What is your biggest meal of the day

I always have a big dinner it gives me something to look forward to! Plus I'm never hungry until about 10am. Good job really as mornings are mayhem.
Isn't the saying eat breakfast like a king lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper so having a big dinner probably isn't good.


  • guds4
    guds4 Posts: 2
    I'm the same as you for the same reason! I have heard that saying before too but also read its not true! Who knows lol! If you are loosing weight doing what you are doing, u must be doing something right! X
  • guds4
    guds4 Posts: 2
    I'm the same as you for the same reason! I have heard that saying before too but also read its not true! Who knows lol! If you are loosing weight doing what you are doing, u must be doing something right! X
  • Mines dinner too ;-):drinker: