Eating Habits

Lori573 Posts: 16 Member
Mine are horrible!! I have never been the greatest cook. Prefer to keep things quick and simple except for the Holdays feasts. So this will be a real challenge for me through the Holidays and I am hoping being in this group will help me get through it.


  • Midnigh
    Midnigh Posts: 56 Member
    I think being in this forum will be helpful.
  • Lori573
    Lori573 Posts: 16 Member
    First Holiday lunchoen today at work. I got up early enough to work out this morning and felt motivated after. Felt strong, then the food arrived. I blew it. But hoping with the exercise I will balance out. I don't even know how I can log the food I had at the lunchoen. Guess I'll just finish out the day/dinner and start over tomorrow.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    This is a hard one. Food is not your friend. I was skinny then got too skinny and started eating. Ate alot, got the hang of it. Food tastes great then. You get sick. lol. Okay lets stop this.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    Truth? I practiced what I preached. A No added salt diet. First ten pounds were effortless after I decided to keep my sodium consumption under 2000 mg per day. Then I exercised for every calorie over 1200 I ate.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    This week I changed the game plan to exercise and eat a "regular" (less than the recommended 2000 calorie) diet to avoid that OMG what was I thinking thinness. I have gone way too thin before...... I am going for atheletic this time. I have pics from twice when I can't imagine what I was thinking. This morning I checked me out and thought maybe 5 more lbs max! Goal exercise enough on a regular basis to eat whatever you want whenever you want. Right? Within reason of course.
  • emma3425
    emma3425 Posts: 1 Member
    Food is your friend, you just need to make the right choices! Starving yourself puts your body in starvation mode and you will store everything you eat as fat not want you want as you try to lose weight.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    Something change in my hormones that said "eat" I think. Now I am eating and working out and that works better than dieting and thinking about food all the time. Havng alot of fun too. I didn't use to want to eat really now I think about food alot but I am also exercising alot so hopefully I can balance this out?