Lactation cookies

Heya! Has anyone else on here tried these? If you're breastfeeding, are you finding that they work? I made a healthified version that I wanted to share with y'all. I am still 7 weeks away from delivering, so at this point, I am just hoping that these cookies work as much as I love them!!


  • Holly_Marie81
    Holly_Marie81 Posts: 8 Member
    I made some lactation cookies and they were so yummy and worked for me! I will have to try you recipe. =)
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Mmm, I could go for that.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I need to make some of these! I want to up my production by a ton. Only two weeks PP but I'm trying to build up my supply for when I end up going back to work. I'd love to have enough frozen by 6 months to last through the first year! Probably asking too much but I'm going to try :smile:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Anyone have success with these?
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Anyone have success with these?

    I brought them with me to the hospital and started chowing down as soon as I delivered.

    I had a great milk supply from the get-go. Not sure if the cookies get the credit, or if I'm just a milk factory. Either way, they were darn tasty :)
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    ohh those look yummy. Although i dont think i need them. I struggle with oversupply, LOL
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    ei my supply is pretty good right now too, I started pumping on the side so I want some "Extra" milk for a rainy day. :)) and so my husband can bottle feed him when I need to go somewhere. :) bought brewers yeast last night! all i need is flaxmeal
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I tried them and they didn't work for me. I had to supplement with a formula feeding straight out of the hospital and had to go to pumping 24/7 to try to get my supply up. I tried the teas too. I am just one of the unfortunate ones who can't breastfeed. When I pumped 24/7 I would only get 2 oz after 3 pumpings. I had to give it up about 3 weeks ago when she was 9 weeks old every time I would pump the supply got less and less. I never produced milk with my first child and thought I would try again didn't know about the cookies with my first and it didn't make a difference with my second except I got to eat cookies guilt free.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm with Pepper! I had 2 batches made and in my freezer before Jax got here and took some to the hospital..I had a pretty great supply for the 5 weeks I breastfed (except when I had mastitis - fever made my supply drop) but was able to pump enough on the side that lasted till Jax was 8 weeks.

    Either way they're worth it because they're delicious! :wink:
  • MsRES
    MsRES Posts: 5 Member
    Blink- you should talk to a doctor about Insufficient Glandular Tissue or Mammary Hypolplasia... I'm part of a support group on FB for women with this condition, as well as chronic low supply with no known cause. Wish cookies would work for us, but it's just not so.