Video Games Live

Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
Anyone ever been to one of these shows?

I went two nights ago, and I can't stop thinking about it. It was such a fantastic show.

And I also can't stop thinking about how much of an *kitten* I made of myself when I met Mark Meer (Commander Shepard!) after the show. "Um... hi. (Awkward beat of staring and wondering how he gets his hair to look SO PERFECT) ... Uhh... um... can I... uh.. autograph?" and I practically threw my hoodie at him and couldn't look up from the table as he signed it. I'm sure there have been fans who have been more awkward... but not many.


Clockwise from top left: Laura Intravia ("Flute Link" on Youtube, amazing singer), Tommy Tallarico (!!!), David Chen (Bioware), Christopher Tin (WICKED composer, known for Civilization IV), and Mark Meer.

Anyone else been to one of the shows?

Edit: Trying to resize now.


  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member
    Yes! Went twice, once in Richmond, CA, and then in Bethesda, MD. Loved it each time, they put on a great show!
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    Went to the same one you went to, Aeriesified :)

    Twas' an awesome night! It was my first time too! Oh the joys of having a hardcore gamer fiance :P
    Albeit my first time, my fiance has been showing me clips of it for months now!



    p.s. hello group :P in order to respond to this, i joined. hehe, :)
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    They played at my college one year. They also recruited local musicians for the show. My friend got to play violin with them.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    They played at my college one year. They also recruited local musicians for the show. My friend got to play violin with them.

    If this post had a like button, I'd click it. That's so cool. :D
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I've always wanted to go Video Games Live
    The closest thing I went to was the Legend of Zelda Anniversary in Hollywood.

    That one was a blast.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    I went to see them in London in 2008...they haven't been back since :-(