Baking for our troops

laarae Posts: 332 Member
Hi all,
I love creating yummy things at this time of the year (really all year) and so in daying that-I was wondering if any of you would like to join me in baking for our much deserving soldiers overseas. I believe I can get address's for them. I have never baked for the troops before but think this could be the start of a wonderful tradition for myself and maybe you. Is anyone else wanting to join me in this labor of love for them and salvation of my waist?


  • Hi

    I think this is wonderful and I would love to join you in baking and sending stuff out. Please send me any information that you get.
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    So Mom of 4 great kids is going to be posting the tips here for all of us who are joining in sending the love Thanks to all lets make this a wonderful thank-you to all those who give up their freedom for ours:heart:
  • I really want to do this - keep us posted!
  • momof4greatkids1
    momof4greatkids1 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello women! I hope you know that your efforts to brighten the day of our troops serving overseas will be so deeply appreciated. These men and women really struggle with homesickness, especially during this time of the year. A little love from home goes a very long way in letting them know they are remembered, and appreciated.

    My son is serving in the Marine Corps in Japan right now. We have friends also serving in Afghanistan.

    I have found some helpful tips when sending baked goods. Small round, flat cookies stacked inside pringles cans with the securely taped lids travels very well. Brownies, breads, bars, fudge, candy, chocolate covered pretzels or oreos will travel well. Think of things that won't easily crumble. Cookies packed inside tins or tupperware will most likely arrive in good order.

    For mailing the priority mail boxes are best, and shipping costs anywhere from 12-16 dollars for a med or large priority mail box.

    When you take the box to the post office they will ask you to fill out a custom's declaration on the contents, since the box is going out of the country. I suggest getting box's in the mail by the end of Now or very early Dec to assure arrival in time for Christmas.

    The guys really appreciate water enhancers like Mio and the single serving size packets of powder that can be added to a water bottle, if you are looking to something extra to the box.

    Thank you again for getting your inner baker on and making the day of those who serve to keep our nation free. You are so awesome!

  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    This is awesome advice-I am going to start baking this weekend and freezing them-are there any other items that we could send to them-travel packets of ......? At this time of the year (myself) have always gone overboard on buying presents for my kids and grandkids-mostly it is just to feel that need of buying them "stuff" but this year that $$$$ that I would spend on crap they do not need (esp grandkids-everybody-their parents, aunts, uncles, friends of parents buy them "stuff") is going to this project. Very excited to get it going.

    Thanks for joining me
  • I am very excited to be doing this and will get my recipes lined up so I can bake away.

    I have a question? I know this may be weird

    When you get the addresses is this going to be for a group or individuals. If it's individual is there a way to get a list of the people that aren't married etc. As we know that most often wives/husbands will send care packages and maybe there are people that don't get mail on a regular basis where this would mean the world to them. Just trying to reach the ones that have the least support in a sense.

    Just a thought!!!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Perfect time to start baking-it seems grocery stores have flour, sugar, eggs, butter......all the ingrediants needed for baking starting to be on sale this week-shopping after work today. :flowerforyou:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I love this idea and would like to remind my daughters that community service is important to keep this country United. Count us in !!
  • momof4greatkids1
    momof4greatkids1 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello Dear MFPer's! I cannot tell you how seriously grateful and humbled I am by your willingness to spread Christmas cheer to our troops in the form of Christmas baking! These names were given to my by my son who is now serving with the US Marines in Okinawa Japan. None of these young men (and I hope to get a woman on this list also) will be able to come home or spend time with their families during Christmas. These are single marines serving in Okinawa.I can tell you they experience loneliness on a very deep level and your kindness will do a lot to ease that.

    If you wan to include any add-ons in a package,(not at all necessary but just in as an FYI) they appreciate "Mio" water enhancer,single serving packages of iced tea mix to add to a water bottle, beef jerky, nuts, nutella, christmas candies, books, magazines (esp one featuring pretty girls, not pornography but something like "Shape" or "Women's fitness",inspirational written materials, and MOST IMPORTANTLY a handwritten note personally addressed and written to the troop thanking them for their service and sacrifice, signed by your whole family...that will mean a LOT!

    What I am going to do in order to protect their privacy, rather than post their names and addresses in a public forum, I will give the list of names and addresses to Laarae in a private message. She can give you a name and address from the list for you to send your package.

    Again, your kindness is deeply appreciated. God bless you!
  • momof4greatkids1
    momof4greatkids1 Posts: 88 Member
    Really good point. The list of names I have provided to Larae are single marines, and you will notice most of them don't have much rank yet. SO I am hoping the packages can be mailed to the individual troops. These are the guys are truly are the loneliest, many are away from home for CHristmas, like my son, maybe for the first time in their life, or know the pain of being separated from loved ones at CHristmas in their second or third year of service.
    I am very excited to be doing this and will get my recipes lined up so I can bake away.

    I have a question? I know this may be weird

    When you get the addresses is this going to be for a group or individuals. If it's individual is there a way to get a list of the people that aren't married etc. As we know that most often wives/husbands will send care packages and maybe there are people that don't get mail on a regular basis where this would mean the world to them. Just trying to reach the ones that have the least support in a sense.

    Just a thought!!!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Woo-Hoo Ladies!!!!!!
    I have the list-message me for a name or two and the address-let me know how many names you want. Thanks again to our "Mom of 4 great kids" for giving me this idea (her posting about baking and not licking the spoon) was the inspiration:heart: This is going to be such a great thing-baking with love and sending it with even more love

    Have a great day
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    3 names gone already Mom of 4 I may need more names at this rate (what a horrible problem) :wink:
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    Would also like to help with this. Thanks so much for organizing!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Ladies-we started with 20 names on the list-I am down to 6-how great is that??? I have a few more friends (outside of MFP) who are taking names/address's-so maybe you could also put the suggestion out to a any of yours-How really fantastic would this be to make it an awesome "viral" movement of holiday love and cheer for our service men and women.

    :heart: LaNita
  • momof4greatkids1
    momof4greatkids1 Posts: 88 Member
    This is beautiful and so encouraging! WHat a great way to share love at CHristmas! This is awesome!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    All the names have been taken-what a true joy, I have tears in my eyes with graditude as I write this. Truly when I thought of this I thought I would just get a name or two and send a "care package" never dreamed that so many other loving people would join me in this quest. If anybody who is interested in doing this and did not get a name, we'll see if we can help you out with your giving your gift.

    Thank you so much ladies I am in awe.

  • Just wanted to update b/c I would love to hear how everyone else did. I got my packages out in the mail yesterday. It turned out to be a lot of fun and I'm glad that this idea came about and it was executed to fulfillment :-)

    Thanks again for such a great idea!!!
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Hi guys, I think this is great. I would like to provide you with a small tidbit of information and OPSEC (Operations security)!

    for security reasons, packages from strangers are usually not given to individual soldiers/marines/airmen/etc. If you are generic with the name/address, your package will most likely be rummaged through and may not make it to a particular individual. Make sure you have a full name and (real) return address on the package! OPSEC!

    We have had it pounded into our heads not to accept packages from strangers. OPSEC!

    Please, Please PLEASE do not publicly list names of our military men and women! Especially their rank and unit. KEEP THEM SAFE!! OPSEC!!!

    The absolute best way to get a package to a military person or unit that is not family or friend (ie, stranger) is to arrange for it to be sent through an organization that sponsors said units. USO for example.

    Thank you for supporting our military!!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    A total of 30 marines are getting holiday boxes-how great is that.

    Thank you-thank you-thank you

    Wishing each one of you a peaceful, happy, holiday filled with much love

    :heart: LaNita