What are you doing to help you reach your goal weight?

sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
I am trying to exercise 5-6 times a week. Trying to get 2-3 times strength training in to build muscle which will help me burn more cals and tone up. I do a Group Power class.. its a 60 minute barbell class that works your entire body. Also I am on 3 soccer teams so I play 2-3 times a week. Than I try to get to the gym the other days to do some of my own cardio (Run, elliptical or arc trainer)

I am trying really hard to be good with my food, I am really good all week than I struggle a bit more on weekends. The past two weekends I have been good with just allowing myself ONE cheat meal instead of eating one bad meal than letting it drag on all day than all weekend. So I just need to keep that under control. I do drink on weekends but to me that is a big social thing which I enjoy. I am not giving that up!

Also I dont drink anything but water or green tea. I am lucky in a way that I don't like juice, coffee or pop. But I am sure that helps my cause


  • Kellster30
    Kellster30 Posts: 63 Member
    My fiance and I are doing P90X. We're trying to do it daily, but we do miss once in awhile because life gets busy, but we're doing it at least 4-5 days a week. I'm trying to get to the gym 1-2 times a week, as well as I play hockey 1-2 times per week.

    As for eating, we are eating a lot healthier and I'm tracking my food religiously on MFP. When we go out, I'm trying to make healthier choices.
  • w163jlh
    I recently joined a gym and I'm making it 2-3 days a week. I usually do elliptical and free weights and sometimes do a lifting class. My fiancee and I just joined an indoor soccer league once a week too. As far as diet plans I'm focusing on decreasing calories and carbs. I am a carbaholic and have no energy!

  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I've been doing all kinds of different things trying to break my stall. For the last week or so I was dealing with a death in the family & in denial that I needed to mourn. I got a lil' frustrated/lazy & backed off from any excercise routine & couldn't figure out how to get back on. I didn't stray from my healthy eating or logging though. I finally got off my butt and started where I originally began with belly dancing coupled with Tae Bo Abs. This morning, I tried Zumba & Tae Bo Abs. But my new routine that I plan to get back into & follow is: 3 days of C25K treadmill, in between those days use the weight machines for strength training alternating arms one week to legs the next along with Zumba or Belly dancing & 5 days of Tae Bo Abs. (I don't have free weights at my gym)

    My food choices are pretty clean. At this time I'm in the process of adapting to a low carb, sugar free, gluten free way of living (which includes no rice, corn, wheat or soy) due to having Hypertension. My # 1 goal overall is to get healthy by healing my guts through food because I don't want to be plagued with my diagnosis for the rest of my life so stay tuned cause' there's going to be a lot more food eliminations to come as I go on this new quest for health.
  • andonsmama
    Dina, I am sorry for your loss.

    I have replaced breakfast with a weight loss shake...the generic of slimfast. it really fills me up!
    I eat a little snack every 2 hrs as well, like 5 calorie jello up, preztels, low cal/fat granola bar. this way by meal time i am not starving and don't overeat.
    I have trying pure green coffee bean pills (saw it on Dr. OZ) i cannot tell you it is the reason i am down 13lbs in 6 weeks because i am dieting and excersizing; however, it very well may be helping as i have gone on many diets in the past and been frustrated.
  • Amara15
    Amara15 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm pretty close to my goal weight, only about 5 more lbs to go, but i'm mostly working on adding muscle and cutting fat at this point. I have started getting up extra early to go to the gym 5 mornings a week before work, I do yoga about twice a week in the evenings with some girlfriends. and One day of insanity sundays. I also have been trying to make healthier food choices. while i don't track religiously my calories, I do make myself much more aware of what i'm consuming, while trying to up my protein and fiber, while cutting back on sugar and fats.
  • BeginningNew2012
    I'm keeping my calories around 1200-1300 calories a day and going to the gym 5-6 times a week. I had a personal trainer and learned to do machine/strength training first, then move onto cardio. I do machines and cardio every day I'm at the gym.
  • ChocoPudn
    I'm starting the couch to 5k program and doing some work on my arms and back. What is everyone's wedding day. Mine is 12 weeks..Feb 16th 2013..I have work to do!!
  • a_crotty
    a_crotty Posts: 225 Member
    4/6/13 bride here.

    I began Atkins Monday 11/26 after having "dieted and working out" for 2 months with 1200 cal goal and only losing 1-2 lbs

    I also rotate the C25K with 30DS and Zumba
  • ChallengeAccepted14
    Over the holidays I have slacked a little.... we were traveling between Illinois, Tennessee and Missouri. Other than the three days I was in Tennessee, I did REALLY well with my log...

