Overhead Squat

crashri Posts: 19 Member
Does anyone have suggestions for getting better at this movement? I can't hold the weight steady overhead while squatting at all and struggle with 45#-65# for the lift. Obviously this also limits the amount that I can snatch although the clean to overhead feels ridiculous with so little weight, but the catch and holding the weight steady coming out of the squat kills me.


  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Does anyone have suggestions for getting better at this movement? I can't hold the weight steady overhead while squatting at all and struggle with 45#-65# for the lift. Obviously this also limits the amount that I can snatch although the clean to overhead feels ridiculous with so little weight, but the catch and holding the weight steady coming out of the squat kills me.

    You might want to work with squat, deadlift, and GHD to improve your OHS' stability.

    I think you have a wrong standing form. It could be your foot placement, open up your hip, straight up your body, and lock elbow. I don't know. I need to see vid.
  • rainbos
    rainbos Posts: 75 Member
    YUP i got one. DO THIS WITH NO WEIGHT. this is just to get your form down. Hands up, in an overhead squat stance, facing a wall. Put your body right up smack against the wall. then squat slowly then back up. repeat. This forces your body up. Try it!
  • crashri
    crashri Posts: 19 Member
    Rainbos - Thanks for the suggestion. I frequently do wall-squats as part of my warm-ups so I am moving up and down in the plane correctly. The problem is definitely in my shoulders as I can front and back squat much greater weight. Just having the bar overhead, my shoulders cannot hold the bar steady for the whole movement down and back up. I have been working on shoulder mobility so that should help, but I need to build strength there too I think.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Rainbos - Thanks for the suggestion. I frequently do wall-squats as part of my warm-ups so I am moving up and down in the plane correctly. The problem is definitely in my shoulders as I can front and back squat much greater weight. Just having the bar overhead, my shoulders cannot hold the bar steady for the whole movement down and back up. I have been working on shoulder mobility so that should help, but I need to build strength there too I think.

    Yes with the strength.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Snatch balance, SOTS press, and lots of hip mobility work. check out mobilitywod.com. If you don't have the flexibility then it will be difficult.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Snatch balance, SOTS press, and lots of hip mobility work. check out mobilitywod.com. If you don't have the flexibility then it will be difficult.

    It does have so much to do with shoulder and hip mobility.
  • Hey! Just joined the group. I've only been doing Crossfit for 3-4 months, but I actually faced this problem this morning.

    Last time I did OHS I would keep my balance until the trainer would tell me I wasn't going down far enough. Then I would go that extra bit and topple over. So this morning when I saw the work out had 5 rounds of 15 OHS I was prepared for a lot of falling.

    Once there, I did a bit of skill work with the 15# and the trainer said my form was good and OK'd me to put on some weight (its a new gym with a lot of new members so the trainers are extra careful about making sure people don't over do it or do it incorrectly). I was a bit nervous because it's hard to really feel if your off your center of balance when your only holding 15#. So I just added 10# and it was perfect, enough weight that I could feel my arms sway if they weren't where they needed to be but light enough that I didn't fall over the second I got an inch off from my center.

    25# might be a bit light for you, but the principle stands- find a lighter weight, but enough that you can tell if you aren't steady.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    also work on your shoulder stability and flexibility. if you have had any shoulder issues in the past that havent been properly rehhbed (then you will need to take care of that.

    shoulder flexibility will also effect your front squats too as well as any movements where you start with the bar at shoulder level
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    its easiest for me if i throw a few 10's on the bar... also i throw ten's under my heels (i lift in flat shoes) to help with mobility. the dimes under my heels have helped immensely!
  • ricestephanie11
    ricestephanie11 Posts: 25 Member
    A cue that really helped me was "pull the bar like taffy." It helped me to be more stable.
  • Try widening your grip on the bar. If your grip is too narrow, the weight will tend to shift forward as you sink into the bottom of your squat. A wider grip allows more rotation in your shoulder as you descend, making it easier to keep the weight over your heels.
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    i really have to warm up my hips before i do these.
    i think shoulder strength is really important. especially if you're trying to go heavier with these.
    wide grip is also key.
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    these are awesome for your core
  • gfbrummer
    gfbrummer Posts: 25 Member
    I had that problem as well. it also affected me on the snatch squat as well. I widened my stand slightly and turned my toes out a little. I also had to experiment with my hand placement on the bar. If they were too close it would drift forward. If it was too wide it seemed to go back on me.