Happy, motivational buddies please! :)

Hi all! Joined this site last year but have only just started using it regularly. Would be great to have some motivational friends on here.

I'm 25, female, live in Sussex with my girlfriend and badly-behaved dog! Obsessed by baking which tends to hinder weight loss but not doing too badly so far. I'm 5"7 and have around 25-30lbs to lose. Generally happy and positive! Any likeminded MFP-ers want to add me? :D


  • renatka13
    renatka13 Posts: 22 Member

    it seems we are the same height and have similar goal :)
    feel free to add me :)
  • melandjake99
    Hi just started properly yesterday, im 41 have about 2 - 2/12 stone to lose from South Wales. I have my own shop, married with a 15 year old son. Like to look on the brightside of life lol. Dieting to look good on the beach in LA next June! Please add me