

My name is Corinne, I'm 21 living in Pennsylvania. I started my weight loss journey back in January-I started at 185lbs, now I'm at 165lbs! I'm so proud of myself and how far I have come, but I'm not at the finish line yet! There is still more work to be done, more calories to burn and more friends to make!

I'm starting this group as a little "extra motivation". Sometimes you just get in that rut that you can't get out of. Or you need a little advice! This JOURNEY is not meant to be done alone, everyone is welcome! Spread some motivation!!


  • Woohoo!! I love the idea of this group! It is so easy to fall off track when you don't have support! Thanks for making this group!

    My name is Jenny I am 22 my main goal is to tone up ( although I do have some extra lbs I would like to shed) I am really getting into the lifting thing and can not wait to see resullts ( this is my second week)!

    We can all do this!! :) Yay for motivation!!
  • Jenny, that's awesome!! That is the EXACT reason why I wanted to make this group! It is easy to "fall off the horse", but it isn't always so easy to get back on.

    I'm really excited for us to share our experiences!!

    What I'm trying to focus on right now is take one day at a time...I know it sounds cliche, but think about it. If every day you do ONE thing to make that step toward your goal, after a month, or two months, or eight months you'll be making progress!! It's easy to lose track of how much you've done-take a step back and reflect on each day. What did you do well? What didn't you do well? How can you do better?
  • arfester
    arfester Posts: 21 Member
    When I saw the name of this group I got so excited. I started my weight loss journey in June and was doing really well. Last month I left things slip a little but I am trying to get back on track.
  • I let things slip for the past few months and I don't want to slip any more. I want to be motivated and stick with it! I'm so thrilled that this group is already starting out with great intentions! We can have monthly challenges, recipes, advice and workouts!

    The ideas are endless!!
  • w_shafer78
    w_shafer78 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started again on Sunday. I'm at 190lbs and my goal is 140lbs. I hope I can stay on the diet and exercise plan this time. I keep going on it and when I reach 180lbs. I sabotage it and I'm back up to 190. I have been doing Zumba and 30 minutes of treadmill every night except for last night. I've also made it my goal to have at lunch and dinner either broccoli or salad. I'm really tired of this weight. I've never felt so out of shape! Anyway, I need this extra motivation for when I lose that 10lbs.
  • w_shafer78-that is what we are here for! We will be glad to help give you a little push when you need it most! That's awesome that you have a plan and you are active. It is also great that you have noticed a trend-when you hit that 180lb mark and feel out of steam we will be here to cheer you on!!
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    I have been struggling with my food intake for a few weeks now and with the holidays around the corner it'll only get harder. I can not seem to keep my mouth closed to all the goodies. I was doing really well with the exercising but now that's slacking too. Thanks for the group.
  • I'm really glad to hear that others feel the same way-the extra motivation is a must!!
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    Thankyou for this group ,I need this group.I'm hopeing. That every Thing will fall in place .I deleted my account after I think it was 35 days got frustrated ,I felt like this site was not working for me people are nice but didn't really support.and wernt motivateing ,it was more me cheering on every one .doing my best to support them now I'm back and would love to connect with people that will support and I also can support them .my name is Dawn
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    Hi Corinne (and everyone else!)

    THANK YOU for making up this group. It's what I need!! I started here end Jan/early Feb this year at 183lbs and went down to 153 by the end of JUNE!!!! 30lbs and boy was I happy and proud of myself!!!

    Then, 6 weeks away over the summer and a month after that of weddings and birthdays (my own first and then my youngest boy's 1st)... and well... 7lbs snuck back on so I was at 160lbs. I went back down to just under 154 and am now back to 156. I can't seem to get my *kitten* in gear, had a really bad week so far and just need some people to push me a bit I think.

    I'd really, REALLY like to hit Christmas in the 140s - which is unlikely the way I'm going this week :frown:

    So - feel free to add me as a friend - looking forward to getting that extra bit in. I'll do my best to support all of you also! Be back tomorrow to check in!!!

    Ramona (I'm in Ireland, by the way and about to hit the hay!)
  • celshade
    celshade Posts: 131 Member
    Glad we can all come together for this!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    So glad to be part of this group....it already feels much more energetic than some of the other groups I have joined!

