Weekend Struggles...

Alright guys! TGIF!!!!! I love Fridays, I love the weekend...but eating on the weekend is TERRIBLE!!! :sad:

During the week I have my schedule-I eat breakfast as soon as I get into work at 8 am, have my snack at 10 am, eat lunch at 12 pm, snack again at 2 pm, eat dinner at 5/6 pm then snack at 8pm. On the weekends my eating schedule goes OUT THE WINDOW COMPLETELY!!!!!!

I usually don't eat breakfast on the weekend...don't eat until lunch...12 or 1pm...and when I do eat-I eat LARGE amounts! Then since I haven't eaten anything prior, I justify the cheeseburger and fries because well...I haven't eaten anything else! :drinker:

I also don't typically log foods during the weekend either...that might help some though.

How do you guys stay on track during the weekend? Do you log your foods? Do you plan out meals?


  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    I don't have any tips for you. I have terrible weekends too, but I'm also more active. I've tried to log on the weekends but I never follow through. Hope someone else has better advice than me...lol.
  • If the schedule helps you during the week, make one for the weekend too! You probably sleep later on the weekend, like i do, so make it realistic. Have a set wake up time on Saturday and Sunday and go from there. Schedule in some time for errands, shopping, working out, things like that. Don't make it too exact or strict; it will be hard to follow.

    Hope this helps
  • That's a wonderful idea! I will definitely try and we will see how well it goes! Thanks!
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    I log everything. The good and the bad. Even though I am going over my calories I think I eat less than I would if I did not log.
  • arfester
    arfester Posts: 21 Member
    Weekends are when I struggle to. It is hard for me because my family all can eat what ever they want and don't have issued with weight. I try to find fun healthy foods for the weekend. Like making home made veggie pizza .