Positive Thought for the Day

stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
Strive for progress, not perfection.


We are making progress every day, even on the days the scale doesn't budge or moves the "wrong" way. We are learning what does and does not work in the quest for a healthier lifestyle (and if it's okay to say, the quest for a smoking hot bod). For instance, today I learned that eating three waffles for breakfast, along with the accompanying syrup, is not a good idea if you want to have any calories left over for your other meals. What will I do next time? If it's waffles, have fewer than three, and if it's something I'm not sure of the calorie content, research before I eat it.

But what if we're doing everything we think is "right" and the scale still doesn't move the direction we would like? Well, are we counting every bite, nibble, and taste of food? Are we doing the same workout routine that we've been doing for the past several months, allowing our muscles to not have to work as much for the workout? Etc., etc.

All in all, it's good.


  • Stacy-what a great way to end a Friday/start the weekend!

    I think it is a good idea to focus on the GOOD things both ON and OFF the scale. I have commonly heard them referred to as NSVs (NON SCALE VICTORIES). For example...

    I have recently cut out all cream and sugar in my coffee. I used to drink 3-4 cups each day with 3-4tsp of cream and 3-4tsp of sugar too. That's an additional 60 (approx) calories PER CUP OF COFFEE! Now I drink coffee with splenda. ONE SPLENDA! The amount of calories I am able to save each day...even each week is really awesome!

    What are some of your NSVs either today or this week?
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    well said
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    I think.for me is logging every thing good or bad .some days I don't want to log because I've messed up.that was hard but know I log everything because it tell.me when to stop .eating .and I'm seeing first hand just how many cals those food have in them .
  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    Exactly! It's not fun dealing with the consequences of overeating (such as weight gain, guilt and self-punishment), but it does provide a learning lesson. I thought I wasn't eating that much until I started MFP and had to log everything I ate. Big shocker!