Things Vegans Commonly Hear

I'm English, so I love to complain about things. So I thought I'd start a thread for people to discuss the cliche questions vegans get.

"Where do you get your protein from" (Answer: from eating the flesh of people who wask me where I get my protein from)

"Don't you miss _____?" I CHOSE to give it up. If i had to give something up because I was allergic then I might.

"What about Bacon" Some of the phrases I hear about bacon (particularly when aimed at Vegans) make people sound like they're addicted. Try it next time you hear someone talk about how amazing bacon is and replace "Bacon" with "Cocaine" or "Booze"

Any more?


  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    You don't eat meat? What do you eat????

    I get asked this alllll the time. Of course, I also live in East Texas, land of the red necks and hunters. So I am kind of a freak show to most people!!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Plants are livings things
  • blunder_bolt
    blunder_bolt Posts: 32 Member
    "If we didnt breed animals for food, so many of them would never live. We gave them the gift of life"
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    "If we didnt breed animals for food, so many of them would never live. We gave them the gift of life"

    Wow. Just WOW
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Plants are livings things

    "and how do you know they dont feel pain too??"

    plus all of the above including the argument that we put the animals here for us to eat.

    currently i am tired of all the "carbs are BAD..protein and fat GOOD" arguments. and "meat and milk are GOOD for you"
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    Plants are livings things

    "and how do you know they dont feel pain too??"

    plus all of the above including the argument that we put the animals here for us to eat.

    currently i am tired of all the "carbs are BAD..protein and fat GOOD" arguments. and "meat and milk are GOOD for you"

    "Because we know how nervous systems work in organisms that have them. Did you not pay attention in 10th grade biology?"

    On that note, there was a study done with results published in Scientific American in 2009 demonstrating that fish experience and seek to avoid a range of discomfort and pain... for the "vegetarians" in your life who still "enjoy" fish occasionally.

    I guess the biggest trouble I haven't isn't with all the same old stupidities thrown at us by people who are ignorant, hostile, or both.

    It's actually with the amount of ignorance, mysticism and anti-social sentiment propagated by the so-called "natural health" and environmentalist communities, with which vegans are typically associated. There's a wide streak of anti-social sentiment that ends up being, perhaps unintentionally, quite backwards (e.g., people are a cancer on the earth, they need to consume less and/or die off, there are too many of us, etc.).

    Not every vegan's an out-and-out deep ecologist but it's an influential set of ideas lately with the lack of serious political response to the economic and environmental crises.
  • MeanieD
    "I used to be veg*n, but I missed ________________ too much."
  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    Plants are livings things

    ^^^^^^^THAT. Thank God I don't hear too much criticism but when I hear that, ESP from someone I had previously presumed educated and intelligent, it just frays my last nerve...
  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    I've never been a big fan of bacon anyway, so not a problem. I mostly miss FRIED stuff- fried chcken, fried fish, fried oysters, etc. Fried foods are not necessarily animal foods, so I can sub with something else if need be. Ironically, I recently "tested" myself with a fried oyster and found I did not even enjoy the taste anymore, so problem SOLVED :)
  • jemjemsh
    jemjemsh Posts: 35 Member
    1) "where do you get protein from" - my new response is where do elephants get their protein from, they just eat plants and seem to do just fine :D
    2) "plants have feelings too" - dumbass, you eat plants too
    3) "I could be vegan but I'd miss X too much" - ok, so why don't you cut out everything but X?
  • jemjemsh
    jemjemsh Posts: 35 Member
    I mostly miss FRIED stuff- fried chcken, fried fish, fried oysters, etc.
    If you're talking fried chicken like KFC style, try some popcorn 'chicken' not diet friendly but SOOO GOOOOD
  • LucybellMocha
    "WHAT do you eat?" and "I could NEVER give up cheese!". I hear these two things most often. Its astonishing how people live in fear of losing their cheese.
  • speedy001
    speedy001 Posts: 91 Member
    I really enjoy the what do you eat question because at least that one is interesting to answer as I am somewhat food obsessed. Protein and calcium questions are annoying and the whole plants feel pain too does do my nut.

    Most distressing thing I have heard is my daughters friends telling me that their parents wouldnt let them become vegetarian. What the?? Sadly I know its true but really you have to eat dead animal bits and pieces how nuts does that sound.
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    Edit: Forgot to quote: "If we didnt breed animals for food, so many of them would never live. We gave them the gift of life"

    That has got to be one of the most ..assinine things I've heard. It's like saying puppy mills are great because those suffering animals at least have a life. What's the point of life if it's an existence not for yourself? Just wow.
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    I remember the first thing my mother said to me when I became veg:

    "If you don't eat meat, you're going to DIE!"

    Decade later.. healthier than the lot of them and I seem to not have perished away. It must be magic.. lol
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I get a lot of eye rolling. I'm one of few liberals in my area, so I'm already considered a bit crazy. I recycle religiously, compost, eat mostly organic, and now I'm vegan. People here think I'm completely off my rocker!
  • KarCrib
    KarCrib Posts: 39 Member
    I get a lot of eye rolling. I'm one of few liberals in my area, so I'm already considered a bit crazy. I recycle religiously, compost, eat mostly organic, and now I'm vegan. People here think I'm completely off my rocker!

    Oh me too. I live in a small blue collar town in Quebec, Canada. I am definitely an oddity, people don't get it. That is ok. I live and let live... I get the odd ignorant comment but I try to inform and educate, some people really DON'T know where we get our protein, I like to think it is out of interest and education and not out of judgement when they ask me.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I really enjoy the what do you eat question because at least that one is interesting to answer as I am somewhat food obsessed. Protein and calcium questions are annoying and the whole plants feel pain too does do my nut.

    Most distressing thing I have heard is my daughters friends telling me that their parents wouldnt let them become vegetarian. What the?? Sadly I know its true but really you have to eat dead animal bits and pieces how nuts does that sound.

    Thats what happened to my..I was not allowed to go veg as a kid in the 70's. Parents wouldnt hear of it. You can imagine how much distress it causes them that both my girls (ages 10 and 4) are vegetarian and my son almost veggie..and it was totally their choice! I hear all the time how I am probably not giving them enough protein...and mind you the 10 yo..who has been veggie since she was a competitive gymnast
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Weird thing that I have heard a few times "You know, vegetarians can be fat too."

    I don't understand what the point of that comment is! Haters!
  • BritishVegGirl
    BritishVegGirl Posts: 17 Member
    I wasnt allowed to go vege while living at home because of protein and calcium hahaha, now my mother who cannot physically eat meat and struggles to get milk down comes to me for nutritional advice hahh