is any body still on here with this group?



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I check in occasionally, but that's about it... Doesn't seem to be a lot of activity!
  • Swissy98
    Swissy98 Posts: 25
    Me too - I check and write occasionally - but not much action.
  • nannie0509
    nannie0509 Posts: 2 Member
    I hope that someone is on the WW site group. I have been going to Weight Watchers for a year now. I have lost 40 lbs and I hope that I can get another 30 off. I have been really in a plateau, and getting depressed about not losing like I did at first. So I joined the weight loss challenge at the YMCA and have a personal trainer 1 day a week for 6 weeks. I am hoping that will jump start my weight loss again. They recommended we use this site to track our food. I hate doing calories, but looks like most stuff it already in here. So I am tracking food on two sites, WW and this one. After two days of the things that the trainer has me doing, my muscles are really sore tonight.
  • nannie0509
    nannie0509 Posts: 2 Member
    I weighed in this morning and lost another 2.2 lbs. I am so excited, and want to stay motivated to get to my goal!:drinker:
  • KanBrit
    KanBrit Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I disappeared for awhile but I am back. Gained all my weight back I lost on WW. Thought I could do it on my own. And discovered I cant.
  • meatbal263
    meatbal263 Posts: 32 Member
    I have been a WW lifetime member for over 3.5 yrs. Weight has gone up 10 lbs in the last year putting me at the high end of my range but still within goal, so I decided to count the fruit and the winter squash but it was still up. My doctor has asked me to use fitness pal and it seems to me that the new program is too much for me calories wise. i cut back this past week and lost 3.8. this week I am going to do 20 pts and see what happens,.
  • meatbal263
    meatbal263 Posts: 32 Member
    Well I did the 20 pts with some extras and maintained at 127 s I am happy but would like to drop a few more as I just make 5'1. WW is a great program but its not a one size fits all. There are people I know who eat all the extra points and their exercise and they lose. I am not one of them. Any one else feel the same?
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    New here any tips ..just started WW at home this week money to join HELP