How'd you meet your SO?

FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
Thought I'd bring up some good memories today and ask the question "how did you meet your significant other?"

I'll start - we met on our first day of work and were both in the same training class. He asked me out a trillion times over the next year and I declined each time since we sat next to each other at work and I didn't want to date a co-worker. I finally said yes a year later when I was out of the country for a few months for work - I figured if things weren't going to work out, I might as well be an ocean away so it wouldn't be awkward, HA! 4.5 years after I said yes, we're married and have our first baby on the way, so I'm thinking it was a good decision :)

What about y'all?


  • mainesm
    mainesm Posts: 107 Member
    Awww cute story. Sounds like things were meant to be and he knew it.. =)

    My SO and I started dating in HS (March 2005). I was a junior and he was a sophomore. He had a GF so I MySpaced him, but I didn't really talk to him until I heard they broke up. He asked me out a few weeks later. I didn't think we would last over the first summer let alone the past SEVEN years!!!! We moved into our first house together in June 2009. We married April 2011, bought our current home June 2012 and expecting our first child January 2013 <3
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I actually met my boyfriend as i was kicking him and some of his buddies out of a bar! lol. I was a bouncer ( yes this place hired a female bouncer! ) at a country line dancing bar, my boyfriend came in with a couple of his college friends one who was a lil too drunk. After his buddy vomited on the floor we asked them to leave. I was one of the bouncers who had to escort him out. He was hitting on me the whole way to their car and just got my name. At the time i was on a dating website and apparently he was on the same one. He somehow found me on there and contacted me through my email their. Since i was looking to date at the time i accepted his invitation for a date. In the beginning I wasnt sure i wanted to date him but i really enjoyed talking with him and hanging out. THe more we hung out the more i started to like him. Unfortunately by this time he had graduated college and moved back home which was 2 hours away. We visited each other almost every weekend and within about 3 months of dating I knew that I was in love and had found the One. We made the long distance relationship work for a year before i made the decision to move up to his town. I left my job , friends and family in January of 2012 to move in with him. By May we found out we were pregnant and are expecting our first baby around Christmas
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Sweet stories!

    My hubs and I met probably 5 years or so ago through mutual friends, I didn't see him often but I knew there was something about him that caught my eye..I found him on myspace from a friends page and messaged him to see how he was doing (not thinking anything would come of it) and we went from messages to texting each other in no time! We. We started hanging out when our jobs would allow and just hit it off...similar to Jamie's story, after probably 3 months I knew I was in love with him and that he was the one I could spend the rest of my life with! He proposed on Valentine's day a year aftrr we started dating and we were married four months later. Here we are 2 1/2 years after being married expecting our first baby around my hubs birthday and I have never been/didn't think I could ever be this happy!!!!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    He moved in next door when I was about 12.. I was the girl the next door. lol We started off as friends. As we grew older a crush developed. I remember telling him @14 I'd be his bride one day. We started officially dating when I was 17. Got married the next year. And will be celebrating 6 blessed years in April. :) Truly my soul mate. and couldn't imagine life with anyone else.
  • wicklc
    wicklc Posts: 70 Member
    We were introduced by friends, my best friend was dating his friend. We had both just gotten out of crummy relationships so they decided to set us up. We went fourwheeling and camping one weekend with some friends and hit it off and have been inseparable since then! We met in 2009, were engaged in 2010, closed on our house April 2011 and were married June 2011 and found out we were expecting our little one April 2012 :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I met mine through a mutual friend when I was 18. She invited him over to my house (when my parents were gone) to party! I had just gotten over my high school boyfriend and thought he was just a rebound kind of thing. TMI-but we had sex, but then I made him stop...and he still called I just felt so terrible about it at first, because I'm not that kind of gal. Anyway, he grew up close to me but when we met he was going to school in Chicago. So for the first 8 months of knownig him we took turns commuting (4hrs) on the weekends to see each other and talked on the phone at least once a day. I liked his persistance obviously!! We have been together 10 years and married 4! Although he has his issues, I love him and I know he loves me, and that is what is most important.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ready for a novel? Here goes.

    My husband and I met in law school. We were friendly but not dating because at the beginning of law school I was with a guy I'd been with for about three years, and he'd started dating one of my classmates who, incidentally, didn't like me.

