dreary day

curlieq5 Posts: 7 Member
hi everyone,,,are you out there? It's a dreary day and i need motivation,,,what motivates you?


  • carencreekside
    I like something new--a new workout, new exercise clothes or shoes, or a new hoop or trick to learn. I used to reward myself with food after exercise, but I don't usually do that now. For one thing, it wasn't a great pattern in my relationship with food, and for another, I generally craved better choices after exercise than what I'd planned before--yet I'd go ahead with the less healthy plan anyway. Bragging rights are also good. If you have a friend or community you can report to and say, 'I did it,' anticipation of the contact can get you in gear.

    Good luck!
  • newtonnola62
    I motivate by going to the mall and looking at the clothes. I have started buying stuff now as I have lost about 20 Lbs in 6 weeks on Ideal Protein. Shopping used to be stressful and depressing. Not now! It just window shopping is fun and exciting Good luck!