
Hey! Welcome! So glad you joined us. Take a moment and introduce yourself and share a little about what you want to accomplish by the end of 2012!


  • YippieSkippy
    My name is Jenn, I live in California and have a three week old daughter named Lucy. I joined MFP a year or so ago when they linked up with fitbit (prepregnancy I was a fitbit fanatic). As you can see from my siggy I have a substantial amount of weight to lose and am hoping to use this challenge as a means of jump starting my motivation. My goal is to lose 15 lbs by the end of the challenge, I plan to do this by making better food choices and getting back to a vigorous workout schedule. I underestimated how difficult it would be to just pickup where I left off with a baby, I am constantly exhausted and overwhelmed, but I think that working with women in similar circumstances will help a lot.

    Im looking forward to getting to know you guys!
  • tljennin1
    Hi, my name is Tia and I live in Texas. I'm the proud mother to a 7 yo girl, 5 yo boy, and my newest addition my 6 wk old baby boy Kason. I've always been the little one in the family so I am currently very uncomfortable at my current weight. I gained 63 lbs during pregnancy which is normal for me. So far I have lost 32 lbs, but will like to drop another 16 lbs by the end of this challenge. Going through the holidays will be hard but I am ready for the challenge not only to change the way I currently look but to make a lifestyle change. I have always enjoyed working out but continue to struggle with my eating. I look forward to challenging myself, reaching my goal, and getting to know you all.
  • prncesschic
    prncesschic Posts: 419 Member
    HI! My name is Amanda. I am a 24 year old mother of three boys. Logan will be 7 in December, Luke is 5 and my newest edition 5 week old Silas. I never had a problem with my weight before having kids. I was always that annorexically thin girl. My ideal weight is between 120-130 and after i had my oldest boys i was over 200 lbs. It took me about 2 years to lose all of the weight. I did it in a very unhealthy way, I took ephedra pills and basically starved myself. This time I would like to lose it healthily. I gained 80 lbs this pregnancy. Also I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) after fainting at work almost 2 years ago. I need to make sure that I take that into consideration while I am dieting this time. I would like to lose about 15 lbs before the end of 2012. I am having a hard time with food this time also because I live in a house with all boys who definitely do not need to diet. My husband is a marathon runner who weighs 125!!! Im sorry this is all over the place, I am very sleep deprived and am probably not making much sence haha. Anyway, thank you for inviting me to do this because I need the motivation and I do not have anyone to give it in my life.
  • ZanaZana2012
    ZanaZana2012 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Susana, and I am 38 (ouch! -- I forget how old I am until I have to think about it) and live in Texas. I have a 5 year old daughter, 19 month old son, and 7 week old son. I have used Spark People a lot in the past to count calories, but never got into the groups and connecting with others who were also in a similiar place. Thanks to seeing this site on BBC, I started working on my diet and exercise 4 weeks ago and find it much more motiviating when I see the other mommas on here!

    My first goal is really by Thanksgiving/week after Thanksgiing (when I return to work) to be back at pre-prego weight. I have 7 pounds to go. My goal for the rest of the year is to keep it off after being back at work and through the holidays. That will be tough as I always gain a little at the end of the year, and going back to work I will only be able to workout at most 3 days a week instead of the 6 I am getting now.

    Thanks for starting this group! I feel like I can reach my goals when working alongside others, and look forward to the challenge!
  • mrs_mcclure
    Hi ladies!!! My name is Megan and I am 25 years old. My LO is 6 weeks old. I gained way too much weight during pregnancy (80lbs). It came on so fast too! At 24 weeks I was still wearing my pre-prego jeans (size 8). Third trimester hit and I exploded. I wasn't over eating, my body was just holding on to everything. It was awful! My goal for this challenge is to lose 10 - 15 lbs. My over all goal is to get back to my pre-prego weight and then lose 10 - 15lbs more.
  • emsays
    emsays Posts: 9 Member
    Hello fellow new mommas! I'm Eve. I'm 34, live in the Silicon Valley, and have a spunky almost 13-week old little girl born August 1. Weight has always been a challenge for me, but prior to getting pregnant, I had lost about 30 lbs. I managed to keep most of the weight off during pregnancy until I was restricted from exercise due to a pregnancy-related cardiac issue, then those last two months felt like a non-stop snack and bloat fest! ha ha I have lost all but about 7-10 lbs (depending on the day!) of my pg weight. Looking forward to losing the rest and starting back where I left off. To reach my goal, I need to lose about 10 lbs... 7 times. ;)