    Over Christmas break, I broke up with my boyfriend (I was basically being cheated on), and his girlfriend (my classmate) got engaged to her ex-boyfriend and didn't tell my now-husband about it! A few months later, he and I started hanging out together by virtue of mutual friends, then a lot by ourselves, and it slowly developed into a dating relationship.

    When the next school year started, some chick who had a crush on him started a rumor that I had "stolen" him from her over the summer and that he was really hooking up with her and wanted to be with her instead. (Seriously, law school is worse than high school sometimes.) A friend heard about it and clued me in. I had never been the subject of gossip before and did NOT like it, so I confronted him. He said that he had been interested in dating her before we ever started dating but that they were just friends. I basically told him that he had to make his choice, that if he had any interest in her, he had to either let me go or let her go, that I would not put up with being in the middle of some stupid high school crush-turned-love-triangle thing. He chose me and pretty much stopped talking to her altogether (she was a little psycho anyway).

    I never pushed him to be in a relationship (though I knew pretty quickly that he was the one for me), so I just let him make the calls as we went along. It didn't take long for him to say he loved me and later that he wanted to be with me forever. About 10 months after we started dating, he proposed, and we got married about a year and a half after that.

    A few months after our fourth wedding anniversary, our son was born, and now we've been married for over six years and are expecting our second :happy:
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I met my husband through a mutual a bar. His pickup line was "Give me a kiss and I'll buy you a drink!"

    Who says you don't meet quality men at a bar? :laugh:

    We've been married 4 1/2 years and have a little girl on the way.
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 47 Member
    This is fun-
    My husband and I met at Banana Republic. He was working there and so was a friend of my sister.
    I was visiting my sister for my month break in school ( My siter was in GA and I was in LA) and was going to do some holiday work at the mall. Well I ended up doing holiday work at Banana.
    I will never forget our very first interaction. I was wearing Tommy pants and he said you can't wear those here. You have to wear Banana clothes. I said if you would stop looking at my butt you not know which brand of pants i was wearing. He laughed and said well played.
    He later asked me if I wanted to go shopping for a ornament for the store's christmas ornament exchange party. I did not think much of it and said sure. We went before a shift one day. it was not really a date. I said in passing I liked this one ornament and the next day he brought it to me at work.
    3 weeks later I told my paretns I was taking a semester off of school. that semester turned into forever. I stayed in GA. we kept dating and have been married for 9 years.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I met hubs on an online dating website. We bonded over our mutual nerdiness. :smile:
  • Skatha89
    Skatha89 Posts: 49 Member
    I love the bouncer story!

    SO and I met in HS (2004) he was a sophomore and I was a freshman. We liked each other but didn't think the other liked the other one, so we never acted on it. I was the only one in our group who wasn't scared of him (he's a big muscular guy who did a lot of street fighting). We both had our first gf/bf throughout HS and some college. But in 2008, we were both single and flirting a bit. We started dating 4 years ago in October, and we now have 2 sons (1 is OTW).
  • mainesm
    mainesm Posts: 107 Member
    I probably should also mention that we went to the same elementary school and I cheer for his pound ball football team. I don't remember him from either, but he swears he remembers me.

    Also, we watched one of his home movies from his choir concert in first grade, his step-dad scanned the audience and my parents were sitting right next to them. LOL It was fate =)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Funny how so many of you met your husbands/SOs really young!

    Not that we were old; we were 23 and 25 when we met, 24 and 26 when we started dating, and 26 and 28 when we got married. But a lot of you know each other from when you were kids :heart:
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I met my husband when I was 18 through my cousin who was his best friend.. He is 5 years older than me, and my cousin brought him on our family vacation to the Outer banks. I had a boyfriend at the time, but I immediately hit it off with Tom when I met him. Many women would have found him intimidating considering he is a big, muscular guy with a shaved head, but I was immediately drawn to his confident, outgoing personality. Fast forward one month after vacation, and I had broken up with my boyfriend and started frequently hanging out with my cousin and his friends, including Tom. He and I started hanging out solo, and in November 2004, we started dating. We were married June 2007 and have since had two lovely girls and a sweet little boy. We will find out the sex of our fourth baby on Friday, and I love him more every day!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I met my sweetheart at work, on the cardiac telemetry floor of a large hospital, working the night shift. I was a new RN, and he was a new respiratory therapist. He was very quiet, but I noticed he would hang around the nurses' station when he wasn't busy. I began challenging him to games of tic-tac-toe, hang man, and dots when I wasn't busy. I was the one who finally asked him if he wanted to come over and help me paint/wallpaper my newly-bought house. I told him I'd provide the beer. He drove 55 miles to my house, stayed the night...and didn't even try to kiss me! He hugged me and kissed my hand before he left that morning. I was not used to men being so "old fashioned", and I discovered that I liked being treated that way. We talked/flirted/hung out for about 2 months before he finally did kiss me.

