
Bahhh I"ve been SO GOOD logging my meals and making sure to get exercise in all week. But...the weekend! It's so hard! It's so much easier for me to eat only what I've packed for work and to exercise during lunch/on the way home/when I get home and my dog has so much energy that only a run will cure him.

But the weekend? Helloooo football and nachos and beer and sleeping in and all the looming chores that were neglected all week and, well, preparing for the hurricane that may/may not hit my house that is on the New England coast. HELP ME!


  • I hear you! It's so much easier to eat well when I'm just in my office and there's no good reason to eat buffalo wings rather than fruit. Not so much on the weekends! We have a big beer fest to go to on Saturday, too. My plan is to exercise more on Saturday and Sunday (maybe a long run on one day and a long hike on the other) to make up for it. I figure I have more time to exercise on the weekends anyway, so might as well exercise more and eat more!

    If you are near Boston, have you ever taken your dog hiking in Middlesex Fells? That's a good place to get a dog-friendly workout in.
  • milele_transfome
    milele_transfome Posts: 18 Member
    The weekend is the bane of my fitness regime. I minimize the damage by sleeping in super long (thus eliminating breakfast) and having a healthy but delicious brunch (meat and veggie omelet with fruit on the side is indulgent without breaking the calorie/carb bank). If I add one snack mid-day I can make it until dinner. I keep healthy snacks on hand for that, and then I let myself have whatever I want for dinner on Saturday night. Usually what I want is not *so* bad that it derails my entire week. Sunday is easier for me to stick to a routine because it's my chore day, so it's a lot like a work day.
  • I live on the south shore, so getting to the Fells would mean finding a time that 93 isn't a traffic-y disaster-- but good to know in case we're up for an adventure! We used to have friends in Medford, but they've moved to NH :(
  • cityjogger
    cityjogger Posts: 4 Member
    You read my mind posting this topic. I'm spanking new to MFP and I've been ssssooo good all around. I'm dreading the food havoc that I'll wreak this weekend. I've told myself I have to do at least one yoga class and if I do that I won't stress and pick up on Monday where I left off. Yea, I'm pretty easy on me:) BTW I luv your doggie's gene simmons tongue.
  • Despite being a student, I'm never home during the week (leave before 9 and get home at 6ish). The weekends tend to be my catch up and relax day so I tend to be home more which means less walking and more snacking. I've been combating this by getting a long walk in (4 miles in the hills behind my flat) first thing. Also, I tend to set up shop in a cafe and read for a few hours which bizarrely helps with the snacking as I'm not going to order multiple items (besides more tea) while I can just wander into my kitchen.
  • Funny. Regarding the Fells discussion, I live on the South Shore (Quincy), but I work in Medford. Unfortunately, I don't have a dog.
  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    For me, weekends are the easiest. I have more time to work out and two of my favorite classes, Kickboxing and Total Body Conditioning are in the mornings. If I burn at least 500 calories each day, I have loads of calories to spare to eat. Even if we have plans, I can always sneak In a morning workout, a long walk or some heavy gardening to burn calories. It's just part of the routine. When I travel, I look at my workout options, my schedule and plan ahead to be sure to get in some exercise. It helps to be flexible. Also, I have friends that I have met and see at my gym so it's something I look forward to.