    My biggest challenges right now are finding the time and energy to work out (I'm trying to wake up at 4am to get in a workout before feeding baby and getting myself to work... that hasn't been working quite yet!) and make healthful meals. But, I am committed to trying my best in hopes of giving my daughter a good example of how to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.

    My goals for this challenge are to work out 4x/week, stay within my WW Points (I am following the old program on my own), and stay committed on a daily basis (i.e., no "weekends off"). I'm so glad to be connected to everyone! WE CAN DO IT!!! :)
  • YippieSkippy
    Im so glad you all are here!
  • kellimiller1
    kellimiller1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi My name is Kelli and Im a 27year old from Menomonie, Wisconsin. I got married to my husband last year ( after impatiently waiting for 8 yrs for a proposal ;p) and in December we wanted to try for a baby. Only took the 1 time- which surprised us becuase everyone told us to expect atleast 6 months or more. I had my son Ryker about 7 weeks ago. He was a big boy!! Both my hubby and I were over 9#babies, so we expected a larger one- well he was 10.5 lbs!! and at his 4 week checkup he was up to 12.5# already. Hes going into 3-6month clothing and we get his shots next week, so Im betting hes atleast 14 now. Which is funny, my cousin had a baby in April and her little girl is only 14# right now.

    I was always just a bigger girl. Well my hubby proposed thanksgiving 2 yrs ago and I wanted to lose weight ( i was at 232), so I got to my fittest yet at 175# and I felt AMAZING. Then after the wedding last August, I gained 20# back, but still felt ok about myself. But with this pregnancy, I gained 65#- wayyyyyy more then I planned too. Since leaving the hospital I lost 40# of it- granted 10.5 of that was Ryker. I just today started back to exercising at the gym and will start out slow and eventually add in my weights.

    My goals are to be at my pre-prego weight by the end of the year- 23# to go. And then lose the last 25 by next summer. Im really hoping I can do this and I think having all you there doing the same will help a lot!!
  • navywife_86
    My name is Kelly and I am a navy wife and mom to 3 boys-Mason, 4, Jackson, 1 and Owen, 2 months. I am from Washington state but moved to Chattanooga, TN 7 months ago thanks to the Navy. I only gained about 10 pounds with this last pregnancy, but gained a ton when pregnant with Jack and only added to it, never lost any. I was 206 when I got pregnant with Owen, and 216 when I delivered. Right now I am 193, but Halloween kicked my *kitten*. I have a severe sweet tooth and no will power. I live literally next door to the local YMCA, so I have been going there for the past month. I expected the scale to move a lot faster, but I am not giving up. I would like to get down to 130, but I am just taking it one pound at a time. In the past when I set goals for myself, I always let myself down. We have 3 years out here in TN then we move home, so I am giving myself this whole time to slowly and correctly get in shape. I have nothing else going, so this gives me something to focus on.
  • laura_d_613
    Joining in late... I'm Laura, I have one baby, Jack, who is two months old. I gained thirty lbs during pregnancy, but had an infection after a cesarean that meant I got an extra week in the hospital hooked up to all sorts of fun stuff. That coupled with breastfeeding meant the weight fell off. So now I'll tackling the wonderful head start I had on the pregnancy pounds! I would love to take pictures with my son and not have to filter through to make sure I don't look too fat in any of them.
  • ZanaZana2012
    ZanaZana2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Glad to see some new Intros. We can do this!! :)