side effects

emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
hi there everyone. I was just wondering if any of u guys have side effects. my vision is kinda blurry and I have a headache all the time


  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    I've taken this pill off and on for years. It's always the first week that I have a headache and I get a little moody...not crybaby but grumpy. After that, it goes away. Are you taking the pill in the morning? On an empty stomach?
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    yes first thing in the morning an hr. before breakfast
  • Jjw1125
    Jjw1125 Posts: 17 Member
    I've heard of headaches and such being caused, but most have said it goes away after a week or so. The only major side effect I have come across is extreme dry-mouth at times. I drink TONS of water, and am not dehydrated either. I sort of like the dry-mouth though, because it reminds me to drink the water it seems.
  • sugarspell
    sugarspell Posts: 10 Member
    Just drink a lot of water and that will help.
  • mamo1014
    mamo1014 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm a late day eater so I take my pill around 10:00 after I've eaten something. I don't get so quesy if I take it with food. Maybe that might help.
  • aydensmomma81
    My main side affect is dry mouth- the first week I did have headaches but I think it was because I cut out sugar and sodas ! I do get irritable at times
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    My main side effect is dry mouth. I can deal with that though because this pill gives me so much energy and makes me want to go and work out.
  • ohmelgosh79
    ohmelgosh79 Posts: 118 Member
    I have odd side effects. I have spotted goose bumps. I'll have a patch of goosebumps randomly on my body. dry mouth, which is do-able and just this past weekend my hands and feet felt swollen (like I had tied a string around each finger or toe) and they were ice cold and tingly. I took a few days off and I'll see if it continues when I take it tomorrow.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I have odd side effects. I have spotted goose bumps. I'll have a patch of goosebumps randomly on my body. dry mouth, which is do-able and just this past weekend my hands and feet felt swollen (like I had tied a string around each finger or toe) and they were ice cold and tingly. I took a few days off and I'll see if it continues when I take it tomorrow.

    I think you should report these symptoms to your doctor immediately! It may be no big deal in the end, but I would feel much better if you would call his/her office and report back to us on what s/he said. I know my dr seems concerned about possible swelling. He checks that often, though I have never had problems with it. The dry mouth is nothing to worry about, but the bumps and swelling do sound concerning to me.
  • Allison714
    Allison714 Posts: 77 Member
    Anyone else notice their face is breaking out? I feel like it's making my skin dryer in an already dry climate (CO), and now my skin has been breaking out really badly. I never had bad skin before, so it's definitely driving me a little crazy to feel like I have adult acne.
  • JayneesGotAGut
    JayneesGotAGut Posts: 25 Member
    Anyone else notice their face is breaking out? I feel like it's making my skin dryer in an already dry climate (CO), and now my skin has been breaking out really badly. I never had bad skin before, so it's definitely driving me a little crazy to feel like I have adult acne.

    I've been on and off again of this medicine over the last 5 years and my side effects are much the same as you've all mentioned: Headache for a while, dry mouth, and moodiness. I find that I get swelling but my clinic that prescribed me this medicine also put me on a regimen of lasix and potassium. I had noticed that if I don't take it every other day that I will swell. And I bruise very easily, either it was the medicine or the Aleve I've had to take for the headaches. lol.

    And the acne, lordie... I thought it was just my punishment later in life for having great skin as a teenager.
  • belle_noelle
    belle_noelle Posts: 6 Member
    The only side effect I have is a burst of energy ,the occasional dry mouth and I dont know if its pyschological or not, but sometimes I cant fall asleep at night very easy. I honestly think its because I have heard others say this, and so I expect it to happen to me.

    Anywho, I work early in the morning.. between 3am and 3pm, so taking phentermine on an empty stomach does wonders. I eat my fruits or whatever I'm going to eat, and then I am in full force! I keep a jug of water on my desk, so I chug that throughout the day or chew on a piece of gum.
  • belle_noelle
    belle_noelle Posts: 6 Member
    No breakouts.
    My face feels okay. Do you think it may be something you may or may not be eating?
  • belle_noelle
    belle_noelle Posts: 6 Member
    is it more effective to take it after a meal for you? I read to take it on an empty stomach for better results.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    I have odd side effects. I have spotted goose bumps. I'll have a patch of goosebumps randomly on my body. dry mouth, which is do-able and just this past weekend my hands and feet felt swollen (like I had tied a string around each finger or toe) and they were ice cold and tingly. I took a few days off and I'll see if it continues when I take it tomorrow.

    My doctor warned me about the very symptoms you are describing..Go to your doctor...If Phentermine is not for you there are other ones you could try]
  • ksboyd20
    ksboyd20 Posts: 21 Member
    Anyone else notice their face is breaking out? I feel like it's making my skin dryer in an already dry climate (CO), and now my skin has been breaking out really badly. I never had bad skin before, so it's definitely driving me a little crazy to feel like I have adult acne.

    Mine is just the opposite. I never had acne when I was young. I started getting it about 2 years ago. When I started on Phen my face cleared up within 3 days! I get a rare zit here and there like I did when I was young.