what is your goal (challenge) this week?

I think my goal for this week is to make sure I log my food everyday. I think it's a good starting place :)


  • nice to find this ......... I have been terrible about logging food and the weight is creeping back on me again!!! SO happy to find your weekly challenge and a perfect one to get me back on goal! Thank you!
  • Hi All,

    My weekly goal this week is to try to go to the gym more than 2 days!:smile:
  • My goal for this week is to increase the amount of exercise I do ..
  • After seeing all of yours my goal this week is to log my food everyday, not exceed my limits and drink lots of water! I'll keep you posted!
  • Ariestri77
    Ariestri77 Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck on your goals this week! Let's keep encouraging each other :smile:
  • How did everyone get on yesterday? X
  • Ariestri77
    Ariestri77 Posts: 7 Member
    So far I've kept tracking everything I eat. Hope this keeps up :)
  • Ariestri77
    Ariestri77 Posts: 7 Member
    I totally blew eating healthy yesterday, but on the bright side, I tracked everything I ate :)
  • Well done hun! I've tracked everyday... went over my calories the day before last but I had an awesome day catching up with friends so it's all good and I have lost 2lbs so didn't do that much damage! I need to drink more water though. That can be a goal for next week. Will be easier when I'm back at work to drink lots of water! X
  • Ariestri77
    Ariestri77 Posts: 7 Member
    Great job on the 2lbs. lost! :smile: