just for furkids - or any pets

apanda4 Posts: 513 Member
Ok, so is this group just for those that have furkids or for anyone who has a pet??

I don't have furkids (lost our only furkid earlier this year), but I have 2 siamese fighting fish.

So I have scalekids - lol... Ok, maybe that wasn't very funny.


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Any pets as far as I'm concerned but I didn't make the group. I can't imagine that any animal lover would discriminate based on skin covering tho :happy:

    Furry babies are more my thing and could never imagine myself getting attached to a fish but...that was before I did, not mine but I swear this huge goldfish got excited every time he saw me (probably cos I overfed the greedy thing) and I was gutted when he died about 5 years later, (not from over feeding!) he was that big he was a legitimate pet!
  • apanda4
    apanda4 Posts: 513 Member
    I never thought that I would get attached or love having fish so much.

    But I do - they are awesome.

    My favourite animal has always been the Panda Bear and it still is, but my 2nd favourite is the Siamese Fighting Fish. They are so gorgeous.

    Unfortunately since I have started keeping them, I have had 3 die on my - all for different reasons. The 2 that I have now go nuts everytime they see me or my husband and they love being moved around the lounge room. They don't like being apart (they are kept in seperate tanks, but the tanks are next to each other) and I know that some people would tell me that it isn't good for them, or that they are fighting, but they like it and they like to play with each other.

    They have gorgeous colours on them too. I have a dark blue fish called Storm. And the other fish is called Calypso because he is a blue fish, but there is a dark colour around his head and he has red tips on his fins.

    Will try and post a pic or two later.
  • BubsyMom
    We used to have iguanas, so pets can come in a range of body styles and coverings!! Now we have 6 kitties. Go figure!
  • ropermom
    ropermom Posts: 52 Member
    I have a calico 'nap kitty' .
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    My mom has a bearded dragon, his name is Yoshi, and when you call his name, he comes to you. So I think rather it be scales, leather or fur; they are all welcome.

    I have a fur baby. He is my cat (Simon).
  • RunionX4
    RunionX4 Posts: 190 Member
    I have 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 hermit crabs and 1 beta and a 10 yr old little boy. LOL I agree that if your an animal lover then all is welcome. ;-) But I did not create this group either.