
Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member
I notice when I sit a long time at my desk or in the car, I have a hard time standing up and getting everything moving. It's not really in my arms or hands, but noticeable in my hips and legs. Is this MS? The days I'm home I'm up and down a lot more, and I don't see this then.

Do you guys get this? Is it worth trying to take a supplement to reduce this? I haven't had any flares that affected my legs, but I do have constant numbness in my thighs. (My neurologist is aware)



  • I have a desk job and experience this all the time, but it's definitely worse when I'm flaring. Consequently, I believe it's an aspect of spasticity, for which there are medications. It's not painful for me and I'm able to manage it by getting up and moving around (walking laps at work for example). However, overall, my own leg stiffness has been getting worse. I think yoga or some other regular stretching routine would help. Just have to find the time.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I take Tizanidine for the spacticity in my legs. Some days it is worse than others, after sitting still for awhile sometimes, but mostly when I am overtired or sick or overheated.
    Stretching exercise helps.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    Stretching, walking and baclofen help me. I don't know if it's MS, aging or what....