    I have missed about two weeks of exercise... but I usually go to the gym 4 times a week.
    Monday - Body Pump
    Tuesday- Zumba
    Wednesday -Skip
    Thursday- Zumba
    Friday- Skip
    Saturday- Spin
    Sunday - Skip

    ... While doing MFP I have lost 5 lbs.... but I have a total weight loss of 9lbs so far. I would like to lose 17 more before July!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Right now it's all about food for me. I fractured my tailbone in August, and I'm still having to much pain to be able to work out. I can't sit right so doing any type of machine that requires sitting is out. I can't run like I used to either. The pounding on the treadmill/pavement causes pain. I see pain management in 3 days so hopefully they can help. I'd like to be able ot get back into working out!
  • oameyers
    oameyers Posts: 76 Member
    4/6/13 bride here.

    I began Atkins Monday 11/26 after having "dieted and working out" for 2 months with 1200 cal goal and only losing 1-2 lbs

    I also rotate the C25K with 30DS and Zumba

    Yay that's my wedding date as well!

    I'm pretty close to my weight goal...Only 1 lb left...but now I really want to focus on strength.

    I'm currently reading NROLFW and hope to be able to start that soon.
  • madamchoochoo
    madamchoochoo Posts: 36 Member
    Generally trying to wire my jaws shut! My big downfall is mindless eating so i'm really focussing on whats going in!

    I found out before Christmas that i've got disk degeneration and a healed fracture in my spine from years of horse riding so all my fav activities like step and running are now out. I'm focussing on the pilates and power walking.

    Good luck everyone :)
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    I started a group on here to track weight loss for brides for a 12 week cycle. I need accountability and by being a part of it with other brides, I've already lost 2 pounds. There's still time to join if you can get your information in this week in case anyone's interested... just search for the group "MFP Biggest Loser: Brides!"

    That, and I joined a bootcamp. It is awesome!
  • Rsmiley07
    Rsmiley07 Posts: 13 Member
    I am going to use Myfitnesspal and Weight Watchers to reach my goal-I am current at 170 after post baby weight I need to get to 145 by may
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    9/6/2013 Bride! I know I have plenty of time but I need to lose about 15lbs before my wedding and at the rate i'm going i'm going to ADD instead of lose! I can't find motivation to work out because I have 2 jobs and i'm constantly tired! I just want to look my very best in my wedding dress!!!
  • lightweightdiva
    lightweightdiva Posts: 41 Member
    I started P90x, and I'm getting into week 3 right now. I'm tracking calories, but giving myself one night off a week (nothing too crazy, just makes it easier to go out to eat without having to track every bite).

    Since starting I've only lost 1 pound, but I'm hoping that I'm just gaining a crap ton of muscle. Next week I'll take pictures and measurements to see if I've made any progress away from the scale.

    Wedding is 5/11/13, and I'd realllly like to lose about 15 pounds by then, but if I gain muscle and get down to a smaller size I'd be happy with that too.
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    These posts are so inspiring! Way to kick some *kitten*, ladies!

    My wedding is 5/25/13. I lost about 15 lbs last year and still have about 5 more to go.

    My routine is this:
    -Gym for one hour every morning, seven days a week (cardio + strength training)
    -Yoga once a week
    -Food: try to be really good Sunday through Thursday at 1500 cals a day, Saturday and Sunday I let go a bit (though I need to stop doing that soon as these 5 lbs have been the hardest so far to drop!). Emphasis on protein!

    -I just did the BluePrint Cleanse for three days and it was AMAZING. Completely stabilized me and taught me about my habits a lot (like I snack mindlessly and I'm addicted to caffeine). Gonna try to work on those things as well.

    -Also I want to try and stop eating anything 2-3 hours before bedtime during the week. Not for calorie adjustment but it really makes a different on your belly the next morning I've discovered (which is important to me cos my wedding dress is too small!).

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Keeshamedina96
    Keeshamedina96 Posts: 15 Member
    I am just getting started back up with MFP, our wedding is 6/29/13 and my job has also started a corporate fitness program where we weigh in like on The Biggest Loser. I'm going to try to log my calorie intake on here every day. Monday through Friday I'm going to alternate between workout DVD's I have (Rockin Body 2 DVD set with Shaun T, a Cardio Strip Tease DVD that I got at Walmart, and my fit sister stars in an African dance cardio DVD). Then on weekends I love taking this class at 24 Hour Fitness called "Aqua" (it's basically water aerobics but I LOVE it, the teacher is my HERO!) and on Sundays I like to go to Body Pump (which I also love!) I like doing other activities on weekends like hiking and I also signed up for my first 5K. I'd like to lose maybe 15 lbs by April 4th, that's when my dress alteration appointment is. I plan to lose more weight after our wedding, but for now I just don't want it to be so much so that my dress is un-alterable. I actually love how I look in it, but I would like to tighten up my arms and face/chin(s) ;o)