Hi girls!



  • rquamme
    rquamme Posts: 5
    I just learned a few weeks ago about mfp and I looooove it. I don't necessarily care about my weight but I want to get that perfect toned beach bod for summmmmer! Especially because in college I gained the freshman 15 (whoops.) I work out at the gym but I don't know what I should eat daily to help me cut the inches. any suggestions?
  • hbuckholz
    hbuckholz Posts: 5 Member
    This is the perfect group! I hope everyone is doing well with their goals! I'm hoping to get down to at least 120 for the summer and keep it off this time. Staying active is the key for me, its a good thing nice weathers comin up! (:
  • I'm 14 and I weigh 110. I want to get down to about 100 because I just want to tighten up in my arms and legs a little bit. I was 132 but worked out and got down to 110. Oly 10 more to go. My parents don't want me that low though. But I am anyways. I'm glad they have this group.
  • miss_emsy
    miss_emsy Posts: 2
    I'm 110 and would like to get to 100 and tone up while doing it. Was 125 and am now 110. 10 more pounds and some toning up to do by September!
  • Hi everyone! I'm about 5'8" and 134. I'm trying to get to my high school weight of 123-125 and get that tight tummy. Feel free to add me.
  • Been looking for a group like this, yay:) I'm currently 142lbs and 5' 7". After quitting volleyball I didn't change my diet and I made it to 153 before I became just too miserable. It has taken me 6 months to completely change my diet and learn how to eat right. My goal is 135 before school starts. I hit many snags with binge days but I got it down and I'm determined to reach my goal. After that I am aiming for 120 something. I'm a skinny girl in a heavy suit and am ready to pull down the zipper:)
  • Hey everyone! I'm 5'2, but I weigh 125. That's technically a healthy weight for someone my age (14) but its at the very high end. I'm looking to drop down to around 100, because that's about where I should be. I'd love some support, so feel free to friend me!
  • I'm 123 and 5'6 that's a perfectly healthy weight and my Doctor says I shouldn't be concerned...but I'm skinny fat. That's not healthy and it doesn't look as good in a swim suit :P

    Trying to get down to 119 and tone up!!
  • miramooo
    miramooo Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm 16 and about 115 pounds at 5'5''. I'd love to take of just 5 or 10 pounds of stomach fat so I look nice in a swimsuit. Feel free to friend me :)
  • spen9573
    spen9573 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm about 120 lbs and would like to be 110lbs (5'2). Hope this group helps! i love that we are all working toward the same goal!
  • tocallherbeautiful
    tocallherbeautiful Posts: 4 Member
    I've been trying to lose the last few lbs forever. I ended up gaining most of what I lost back and even more.

    I am currently 136lbs
    and would like to be 125lbs.

    Add me as a friend, we need all the support we can get.
  • Roxie5010
    Roxie5010 Posts: 2 Member
    okay so i am 5'2 and i weigh 130ish and i have lost 12 pounds but i feel like i dont know what to do but i ws wondering what kind of things you guys to to excercise? how long? what can i do at home.. beacuse i am 15 and cant really take myself to the gym ahah:) thanks!
  • Hey everyone I am 5'4, my weight is 137 and I would like to get to 120. :P Add me if you wanna
  • I'm so happy I just stumbled onto this group! This is exactly what I was looking to be a part of!
  • HEllo! I have had a lot of weight fluctuations in the past and am looking to get back around 120 I have been anywhere from 144-118 the last four years and just want to get to my goal weight and maintain
  • HI :)

    So glad I found a group who i can relate to I started at 65kg and have already lost 3 kg. My goal weight is 60kg :) and to tone up. :smile:
  • reneegirl97
    reneegirl97 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I'm 15. I am 5' 8" and I weigh 170 lbs (down from 210 lbs) I would love to get down another 30-50 pounds. I am slowly losing motivation to keep going. So encouragement is nice.