
Today is DAY ONE of this challenge. I haven't ever ran a group on here so stay with me folks. I'll get the hang of it! haha.

Here are the commitments:
1) I will log my food daily into MFP.
2) I will log my exercise into MFP daily.
3) I will exercise 5 days a week, following a program that works for ME.
5) I will Check in to the group each day to share what my successes and struggles were.
6) I will connect with others to show support and accountability.
7) I will drink 8 glasses or more of water per day.
8) I will track my measurements once a week and send them to Kasey, the group leader. Measurements are as follows: biceps (mid way between shoulder and elbow; chest; waist; hips; and thighs)
9) I will take "Before" photo of myself so that when I complete the 90 day Challenge I can compare my before and after shots.
10) I will try one new healthy recipe every week.

To confirm that you've read this, please post a comment below. Thanks!


  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    loud and clear

    just what I need right now

    Thanks Kasey :)
  • kmsmith_2104
    loud and clear

    just what I need right now

    Thanks Kasey :)

    You're welcome!!
  • eidc
    eidc Posts: 79 Member
    Read and understood!
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 260 Member
    Me too
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    where do we check in each day?
  • lucky2bhere
    lucky2bhere Posts: 7 Member
    I am so in - is it too late to join??!
  • kmsmith_2104
    No not at all!! Glad to have you :)
  • kmsmith_2104
    I posted the Daily Check in sticky post. There is where we check in. Thanks!
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Hi GROUP!!

    Today is DAY ONE of this challenge. I haven't ever ran a group on here so stay with me folks. I'll get the hang of it! haha.

    Here are the commitments:
    1) I will log my food daily into MFP.
    2) I will log my exercise into MFP daily.
    3) I will exercise 5 days a week, following a program that works for ME.
    4) I will NOT OVER TRAIN!
    5) I will Check in to the group each day to share what my successes and struggles were.
    6) I will connect with others to show support and accountability.
    7) I will drink 8 glasses or more of water per day.
    8) I will track my measurements once a week and send them to Kasey, the group leader. Measurements are as follows: biceps (mid way between shoulder and elbow; chest; waist; hips; and thighs)
    9) I will take "Before" photo of myself so that when I complete the 90 day Challenge I can compare my before and after shots.
    10) I will try one new healthy recipe every week.

    To confirm that you've read this, please post a comment below. Thanks!
