter AND meet some new friends along the way!!!

  • khobbs72
    khobbs72 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning. I am Kim, I live in Lee's Summit, MO. I have two teenage children that keep me very busy. I am tired of being overweight. I eat all of my emotions, happy, sad, lonely, bored...I eat. I am trying to change my behavior and become a better version of myself. One of my best friend's is getting married in May and I refuse to be the "fat girl" in the wedding. So here I am...
  • kmsmith_2104
    Good morning. I am Kim, I live in Lee's Summit, MO. I have two teenage children that keep me very busy. I am tired of being overweight. I eat all of my emotions, happy, sad, lonely, bored...I eat. I am trying to change my behavior and become a better version of myself. One of my best friend's is getting married in May and I refuse to be the "fat girl" in the wedding. So here I am...

    hi Kim!! Welcome!! :)
  • MadgieDO
    MadgieDO Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm a 26 year old graduate student. I'm trying to lose those "last 10 pounds" and keep it off. I also want to gain fitness along the way. I've never been much of an athlete but have started running in the past year pretty regularly. Kinda fell off the wagon in the past few weeks but was up to running 10-12 miles a week. I usually run 3-4 days a week, do vinyasa yoga 1-2 days a week and a bit of strength training.

    Goals: keep my diet in check, up my intensity of cardiovascular exercise and include more strength training

    Excited to join this journey with y'all
  • eidc
    eidc Posts: 79 Member
    Hi All, I am Colleen and I am 54 years young. I live in Southeastern, British Columbia, Canada. I have been struggling with the same 25Lbs for about 15 years and this year after reaching 162lbs (I am only 5'4") I said enough is enough. I carry a lot of my weight in my belly which is bad news for both heart disease and diabetes both of which run in the family.My first grandbaby will be arriving in March and I want to be a fit and healthy granny! I have so far lost 8 lbs on MFP and want a little incentive to carry on losing through the holiday season. So far so good, Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone and Halloween is a thing of the past.:smile:
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm Terry, 51, married, mother of 2 girls, one grandson. Need to lose 7 to 10 lbs for year end goal, 12 to 15 for ultimate goal weight. My weight can fluctuate by 1- 4 lbs a day, yes I am obsessed with the scale & I struggle with binges.

    My goal for this challenge is to be at 150 by December. I am expecting a set back from Thanksgiving eating, and hope to minimize the damage & recover fast!

    I workout 7 days a week right now & hope to be able to do so thru December 31st. After that I'd like to shoot for minimum of 5 out of 7. My biggest challenge will be to log my food daily, even on binge days, and to stay under my calorie target.