Season 3 - Episode 4 "Killer Within" (11/04/12)



  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    My money is still on Lori being alive....or turned into a walker. I highly doubt Carl shot her.
  • sometimes_blondie
    My money is still on Lori being alive....or turned into a walker. I highly doubt Carl shot her.

    I disagree. Carl stated that he would've shot Sophia if he had found her as a walker. He had no problem shooting Shane when he had turned, and Shane was almost a father figure to him. Maggie was about to just leave her there and Carl stop and said, "we have to do something, she'll turn" Carl is pretty creepy, but he doesn't want his mom to be a walker, and he did what was right.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    My money is still on Lori being alive....or turned into a walker. I highly doubt Carl shot her.

    I disagree. Carl stated that he would've shot Sophia if he had found her as a walker. He had no problem shooting Shane when he had turned, and Shane was almost a father figure to him. Maggie was about to just leave her there and Carl stop and said, "we have to do something, she'll turn" Carl is pretty creepy, but he doesn't want his mom to be a walker, and he did what was right.

    These are good points. I'm now convinced 100% that she is dead, and it also helps that I read an an interview I read with the actress that plays her, which would make her a serious liar in real life if Lori is still alive!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    it will be weird if they address moving Lori's body- and burning/burying it. I did like how she talked to Carl at the end- wondering if he's going to have a relationship where he hates the baby because it killed their mother...
    Did ANYONE scavenge for baby bottles the entire winter? or a binky, baby clothes, etc? just wondering. lol
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    it will be weird if they address moving Lori's body- and burning/burying it. I did like how she talked to Carl at the end- wondering if he's going to have a relationship where he hates the baby because it killed their mother...
    Did ANYONE scavenge for baby bottles the entire winter? or a binky, baby clothes, etc? just wondering. lol

    It would make sense that they would be on the look out for baby items but they might have been scarce since the last thing that Carl found to eat was dog food. Plus if they were wandering around living out of the cars they probably would have tried to carry as little as possible.
  • sometimes_blondie
    it will be weird if they address moving Lori's body- and burning/burying it. I did like how she talked to Carl at the end- wondering if he's going to have a relationship where he hates the baby because it killed their mother...
    Did ANYONE scavenge for baby bottles the entire winter? or a binky, baby clothes, etc? just wondering. lol

    Whoa! I never thought of that!! Wow! Lori really doesn't want any mother of the year awards. Most of us go through a nesting phase, collecting things we need for the baby, at least she should've thought of that seeing as how they did have 8 months to find something! Great point!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Late, but I LOVED this episode.. actually shed a few tears (mind you, I shed ZERO when Rick shot Sophia in the barn) - this was a heartbreaking ep.. Lori was a ****ty mom, but it seeing her die was :'( . As soon as the prisoners showed up in the last episode, I knew someone from the regular roster was going to be offed. Sad to see T-Dog go, but at the same time they never put any effort into developing any sort of story for him - he was just "there".

    I can't WAIT to see more of the Governor + Michonne scenes - you know some stuff is about to go down. I'm pretty sure she's my favorite character on the show, already.

    If Shane were still around, I would have LOVED to see him and the Governor go toe to toe.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    Yes that's what I'm saying Shane should still be here him and rick fighting over the baby and the Governor would of been awesome.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    REALLY late.... I just started this show about a week ago and have since made it to S3E6. (Work the night shift at my local small-town sheriff's office, so I've got lots of free time.) This episode has got to be the saddest and most emotional one yet, imo. However, I felt like there was almost too much "drama" going on at once for things to be believable. Alarms going off because a prisoner happened to make it down to the generators, Lori suddenly goes into labor, walkers start escaping from other parts of the jail, T-Dawg sacrificing himself for Carol. Just seemed sort of busy. Will admit, though, that the last two or three scenes pulled things together fairly well.. And I really think Lori is dead lol.