    But I had already been through a divorce (I had a 2yo from that marriage), and I did not want a serious relationship. I told him I still wanted to date other guys. He said that was fine, that we could just hang out when I had time. But when other guys would ask me out, I always declined. I found I would rather spend time with him instead. From the first time that he came to my house, neither of us dated anyone else.
    We wound up getting married 2 1/2 years later, will be married for 13 years this December, and this is our sixth baby together. And we are still very much in love. He still opens doors for me, kisses my hand, and leaves fresh gardenias beside my computer, in my car, on my dresser... :heart:
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Actually, I was 1 of 3 people that got my husband kicked out of high school. Obviously, we lost touch. We met back up when we were both 20 years old, after my fiance (read: High School Sweetheart) had just broken up with me. He'd cleaned up his act, so we started hanging out. Before I knew it, we were a couple. I'm not sure either of us were prepared for that.....

    Eight years later, I'm pregnant with our 4th child. We've had some ups and downs, mostly from us being raised in completely different atmospheres. But it's a never ending adventure with him, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Met my husband 14 years ago at of course a bar!! I was 20 years old and my roommate was a cocktail waitress there and I had to bring her her id and he walked in with an Elvis impersonator. She was complaining to them about how no one was tipping and he was trying to get her to give him my number. I wanted nothing to do with him so I left and went home she ended up giving him our number and he kept calling and I kept avoiding him. Two weeks later I came home from work and he was sitting in my apartment. My roommate had invited him over. This went on for 2 months I was trying to nicely tell him I was not interested and my roommate kept telling him I was and having him show up where I will be and inviting him over. Eventually I gave him a chance regardless that he was 6 years older and we were married on the day that we had actually meet. 13 years later and baby #2 on the way. Everyone has good times and bad times its all on how you handle the bad times. And no neither one of us speak to that roommate she was definitely a meddler.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Awh! I love all of your stories! My story, still feels unbelieveable even though I've lived it. Honestly, it happened so fast that if I had blinked I may have missed the whole thing.

    A few months before we met, I had just called off an engagement and wedding. We had planned the whole wedding, bought the dress, booked the venues, etc... and then 6 weeks before the ceremony I got a call from a former best friend telling me that she and my fiance had been sleeping together. So, I ditched the groom - packed my wedding all up in my parents basement and headed back to school. After a few short-lived relationships and a handful of awful blind dates, I soon realized I didn't need a man and made plans for travel and finishing my degree.

    And then, once I "had it all figured out" - in waltzed this amazing guy. He was this old fashioned, polite, well mannered, musical, athletic, tall, dark, and handsome stranger. But, I had plans for my life - and no room for a new guy... so I tried to get he and my roommate together. But she was working crazy hours - and because she wasn't ever around they never really hit it off. After a week or two of the hit and miss encounters, he decided to ask me to go to a movie with him.

    We started spending more and more time together and he obviously had romantic intentions - but I couldn't "see a future with him" because I was so sure that I didn't need (or want) a Prince Charming. One night he asked if he could kiss me, and I told him no... another night he asked if i was still seeing anyone else, and I told him yes (I wasn't, but I wanted options)... and finally it dawned on me that we had fallen in love.

    He proposed in the beginning of September and we were married in December. Even though we only had a few short months to plan, it all went very smoothly because my sweetheart loved everything I'd picked out from my prior attempt down the aisle. Next month we will celebrate our 3rd Wedding Anniversary and we couldn't be happier. Marriage always has it's ups and downs - but even in the down times I'd rather fight with him, then love anyone else.
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    My husband and I met when we were 9 or 10 in middle school, became best friends, started dating when we were 15, moved in together at 18, got married at 19, and we're finally pregnant at 21. It's kind of sad that there isn't a detailed story of our courtship.
    It was literally, "Hey, be my girlfriend." "Okay."
    "Wanna get married eventually?" "Sure."
    "Wanna get married in June?" "Eh, why not."
    We got married on 6/8/10, and I'm the only one who didn't realize what a neat date that was until someone pointed it out.