    I have pcos, which is a condition that makes it difficult for me to lose weight, so it is something that I have struggled with my whole life :( At the beginning of september, I had my second child in the past two years. Now that I am done having kids, I want to focus on getting rid of the baby weight and all the extra weight I had before. Right now, I am just working hard to get my eating under control. In the next few weeks, I will be adding in exercise.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone. We can do this!

  • Hey Everyone!!

    I am glad I found something on this website. I don have any friends on the list that I am doing this with. Hence, the motivation just DIED!!!

    I am 29 years old. I was 132lbs (60 kgs) when I was 18. THEN LOVE HAPPENED!.. Got married at 25 and had two wonderful daughters and gained one more of myself........... on myself....

    I started with 239.58lbs (108.9 kgs) on the 9th of September. Today on November 15th. I am 218.02lbs ( 99.1 kgs).

    Good thing is that I lost 21 LBS!!!

    The bad thing is that I have been 218.02lbs ( 99.1 kgs) for about 2 weeks!!!! my weight is not moving!!! I thought my weighing machine was broken! I went and got another machine and it told me the same WEIGHT!!!

    I was true to my diet till 5 days ago. I have completely giving up filling up my food dairy!!! I need major motivation to get back on track..

    I need to get this weight of for my two daughters.. my weight has caused me MAJOR setbacks in life and now it was getting in the way of me raising my daughters! the motivations NEEDS to come back..

    I NEED HELP!!!!
  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Everybody...

    My name is Stacy and I live in Oregon. I am new (again) to MFP, having just rejoined this week at 180 pounds. I would like to weigh around 120 ideally, but would accept 130 as long as I was toned muscularly. Right now, I am embarrassed to get out and go places because of my size.

    I am glad to have found this group. I look forward to getting to know you all and succeeding together!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    My name is Angel, I'm 25 from Chesterfield (UK). I started this journey at 171lbs, aiming to get pretty for my wedding, I finally got down to the 50s region and then the wedding heated up and I stopped logging. When I came back after the wedding I was 176! All back on and then some! Gutted, to say the least. I've just started 30DS but would love some extra encouragement!
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    My name is Cecilia and I am 31 from New Jersy, USA. This sounds like a great group. I could use some motivation. I am pretty good at motivating others but right now I am the one that needs motivation. Today I weigh 137 but I am trying to get to 125 or 120. I am upset because a few weeks ago I was 134 but it is my fault becuase I allowed myself to get weak and give in to all the carbs. I just can't say no to Pizza. I could use some encouragement especially since I am trying to lose weight for my daughters christening next saturday which I think was a bad idea to pick the Saturday after THANKSGIVING. I know I am going to want to eat all that desert. Feel free to add me. Looking forward to meeting all of you.
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Im new to joing the groups so I don't really now how it works. Do I just come in here and start posting to all of you?
  • Im new to joing the groups so I don't really now how it works. Do I just come in here and start posting to all of you?

    Yes! I am new to the group/posting scene as well...My main goal is for all of us to be able to talk about things that will help each other stay motivated and get through tough times!

    You can even start new topics if you're feeling ambitious! :wink:
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi, my name is Marla. I live in WA state in the mountains. Semi retired, work seasonally and actually do better the months I work as it gives me more motivation.

    I lost 20 lbs then gained back ten in the last 3 months due to emotional issues and now trying to get back on track. The last few days I have been getting better.

    My thing is wanting to stuff the feelings I get. Lately as things are improving I am but I want to learn how to stay with this and how not to turn to food again...
  • My thing is wanting to stuff the feelings I get. Lately as things are improving I am but I want to learn how to stay with this and how not to turn to food again...

    Welcome Marla!

    I know exactly what you mean-Sometimes I get frustrated with the OVERALL picture, I'm frustrated that I'm still 15lbs away from my goal (even though I've already lost 15lbs). Each day should be taken one step at a time. I like to plan out my week EVERY MONDAY MORNING! This way I can plan what exercises I will do, then I post them in my bedroom. I find that this keeps me accountable!

    Take each day one step at a time. Focus on what is in front of you-make a conscious effort every day to work toward your goal!